do you remember Feb 1 of last year?


Farmington IL

This was what it looked like as we feed cattle on the afternoon of Feb 1 last year. The next morning we woke to two feet of snow.
We spent Feb 2nd trying to get to the cows and get them fed. We finished morning chores at 4pm that day but we did get to the cows.


We spent two days in these tractors trying to get things opened up and back to "normal".
One year later, it was over 50 degress again for what seems like a week straight. Not a hint of snow outside anywhere. He have had very little snow this year and it has been unusually mild. What a difference. I dont know what it looks like looking out your backdoor but it looks alot different than it did a year ago right now!
I sure do remember, and the week after until we got electricity again. Spent the entire week at my MIL and believe it or not no causalities. Didn't want that situation again, so i went and got a generac hooked up at home now!
Yep, I was late for work on 2-1-11. In fact the Operations manager said "a white out on the first day of black history month" Kinda funny.

I want some snow to push with my Deere.
So far I have had maybe 10" of snow all winter.
Normally I have had 20+ inches by early February.
We did have a couple of days of 1/2" of rain, which would have been several inches of snow.
Remember that day very well. Two feet of snow makes things quite interesting. Spent nearly two weeks parking in my front yard rather than attempting to get the four foot deep snow pile out of my driveway.

Temps in the upper 50's today, and so far we have only had about three snows that even stuck to the ground, never more than two inches. After that winter storm last Feb, I am pretty happy that we have seen little this winter.
There was a huge winter storm that crossed the nation on Feb 2, 2010. Never gonna forget that one. Y'all be careful out there. It can all change in an instant.

What really amazes me is that it's so much the same here in the northeast. The weather patterns here, and there are not necessarily the same at all. But it seems like much of the country is getting mild weather.
Yep I remember last year well 2 foot of snow and a hard way to go last year but this year it was in the 60s again. But as they said it was very much like this last year then all at once it hammered us hard so you never know and we still have 6 week of winter to go so one never knows

Yes I remember last year. I also remember Feb. !st 1989 when it was mid 60's here in NH.
I remember Jan. 31st 1982, St. Louis area 28 inches of snow. Blowing winds on Feb. 1st. Had to use bulldozers to open roads.
Got a little hot in Florida the past week, suppose all that has subsided now.

Nothing much you can do about the weather really but roll with the punches.
Similar to you, last January we had 3 big floods, water everywhere. This year it has been in the 90 - 104 degree range.
remember it well, spent about 5 hours stranded in the wrecker with a blown alternator, then got back to the shop at midnight, slept in the chair for an hour or so, plowed the lot out, got the flatbeds fired up and then towed till midnight the following day.
Yes I remember. Didn't make it in to work, no way could deliver mail in that.

Took me about 2 hours to get the first pass made up to the county road with my snowplow pickup. Driveway is only about 150 yards long to the county road.

Ground wasn't froze up solid, so if you got off to the side you broke through the little frost cap straight down to mud.

My IH1066 was helpless in that much snow. The loader took too much weight off the rears, the bucket was shot, just had bale spear on it.

My Ford 5000 row crop was somewhat better, at least I was able to use it to "unstick" the pickup. The locking differential makes a big difference and the tires are much better than on the 1066. It still wouldn't hold a candle to the pickup for moving snow.

I spent all day and until about 11:30 PM in the pickup to "just" do about 5 driveways besides my own. All were "must do" for all different reasons. Had to gas back up twice, went through about 35 gallons in the 16 hours I was in that pickup. No way was I going to let it get too low on fuel.

Had to have a friend of mine just basically sit and watch in his 4x4 pickup for all the times I would get ever so slightly off the edge of a driveway into the mud and be stuck again.

I hope "never again". I grew up in Nebraska, so have seen plenty of snow. But it makes a big difference if the ground is frozen solid. That was my biggest problem with this snow.

I also did live in Parker, Colorado when they got a 54 inch snow. It was not as crippling as this snow. I was actually able to report to work in that one. DOUG
You know I was just telling my wife what happened 1 year ago today. I was putting my snowblower back on my 1850 Oliver tractor because I needed it for filling the steers self feeder with corn. I was in my shed and I could see my neighbor blowing snow on his driveway around 5:30 p.m. All of a sudden I didn't see or hear him anymore with his 2-135 White tractor. I finished getting my snowblower on my tractor and walked out my shed to see where he was. Well, he backed off his driveway in the ditch and was stuck. There was so much snow and it looked like a massive white blanket that you couldn't tell where the driveway was or the ditch started. So I started down my driveway to help pull him out. Here comes my neighbor on foot to meet me. So I give him a ride back to his tractor about 1/2 mile from my place to pull him out. Long story short, is that my 70 year old neighbor was dying of colon cancer and was in a huge amount of pain with this. But he would never let you know he was miserable. Little did I know that February 1, 2011 would be the last time I would ever see him or talk to him in person again. He died March 7, 2011. I miss him everyday. He was a wonderful neighbor. Rest in peace Tricky Dick!
Kow Farmer
Feb.1, 2012. Temp. in the mid 60 s this afternoon with a lite south breeze and bright sunshine. I did some "touch up" painting out side this afternoon here in the mid. of Oklahoma. clint
I remember last year here very well. It was a royal pain you know where... At least with the ground frozen so thoroughly here in southern MO, I didn't have to deal with mud like I usually do (that is until later). This year has been incredibly easy. Warm temps, not much hay being consumed, heating with wood is a snap, hardly any problem with frozen waterers etc, truck starts, tractors start, and little rain/snow so no mud. It's like living the life of Reilly. Some folks are wondering what this year holds in store, but right now I don't care. I'll just enjoy what we've got while we've got it.

Twenty some inches in my drive over two days and Lake Shore Drive was closed with stalled cars for a few days. Some cars never did turn up - the better ones as I under stand. My snow blower worked fine - just got in in Oct.

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