Just label it!

rlp in Co.

Well-known Member
I quit buying GMO foods a long time ago, but it was hard to get the food that I wanted. There are now a few more choices since more people like me have stopped buying GMO foods. I still can't find a salad dressing for example. I can now buy Hunts katchup and Sara Lee bread. We need a law passed so that people can know what they are buying, and you guys that don't care what you eat can still eat everything. My brother thought I was crazy; he is now dead. My neighbor said I was crazy. He just spent two months in the hospital. He doesn't call me crazy anymore! Some are thinking the bee die off is caused by the GMO crops.
Just label it
We don't need a law, we have way too many laws and more every day. If enough people want the same kind of food and are willing to pay the price then the free market will provide the product, probably already available in larger population areas.
And to what do you attribute your brothers passing and the neighbors recent hospital stay. Just wondering since we (U.S.) eat too much, we drink too much, smoke, sit on the couch, don't excercise. A myriad of causes/contributors to death and illness. GMO seedstock, herbicides, insecticides,rampant use of antibiotics. We have so many possible causes hard to really know is it not??? gobble
Could not have said it better turkey. The anti-GMO, anti-ethanol, anti-coal, PITA people are all absolutely sure that what they are against is the cause of ALL the problems. There is starvation all over the planet but anything that increases production is a bad thing. Many mods would have happened anyway but GOD gave us the intellect and ability to hurry the process.
(quoted from post at 20:23:23 01/31/12) And to what do you attribute your brothers passing and the neighbors recent hospital stay. Just wondering since we (U.S.) eat too much, we drink too much, smoke, sit on the couch, don't excercise. A myriad of causes/contributors to death and illness. GMO seedstock, herbicides, insecticides,rampant use of antibiotics. We have so many possible causes hard to really know is it not??? gobble
Unfortunately there are a few groups out there that are taking the liberty of assuming any seed that is not heirloom is GMO.....and people are falling for it. They don't know the difference between a GMO and a hybrid, and are putting them all in the same category. Then they find any health condition they can to support their claims....and too scare the crap out of the uninformed.
There is a lot of hype and misinformation on this topic.

Fortunately, we live in a country with choices and oppertunity, and we may grow GMO or not.

And we have labeling and govt oversite to know if your food is organic or not.

Many places label their products as non-gemo, and so you have exactly what you wish. There is less oversite on this tho, you have to 'trust' the people putting the label on.

But, the labels are there.

I'd stay away from that ketchup to, you know those tomatoes have been bred so they can handle transportation from the field to the processor without turning to mush. And are you sure that wheat in the bread has all been tested for genetic purity? You will just have to grow ALL your own food, and make sure that when it pollinates that there are no air borne spores from GMO plants to cross with your plants.
I hate to tell you this but we're all gonna die. Modified or hybrid food is bad for you. The air is bad for you. The water is bad for you. The sun is bad for you. I'm sure we would all be healthier if we ate what we grew just like most folk's did a hundred years ago but guess what? Most of those folk's didn't live half as long as we do now. Danged if you do & danged if you don't. Ain't much point in worrying about it.
If they are not compelled to label it, how can you tell what you are eating.?
Check the salt content in salad dressing,
I am no fan of GMO, but you're seeing a cause-and-effect where no evidence exists. Elvis is dead, too, but he never ate any GMO food.
Years ago the fight was over putting preservatives in food to extend the shelf life. Today it is GMO food.
I think it would be hard to find enough food to sustain a good health if you limited your self to real food only. Especially if you live in the city. No GMO and no preservatives.

The real question is how far will we take GMO.
We now have GMO pigs with less harmful poop and even GMO cows that produce human breast milk coming threw the research channels.
all its gonna take is one big outbreak of a foodborn illness at the wrong time that the gov't decides was caused by some farmers market or "organic" packaged food and the days of ANYBODY being able to grow and sell something without it going through a gov't inspection are over.

It already happened to milk and the local vegetables and farmers markets are next.

How many types of commerce that are not regulated and taxed do you know of, especially food related.

You anti-everything folks will get what you are wishing for soon enough. The gov't will make sure you're safe alright, safe just how THEY want you to be, not how YOU want to be
GMO foods are ALL foods, you idiot! Crops have been bred, for thousands of years, for better traits, higher yields, bigger ears, insect resistance, rot resistance, length of season, and I haven't touched a 10th of it. The only difference, is that with GMO, it takes less time to modify the plant, than it used to. My advice is to get some education, before you post!
Eat what you want. My big grip is that many consider any thing developed by selection as GMO. And that means most every thing. Nature has been doing that since the start of time. Round up ready is on the top of their hit list. I though round up ready corn was bred by selection, not GMO. GMO is when they crossed a tomato with a fish so that it could stand freezing--I am not joking here.
Don't worry about it too much RIP. Study history. All those people DIED. We will too plenty soon enough I think. No tell me again why you want to live forever?
The real problem is modern medicine.

Modern medicine allows babies that normally would've died in the womb, or very early in life, to make it to adulthood with genetic defects.

Often the defect isn't detected and the person mysteriously drops dead. If you go back and look, I bet you'll find that many of their mothers had to be medicated to prevent a miscarriage. Nature was telling us something, but we flipped nature the bird. Better living through chemistry.

Of course being the totally illogical and irrational people we are, we blame the subject of the latest media frenzy. This time it's GMO. In the 1980's it was the Japanese. Salt and fat keep getting turns on the flogging pole every little while.

Where do you think all these kids with asthma, peanut allergies, etc. are coming from? Years ago you would've found these children lying dead in the crib, and nobody would know why. Now they grow up and pass on their problems to their children. Give it a couple of generations, and it looks like an epidemic.
All livestock are GMO, too! Have been ever since the invention of the fence! And especially since the advent of atificial insemination. You "so-called greenies" need to get an education, and then get a LIFE! Let us farmers (the "REAL environmentalists") continue to be good stewards of the land, AND feed the world!
Got news for you. You're gonna die too. Trouble with labeling it is that it insinuates that there's something wrong with GMO. If that's your political belief,fine.
As far as eating "healthy",my Dads best friend back in the day had a wife that rode his back side constantly about what he ate. Couldn't even have a piece of pie when they went for coffee because she might find out. Poor guy slipped on the ice and ruptured his spleen and died. Guess he could have had the pie after all.
Colorado has "legal" medical marijuana, I wonder if the ill make sure that their "medicine" is pure and not GMO for more medicinal kick. Colorado is the new California.

Can you explain how the invention of the fence; the use of artificial insemination; or any other normal farming tactics is going to produce a cow that produces human milk??

If GMO is a natural process that is just sped up in a lab environment how many years of breeding do you think it would take to get a cow to produce human milk without the use of the lab??

If you do not respond because you can not come up with a logical answer we will understand.
First off, I'm not opposed to GMO food. I use antibiotics in my pigs when I need to and if you want to put hormones in your steers, have at it. There are alot of people not starving today because of abundant cheap food.

Now then....

This whole thread is what is wrong with things today. It started out as a post about GMO and has turned into just a bunch of people yammering. Pretty soon, the people yammering the loudest get to a lawmaker and we have a regulation that was based on no fact or knowledge.

GMO refers to genetically modified by gene splicing.... at the DNA level. It's not crioss breeding or artifically inseminating or fencing pastures!! Quit trying to muddy the conversation. Should it have a different name?? Who cares, it's the one it has.

I just had this conversation with my sister in law last week. Here's what I told her to make her understand better. Here's the GMO For Dummies explanation in a nutshell: cornstalks used to start to rot before the grain was harvested and they would fall down. Scientists discovered peanut plants didn't, so they went in and found the gene that kept them from rotting as fast and replaced the corn gene with the peanut gene. Now the corn stalk doesn't rot as fast. Corn plants and peanut plants would never cross pollinate, so that is genetically modified.

That's over simplified but she understood. Now lets quit talking about hybrid vigor and GMO in the same terms, it's like saying the caveman that invented the wheel put a man on the moon.... it's kind of a stretch.

You guys go back to arguing amongst yourselves.

I was not refering to the production of human milk from a cow, but to the topic in general.

GMO stands for genetically modified organism. Fences allow a farmer to seperate his animals so they cannot breed unrestricted. AI allows him to breed not only to the animal of his choice, but said animal does not even to be on the premises (or same continent for that matter)! Such selective breeding, as opposed to open breeding by the every male on scene, has allowed the farmer/researcher/breeder to "genetically modify" the organism (in this case an animal) to his liking/specifications.

The same can be said for plants. So called "non-GMO" crops that are grown are mostly hybrids, cross-bred to select the best traits fron two or three different parents. Even open pollinated varieties were developed by selecting seed from plants that showed certain desirable traits, for a particular usage. All of these types of breeding and selecting for certain traits are, technically' "genetic egineering" thereby creating a "genetically modified organism".

I hear all of this propaganda about GMO crops being bad. Bad for who? The farmer who can raise more food on the same/less acres, thereby negating the need to clear more land, and saving the precious rainforest (not that I am at all against that).

It also allows for higher prodution with less labor, which is good since there are less farmers than there used to be. Let's see, fewer farmers feeding more people on the same or less acres. Yeah, that's got to be bad for somebody, right?

Or maybe it is bad for the millions of people who have been, and will be, saved from starvation. Should we just let them die? This brings us to the question of who decides who dies and who lives.

You see, I have thought a lot about this. I think I have good reasons for believing the way I do. Since I don't agree with you, I doubt you will consider my argument to be reasonable, but that's okay with me. You are entitled to your opinion of people who think like me, just as I am entitled to my opinion of people who think like you. You see, if we all thought alike, somebody might decide we were "genetically modified organisms" and want us destroyed. Come to think of it, we are, in most cases. I would hope that at least some of our parents were selective in who they bred with. I know mine were.

Elvis is dead?? He and MJ are living somewhere,Your neighborhood?
It was! Had it not been for that "POISON" food, he would not have had the energy to take the dog out! No, wait a minute! The dog did it, if he didn't have a dog, he wouldn't have died while walking it. That's it! We need to outlaw dogs! Or maybe outlaw walking?! Was he wearing shoes? Maybe he tripped on the laces! Let's outlaw shoes!

Oh, I could go on and on!
We can't prove anything 100% safe - probably nothing in this world actually is? Lot of the food poisoning outbreaks end up coming from organic type sources, so likely a lot of deaths occured over the centuries from organic causes, compared to nothing ever proven from gmo sources?

It's pretty easy to fear things we don't quite understand, and once we form an opinion about something, we cling to those beliefs - er - opinions. Religion, politics, food choices, etc.

This site pretty well can shock you, as to the dangers we live with every day:

nearby danger
I don't think that the anti-GMO, PITA, anti-coal people are also anti-ethanol. Completely different(opposite) group
My sister was involved in Monarch butterfly research. If the Monarch caterpillar ate GMO vegetation, it died. That is a fact.
To say that Gregor Mendel is the the first person to produce GMO seed is pretty rediculous. Normal plant breeding and genetics is not even close to the same as what is meant by the GMO label. Yes, techinically any selective breeding program does "modify" the genes. What the GMO label refers to is genetic manipulation that could never ever take place in nature. There is no possible way to ever naturally breed a bt corn variety or round up ready soy beans. It can only be done in a lab. Hybrids are not the same as GMO's. It's apples and oranges. Unless the apples have been genetically modified to tast like oranges.
Let's be factual here though. The GMO that killed the Monarchs was the Bt gene. That particular Bt is a protein that isn't digestable by certain insects,so since it can't be digested,they die. It's specific to those certain insects and doesn't effect anything BUT them. If they ate GMO that was altered for Roundup Ready,it would have no effect on them.
Thank you for your response. One of the best thing about this site is both of us get to hear the views of others we normally would not have a chance to otherwise.
So allow me to play devils advocate some more and talk about GMO in general.

In my mind GMO and hybrids from controlled breeding are two different animals. They are not animals of a different color but two totally different species.

While it is true GMO feeds more people with less farmers on less land that may not be the driving force. I feel bigger profits is the root of this driving force. That is not a bad thing but on the other hand believing in something just because it makes for a better bottom line is not always the best path to take. Growing said products may be the best path to take for now but believing in it is a different story.

Many wonder how you can invent a chemical that kills every plant in site; and then invent a plant that it will not kill. Is that really a good thing. Or are we living in the present and saying to he!! with the future. What will we do when we can not kill weeds; or bugs take over because they have become resistant. Go back to using chemicals like DDT that also harms humans and destroys wildlife.

The list goes on and on.
Ask a city kid what butter taste like. Not the oil we eat today.
Ask him what real chicken taste like not the 6 week old cage bird of today.
On and on…………

The bottom line always rules. Do what ever you can to bring in more and send out less money.
RR soybeans are a speeded up process, some weeds are now
resistant to roundup and I'm pretty sure that noone is splicing
genes to make better weeds. Mother nature does wonderous
(quoted from post at 10:43:22 02/01/12) My sister was involved in Monarch butterfly research. If the Monarch caterpillar ate GMO vegetation, it died. That is a fact.

I would guess that they were only testing the "BT" GMO, which was designed to kill the corn borer...which is the larvae stage of a moth, which I believe would be in the butterfly family.
Well then let's just get rid of all GMO and BT plants and go back to pouring millions of gallons of herbicides and insecticides into the soil and spraying millions of gallons of insecticides on top of the crops.
Which one do you want, modified plants that require practically no soil applied chemicals and less insecticide, or chemically saturated soil? Or do you want no modified plants and no chemicals and no food.

We farmers will be rich. No chemical expense, cheap seed and sky high prices for our grain because of a severe shortage. We will be farming like the old days, bare highly cultivated soil that erodes away down the river.Jim
Why are you all so afraid of a little label on food? You want us to be forced to eat your poisoned food. You are very good NAZIS!
Did I say poisoned food? Yes! The poison is now inside of the food instead of outside where it can be washed off.
What school did some of you go to? You think GMO and hybrids are the same? Who would believe that people could be that stupid!
What are you going to say to Jehovah when your wife, child, grandchild gets cancer or some unexplained disease? Will you still love all that money you have piled in the bank? The love of money is the root of all evil, the Bible.
Have you seen a frog, a lady bug, a praying mantis on your farm since you started soaking your land with herbicide? Have you rested your land once every 7 years like the Bible says to do?
Unbelievable FEAR over a little label so people can choose God's food or the devil's food.
If you want gmo free, then grow it yourself, or find a farmer you trust and pay him to grow it. Not all the crops grown are gmo. Alot are just hybrids. Don't know if it's sold specifically labeled, but there are alot of IP crops out there that should make your green little heart quite content. I would love to only eat GMO free foods, but I realize it's just about impossible.
Ah. Well that changes everything.

I was trying to have an honest conversation. ;)

As I said, you already got the label - look for the word 'organic' or many of the private labels, typically with the word 'Natual' in it and some overseeing orginization's stamp to see the grains met some sort of standard.

I'm not afraid of those labels at all, more power to them. Pretty good deal we got going there. Think I even have a few of those labels in the 'fridge.

Don't you?

That is exactly what I want to do, pay a farmer to grow natural food. That's why I want to have it labeled.
And by the way, I do grow natural food, but I can't grow everything.
Amazing ain't it. It ued to be the mission of churches to feed the hungry. Now these absolute wack jobs want to invoke religion to cause MASS starvation. Unbelievable,just totally unbelievable.
The point was more that people with an agenda KNOW that what they believe is the ONLY right thing, not trying to tie those groups toegether in any way, just groups that i've run into who have the only right view.
(quoted from post at 15:11:11 02/01/12) Amazing ain't it. It ued to be the mission of churches to feed the hungry. Now these absolute wack jobs want to invoke religion to cause MASS starvation. Unbelievable,just totally unbelievable.

Just in case you don't watch the world news there is mass starvation all over the world. So what have you done to stop it? Donated any of your crops? Most have only increased their production and profits just like the major corporations that people yell about without care or concern that you are producing a safe product. "Well they told me it was safe"......I'm not saying it's safe or not but their are 2 sets of studies. One from the likes of Monsanto and the other being university studies. I never trust the manufacturers studies.....cause of that greed factor.

I do hope you have noticed that I never bring religion into conversations here.

(reply to post at 15:19:39 02/01/12)

it appears you also KNOW that what you believe is right. Everybody has there opinion. History has shown what happens when huge corporations develop a product that is supposed to be benign then later turns out to have horrible effects on the environment as a whole.
bigger isn't always better
That link was absolutely PRICELESS! You can even donate to the cause. LOL. Whoever did that was GOOD.

I can label your food for you, very quickly. Very cheaply. If it's comercially available today... it has some form of GMO ingredients in it somewhere. Nuff said. Labeled. No law required.

Therein lies the problem! Idiots who want to tell us farmers how to do our jobs, and take care of our soil and land, but haven't got the foggiest idea what it really take to produce enough food to feed the world. The only thing they know is that their way is right, and ours is wrong, and we farmers are so greedy that we don't care if we poison the very land that we depend on to make a living. In some cases, the same land our families have care for and passed on for generations (5 in my case), and want to pass on to future generations in better shape than when it was passed to us.

My guess is that most of these knuckleheads have office jobs, probably something tech related, and in all reality, don't produce any tangible product. Just ideas and theories. They think if it sounds good, and they can sell the idea to somebody just like them, it must work! You have to be able to think about it like a math problem. If you change any part of the equation, you change the outcome. The thing you have to remember is that there are so few farmers/ag workers left in America, that we don't even have a category listing on the U.S. Census forms any more. This means that we are now less than 2% of the population, yet we still produce enough food to feed BILLIONS of people.

I'm sure that most of us, myself included, would be glad to raise our crops organically, using no fertilizers or chemicals, just as soon as somebody figures out how to do it profitably, and still be able to feed the world's population. Yes, I said profitably. I'm sure you think that is a dirty word, but we have to eat too!
(quoted from post at 12:19:30 02/01/12) Why are you all so afraid of a little label on food? You want us to be forced to eat your poisoned food. You are very good NAZIS!
Did I say poisoned food? Yes! The poison is now inside of the food instead of outside where it can be washed off.
What school did some of you go to? You think GMO and hybrids are the same? Who would believe that people could be that stupid!
What are you going to say to Jehovah when your wife, child, grandchild gets cancer or some unexplained disease? Will you still love all that money you have piled in the bank? The love of money is the root of all evil, the Bible.
Have you seen a frog, a lady bug, a praying mantis on your farm since you started soaking your land with herbicide? Have you rested your land once every 7 years like the Bible says to do?
Unbelievable FEAR over a little label so people can choose God's food or the devil's food.

That little irrational religious tirade just destroyed any credibility you might've had in this argument.
Ya know, I was debating on wither or not to put in a garden at the new place this year. After these two threads, I'm now tiller shoppin'. :wink:

I can't debate the GMO factor like some of you considering the background I'm from, but I can tell you this, things on the local grocery shelf are after your appetite and money. If you're trusting a corporate brand or even the government to police what's going down your throat, good luck!

(quoted from post at 01:27:03 02/02/12) So are there lower levels of estrogen in organically grown cabbage,potatoes,peas,or soybeans than those levels that I posted then?

I'd have to think they'd have lower levels of estrogen than yourself, because you're starting to sound like a bytch.

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