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Just watched a tv ad about a new cellphone that you simply need to speak into.Vocal sounds are converted to text.Speak"send"-done.No more typing.I knew that was comming."Yesterday's science fiction is today's reality"Steve
I simply speak into my cellphone, and the person on the other end actually hears me! What a concept!
Yauh, True story my friend was messing with his new cell phone and up come a message just say who you want to call and he did. Said, Call home. Called me 100 miles away.
I loved the cone of silence part
Remember the different cars Agent 86 had
mt brother had a sunbeam alpine
Current phone has that feature for emails and text - haven"t tried to do other command oriented stuff. Its getting better each version, but still have to really watch how it translates. Yesterday was trying to send an email for "barn drawings" and it kept wanting to convert it to "p*rn drawings" Don"t think the client would have liked that.

All in all, it"s pretty good. Use it a lot as I"m driving.
Saw a commercial the other night where the guy had a cell phone that would give him anything he wanted just by saying it. He said 3 hot girls. It gave him 3 rottweilers.
I just got a new I-phone and it is wild the things you can do.My wife downloaded an app for texting that you just talk into it .It is called dragon,works OK for me beacuse when I type I hit 3 keys at once.I got the phone so we can have high speed internet at home now through the pnone.
Heck, my son used voice recognition software on his computer in highschool to type his papers. Needed a little editing but saved a lot of finger motion!
And Tess Trueheart. Ha ha
Yeah Dick had wrist radio. I made one out of wood when I was young. It wooden work. ha ha Dave

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