Remember the post Bubba, what did you do after church?

Tom in TN

Well-known Member
Hey All,

Do you remember a post from a few days ago that had a picture of a church van parked in front of an adult book store? The name on the van was Woodlawn Baptist Church in Woodlawn, TN.

I contacted the church and asked about the image. Here's a copy of the response that I received from the pastor of the church explaining what happened:


Thanks, for the concern. It is an old picture (10 Years or so) and the van was not owned at the time by our church. It had recently been sold to a local tobacco farmer. The farmer's migrant workers where in the van when the picture was taken. The church name was supposed to be painted over prior to it being driven however that did not occur. It was painted over immediatly after this picture was brought to the farmers attention. Please keep this picture in your prayers it has long since gone viral and we hear about it regularly.

Jody Kilburn
Senior Pastor - FBC Woodlawn

So, cynics might brush off the explanation, but I, for one, appreciate and believe the pastor's explanation.

Tom in TN
Thought maybe thats what happen, Lots of them church van get sold to people to haul Amish up here in North West Pa. Just bought a x church van from W.V. They should of painted over their name,
Thanks Tom.
I suspected as much.
I think the whole episode was in poor taste.
Had I been a moderator I would have poofed it.
It surprises me how gleeful it makes some people to see the failings of their brother when it comes to religion.
I am a tobacco farmer and I always put a church or other civic org. on my van. Park any place, no tickets, INS we are going to church:>)
(quoted from post at 04:35:52 02/01/12) Thanks Tom.
I suspected as much.
I think the whole episode was in poor taste.
Had I been a moderator I would have poofed it.
It surprises me how gleeful it makes some people to see the failings of their brother when it comes to religion.

dam right.... pretty tasteless and a waste of the holy funds to be using that vehicle for private spurts...... Now lightin up a little and get a sense of humor...
BTW, it tickles the sh!t outta me when a biblethumper steps on thier PP in public.........

Now I just assumed that they were there to convert the heathens and invite them to attend church. Why would anyone assume anything else??

I as an engineer for a national telephone company did have to go out to a place just like that, to look at installing a pbx system and additional cables. I am sure a lot of people thought the worst about the """COMPANY VEHICLE"""" being parked in front. I did however tell my boss before going and documenting it with an email so there would no misunderstanding later. And of course as of a result of my engineering job, technicians showed up and installed cables and a pbx system. It seems that a customer is a customer.
I have never been in an adult store, book or otherwise. I have browsed the adult section in a mall book store and have wondered just how much more tasteless an actual adult store would be. Not enough to contemplate shopping in one.
Church vehicle sold "as is", the paint over is supposed to be buyers responsibility. Quick paint over with cheap spray can might not be compatable with buyers paint ideas and equipment- try to do Imron over rustoleum can spray and you have to grind down to metal, reprime, etc. Basic factory paint coat with one layer of signage means a spray coat of cleaner /prep, rinse and let dry, then a moderate close match to factory original on old sign, then new signage- done in day with drying time. Church vehicle sold and not painted out, new owner get tickets or not registered happened last year at church I drive for on sundays. The sale record to DOT form isn"t needed when title is transferred as supposed to-- but some business"s are doing it now to get vehicle and insurance liability off their name at time of private sale. And what does your state actually legally require from seller and buyer about signage on a private sale?? RN
Tom I haven't seen that picture but I know a few people who live up that way that have told me about it before. Still a good laugh every time I hear it!
Maybe a stupid question but is it common practice for churches to put their names on their vehicles? I don't think I've ever seen that done.
Tom, to answer your ?....Yes, At least in Texas and Okla. Every church I know of or have passed by that has a Van or large People Mover of some kind has their Name and Town on it! My Church had 4 different rigs and we support a Mission church that has 1 rig and that Mission has its name on that one!
I personally can't believe that the selling Church didn't paint a black spot over their name prior to selling! JMO!
John A.

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