The show Dooms day prepers


Well-known Member
Been watching it tonight and boy what a joke. People who think they can live in the city and still be ready seem like they are not thinking much but sure are spending a lot of $$ to get nothing. But hey guess it is a show to entertain. What do you guys think??
Katrina and New Orleans comes to mind. Or the diary of Anne Frank. Nothing more dangerous than people that are starving--big city you wouldn't stand a chance unless you had a secret underground bunker and nobody could know what you could have.
I think the only way to make it in the city, would be to be ready to get out of the city. The so-called "bug-out bag" and a decent vehicle with a full tank of fuel. And then you have to have a place to go, which for many folks would be the biggest sticking point. My uncle lives in Garden City, KS, and is always talking about when society comes crashing down and is always preparing himself for it and reading books and such. If it happened he would starve to death fast.
(quoted from post at 19:57:12 02/28/12) I think the only way to make it in the city, would be to be ready to get out of the city. The so-called "bug-out bag" and a decent vehicle with a full tank of fuel. And then you have to have a place to go, which for many folks would be the biggest sticking point. My uncle lives in Garden City, KS, and is always talking about when society comes crashing down and is always preparing himself for it and reading books and such. If it happened he would starve to death fast.

LOL a good friend of mine is like that. Prepping for it consist of a BOB and a few loaded weapons. No real survival skills, not much ammo, just what he can hump on his back.....but he watches all the doomsday and survival shows plus all the reading and thinks he's ready. He is retired military with combat experience so he's one of the few I'd consider bringing in.

Me I'm not making and special prep, wife is a little worried about it but we can our own veggies, have livestock and know how to hunt and fish. Because she is worried I can buy all the ammo and reloading supplies I want plus a few new guns every year.

The area of the county i live would be a main target. After the attacks on 9/11, Bush gave the strength of these hideouts away. Not to metion what is around the midwest we don"t know about.

That show is goofy and entertaining though. Cant help but watch and say...what in the world??? and why??

I just hope i have enough Pivo

If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.
Anybody who thinks they can stop the hoards is fooling themselves. Best thing to do do is buy a Sharpie pen and write your SS number on your arm or leg. Or get a tat.

Sure, go ahead and hold some high ground on a mountain top. Some kid will launch a radio controlled bomb to wipe you out. Why? He figures you must have something up there that he can use.

It doesn't matter how much ammo you have. It won't be enough.
I figure that themedia is intending to send a message of how foolish any attempt to be prepared for disaster is nonsense. Disasters are a sliding scale and being prepared is a good thing. While no one can be prepared for any possible situation. I live in Tennessee and I live way out there, but if a disaster hits square where I am all our preparedness would be worthless. That doesn't mean that we do nothing.
Ok, I agree that the show is kind of goofy and all, even more since those that they interview are only worried about one kind of situation. They make it this way for entertainment value. Real Preppers in general do not believe that things will be "Mad Max". But getting buy without dependence on others is for a fact better than begging and hoping.

Let's be real, we are all preppers one way or another, we prep when we buy gas, save money, and also buy food. Think about it.
I could maybe hold out for 90 days if it happened on the correct month after that Id be looking for meds. Those on insulin would be in bad shape without refrigeration and supplies as far as guns ? ya only need one good one and lots of ammo to hold out that long 50 guns don't make ya a better shot.
Detmurds, there is no way anyone could prepare for every possible risk or hazzard. You assess what you think are the likely risk or hazzards and set to mitigate them. If the atomic bomb detonates over my house, I, and everyone in it will die. I can prepare for a bomb detonations over Memphis or Nashville, but let's be honest. There is only so much preparing that we can do, after which we leave it up to God. All that said preparing for those risk that we can foresee and we are able to take steps to mitigate the danger is a very prudent thing to do.
If refridgeration is a concern, you could aquire an absorbtion unit from and RV repair shop and up a one hundred pound tank with an extra tank for stand by. I fully agree that less guns and more ammo is the best way to go.
LOL one can never have enough guns.....they are kinda like tractors.

I have one long range capable rifle that I'm comfortable with up to 800yds, another big enough for deer but carbine sized, chanbered in 6.8 SPC, good out to 300yds or so, a .22, a shotgun and a couple of hand guns. Each gun has a nitch it fills. Now if I could just afford a tractor for each implement!

But the question is, which one of those guns do you grab in a pinch? I used to have a lot more than I do now, and always found myself grabbing my old .303 brit, just fits my hands well, I guess. Sold some very nice rifles off, still got the enfield.
What a joke.!!!! What makes people think they can outlast adversity of the end of law and order? Food gone,medicine gone, living in a cave or hovel,trying to survive by planting seeds while fending off hungry neighbors, plus waiting on seeds to produce edible fruit while plowing between gunfire living on what, till the growing season produces what was planted? The end will truly arrive but we will never know the date and time it will occur. Killing friends and neighbors over a slice of bread isn't exactly what we were put on this earth for. Greed has taken on such strength, effected MOST all of the people so bad, that we don't trust each other. So folks KEEP ON DREAMING, make plans that are bound to fail,What happens captain, happens. Blow up your image to impress , but none the less all the preparedness will ultimately fail. Mark my words. LOU
I don't watch the show, seem like 50's stuff, which stopped when folks thought about Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). Nothing left total devestation.

A strategic Chemical / Biological / Radiological (CBR) attack nothing would be left. Example google the Cherynobyl (Sp?) exclusion zone. That would be a walk in the park.

I agree with Lou, (military combat is one thing), but folks you know or your kids know, church members coming to you for food, you really going to line up your cross-hairs and pull the trigger?

Sure natural disasters like CT was out of power for a week etc. that makes sense to prepare for, but the rest.. I have other things to think about.
(quoted from post at 00:27:11 02/29/12) What a joke.!!!! What makes people think they can outlast adversity of the end of law and order? Food gone,medicine gone, living in a cave or hovel,trying to survive by planting seeds while fending off hungry neighbors, plus waiting on seeds to produce edible fruit while plowing between gunfire living on what, till the growing season produces what was planted? The end will truly arrive but we will never know the date and time it will occur. Killing friends and neighbors over a slice of bread isn't exactly what we were put on this earth for. Greed has taken on such strength, effected MOST all of the people so bad, that we don't trust each other. So folks KEEP ON DREAMING, make plans that are bound to fail,What happens captain, happens. Blow up your image to impress , but none the less all the preparedness will ultimately fail. Mark my words. LOU
I do not disagree that when the end comes, no amount of preparation will stop it, but why do folks always assume that the next time of trial will be the true end of times? Many, many civilizations have fallen, revolutions flared and died, and good men fought to protect there loved ones without the world ending. America could well be just one more nation in a long list of mighty empires that rise and fall without unleashing the apocolypse.
Many men over the course of time have seen hard times, famine, and civil war, and been called upon to both protect and feed the ones they love. I will not shoot my neighbor over a slice of bread, he knows I would give it to him if asked. I WILL shoot those that would take it without asking, from the mouths of those that earned it. Not puffing or inflating my ego, just not going to assume that because I live in AMerica I will never have to struggle with problems many other countries face every day.
Ever hear of Martial Law? Insurrection? Armies against civilians?when Law and order has vanished,and people are starving to death, how charitable will you be if the neighbor asks for your last slice of read to feed his child?Just as you would take it to elevate your child's hunger, then self preservation comes into play along with gunfire.Right this minute there are those who are NOW facing hard times (do to no fault of their own) so when those numbers continue to rise, there will be problems of self preservation to contend with.America isn't the America I have known for the last 70+ years.Waste, GREED,POWER HUNGRY individuals seeking control over certain segments of our society is now so rampant, there isn't any alternative left but to turn to civil disobedience.That scenario is coming up soon, unless we find a way to prevent it from occurring.Folks Just CAN'T agree on any remedy to solve every day problems let alone make headway in removing those who make the rules for themselves to a higher lofty position for better control. Looks like civil unrest is soon to be the answer huh? LOU
Getting out of the city wont work,traffic jams proved that when hurricane threatened Texas coast.Most half wits used up gas letting engines idle while stopped in long lines.TV preppers are extreme nuts.How far can you travel on foot when you are 76 years old.We are in hard times so you must be prepared.Ive been snowed in for 2 weeks in 1948.My Dad walked to work and was gone fixing power lines during that time.We had food and fuel at home.I have my mothers kerosene on the kitchen table.Power was out for 10 days during the 98 ice storm.My generator kept the post office open and took care of my place.You should be ready for trouble but not go to extremes.We have 400 people who will be out of a job here by October.Post office is closing a distribution center,200 jobs gone.Bank of America closing a call center Oct 1 200 more jos gone.
[i:654c4848f0]Waste, GREED,POWER HUNGRY individuals seeking control over certain segments of our society is now so rampant, there isn't any alternative left but to turn to civil disobedience.[/i:654c4848f0]

I disagree Lou.
It is waste, sloth, irresponsibility and an entitlement mentality that is causing the problem. Look at the OWS protesters - laying about their camps all day and getting buisy only when the TV cameras show up.
Sounds like some real nice family entertainment there.
If it's sick, perverse, extreme, dispiriting or just plain tacky it will soon enough be on during prime time.
No thanks.

I saw the show advertised and knew I did not want to watch it . All those shows just spin off of fake drama . We have plenty of can goods put up and meat on the hoof but if a street gang came after it I dont think I would win . We have survived a week without electric without a hitch but if they drop the big one I dont think a mason jar of greenie beenies is gona save me !! I get all the drama I need watching Gunsmoke and O Riley !

I've been loading a lot of .223 and .308 ammo and buying lots of powder, primers and bullets. Also keep a great big supply of .22 ammo on hand. Buy a bulk box of Federals every time I'm at Wally's.

Also buying a few more guns; no telling when the wacky-doodle on PA. Ave. might decide to further expand his dictatorial powers.
No matter how bad the diaster financial or natural there will be members of the human race that survive some just plain lucky but most because they used their heads and were prepared for the unexpected.Most People think its fine
to prepare for diasters in the form of insurance but not by other means wonder why? Guess they're waiting for the Gov't to tell them.High ranking Gov't officals already have their shelters in VA and WVA built so why is it stupid for regular folks to do it?The grasshoppers die in Winter and the Ants fall back into their holes to live another year.
See whatI Mean? Ya can't find people to agree on any subject. Your right to voice your ill fated opinion but you say you don't agree with my post. Here you claim Sloth, greed,irresponsibility and an entitlement mentality thats causing the problem. Read my last paragraph on my post/ I've stated that fact and now you dissagree and agree. Make up your mind. either I'm wrong or you are. narrow mindedness gets a peson no where,except in a state of confusion trying to be a big shot with no viable opinion unless they display their ignorance. Have a good day.
Lou, how many people out of work right now have consistently voted for increased government interference and socialism over the years? I would not be too quick to claim that many are suffering due to no fault of their own, most are reaping what they wanted sowed. It is a slippery slope to vote tax burdens on other people, sometimes the other people fight back and leave the state or the country taking thier jobs and factories and investments with them. If the current administration gets 4 more years we will all know first hand what a depression really is.
I never heard of the show. On cable TV maybe? We only get TV off an antenna.

What baffles me is people with families that blow tons of money, and/or go into debt taking vacations, dining out, buying toys like RVs, ATVs, boats, new over-priced shiny cars and trucks, et. Yet do absolutely nothing to prepare for anything. Most I know could not survive for a few days without the local market and gas station being open and the grid power working. It gets 25 F below here in the winter, yet most I know do not even have alternative heating systems.

We can be self-sufficient for a year here - easily. That is unless I had a heart attack. I can't do heart surgery - especially on myself. We make all own electricity, have food stored to feed four people for a year. Also have plenty of guns, traps, ammo, water filters, radiation detectors, engines that run on wood-smoke, 1000 gallons of diesel and 1000 gallons of propane, etc.

Big problem as I see it is protecting what you have if things DO get bad. Humans by nature tend to be "nice" only when not hungry or cold. Thank heavens I have no neighbors and don't live near any cities. That being said - I suspect the people with the best chance of surviving hard times will have groups that support and protect each other.

I'm also glad this country used to have a Civil Defense system. Because of that there's lot of good new government stuff from the 60s available cheap. I love the portable radiation detectors. If anyone ever hits a part of the US with nuclear - and all radio and TV is out - most people would not have a clue which direction to run. At least with these detectors - you can tell if your moving towards . . . or away from a bad area.
LLA. You are correct!!!!. Most voted their pocketbook and look where that led em. Still there are still some folks that are the working poor and have been even when the economy was in decent shape. Living in a auto and getting sustenances from a soup line to make ends meet isn"t my Idea of being one of the working poor who needs another term of intrusion into their lives that daily pushes em farther down the food chain. Higher taxes, more gov rule etc.To then folks ,it's a DAILY fight to keep their heads above water.Wanting to survive the worst outcome will not get then into a bomb shelter to survive what ever disaster comes along. Supplies that are collected to feed ones family can not be enough to sustain any quality of life for any length of time. Same with ammo, and meds. Now trying to gain consensus on how to rectify the past blunders will never take place. What will happen is just a different bunch with the same old agenda as the past ones. I like your post and thank you for a most insightful reply. Regards LOU.
You guys should read up on NDAA 2012. Signed into law 12/31/2011. Going by the NDAA law, many of you could be considered a 'bad person' and arrested and held indefintely, without trial.

The law could be interpreted that if you have over 7 days supply of food, you could be arrested. If, you stock ammo and guns, you could be arrested. If, you store large amounts of fuel, you could be arrested. And the list goes on...

Do a search on 'NDAA 2012'.
I only brought this up as something to think about and discuss. It was not done to hackle anyones feathers.
Ljd. I can state that NOT MANY PEOPLE ARE AS RESILIENT AS YOU ARE. Having the chance of being over run by communal factions would be a problem even as far removed as you and your family are. People can and would, bunch together to do what ever was necessary to survive. Like you .I never watch such brain dead programs that are +Reality based+crap.We have some (lots) caned items to fall back on if times get tough, but not a years supply. We would fall victims when the ammo gives out, or better marksman placed us in the scope.We have patched together a lot of stuff over the years that keeps us solvent with small problems that creeps up on us from time to time.Your post on the farmer who has problems with the local government is a great example of intrusion and rule making for the benefit of power seekers.Like Red Green says. "I'M pulling for ya, were all in this together"Regards to you and your family. LOU.
I watched one show with my friend. They showed one family that had gas mask drills. Then I went and looked online and found that the vast majority of surplus mask come only with training filters! Good only for tear gas/CS.

Most people don't really understand that chemical weapons are not nearly as effectic as we are told. With a nerve agent you would actually have to get some on exposed skin or breath in vapors. Unless you cluster bombed a whole area you really are not going to kill a lot of people. The amount of shells/bombs required to affect a large area is astounding so I'm not too concerned about chem agents. Bio is a whole different ball of wax. With that you can incapacitate millions.

As far as the military being turned loose on the civilian population......Clinton had the military start a survey in the 90's to see if troops would in general fight the population if they rose up against the government. They only started it, they never finished it.......70% of those surveyed not only said they would not turn on the population but would desert and join em.

I let my wife, one son and my buddy worry about this junk. It just gives me the green light to buy ammo/reloading supplies and guns if I want to.

I don't really see the world falling apart anytime soon. We went through this in the last recession and everyone was waiting for the US got go bankrupt except then everyone was crying that Japan would own us.

Rick. Ever heard of troops being used against service men.Bonuses, Happened. Also against striking coal miners when union shut off the supply?John L Lewis had the hammer dropped. States wouldn't use their own N.G members to restore peace,rather the N.G from bordering states do the deed. That way No N.G member would be required to fire on their own family members. LOU
(quoted from post at 08:16:30 02/29/12) Rick. Ever heard of troops being used against service men.Bonuses, Happened. Also against striking coal miners when union shut off the supply?John L Lewis had the hammer dropped. States wouldn't use their own N.G members to restore peace,rather the N.G from bordering states do the deed. That way No N.G member would be required to fire on their own family members. LOU

Ah but Lou when 70% (they started with the Marines) said they would disobey orders and or desert......They incedents you list happened many years ago. I don't believe many of our young people would be willing to blindly follow orders like back in those days.

I'm not so foolish that I think we can completely protect ourselves if things ever got bad. It doesn't have to be a World War either. It's just me, my wife and little kid here. Also my 30 year old daughter and 5 year old grand-daughter nearby. All my other grown children live in Colorado. Regardless of how many guns I've got - I have to sleep sometimes. So - we're basically "sitting ducks." As I see it, best thing is to be low-key, out of sight and not easily found. That's why I built an off-grid cabin in the middle of nowhere we could possible retreat to - IF we could get there.
I still cannot understand people with families and income that make zero effort to be prepared for anything. Seems certain groups of Mormons teach self-reliance. It's a Mormon dry-food dealer where we got out long-term storage food products (red wheat and such). They teach that it's a person's duty to attempt to be prepared so not a burden on others when things get tough. Boy is that far off from what US society at large goes by. Nanny government will care for all! What a joke. There are small European countries that have underground shelter and food enough for a full year for all citizens. But here in the once rich USA? Nothing but the illusion of safety - unless you are the President or a member of Congress.

We got hit with a big storm just after a hurricane here last summer. Many people who knew they lived in a flood plain and had NO insurance lost their houses. So, the whining started, FEMA came in and is STILL there (Schoharie County, NY). That is ridiculous. In fact, FEMA is just getting emergency shelters set up now - 6-7 months later. As I see it , if those people haven't fixed their problems by now - they are lost causes.
Anybody that thinks they are safe from thier own countrymen wearing government clothing. They should recall some un-armed protesters in Ohio and the National Guard.
In regard to . .

"I don't really see the world falling apart anytime soon. We went through this in the last recession and everyone was waiting for the US got go bankrupt except then everyone was crying that Japan would own us."

In a few months the National dept will be $80,000 per citizen. I call that essentially bankrupt. And,, who owns "us" now? How much of US real estate and US business is already foreign owned? How much are we funded by China?

Our national debt is $14,025,215,218,708.52.

If history is to be a lesson as you've indicated - large governments have crashed and burned as far back as recorded time. Why? Often because citizens could vote themselves free stuff and people got lazy saying exactly what you are saying. Ever hear of the Roman Empire?

Maybe your strategy of sticking your head in the sand will work, and maybe it will not. I DO know this. A US economy that is reliant on constant growth CANNOT work long-term. This planet is finite and does not allow for perpetual growth unless we plan on moving to outer space or a 5th dimension, time-warp.
Yes, but they were NOT totally unarmed. I was there shortly after it happened - if you're talking about Kent State University. Some of those punk college kids were throwing bricks at the National Guard and cops. A brick to the head can be just as fatal as a bullet.

I'm not arguing your point about not being safe from those around us. Just your point about Kent State if that IS what you are referring to. If I was there with a rifle and somebody threw a brick at me -I might have used my gun too.

Since you are a Canadian, do you remember the Fenian attacks on Canadian people from the New York border of the USA?
i figure the farther you could get from ANYONE in one of those situations you would be better off.but in todays world,how many people do we all know whoare really actually 100% self sufficent?I mean not for food ,fuel,clothing,medicines,nothing what so ever. i would bet between all of us we couldnt name one thats 100% self sufficent.just think of your day to day living,these things couldnt be just available to put into effect in case something happened,they would have to be up and running before many ways i think the ones with a better chance of surviving would be those folks we think of as natives of third world countries.they would be the ones best equipped .
I know many people that could live totally on their own for a year - not counting unpredicted medical disasters. That includes me and my family.
REALLY???you dont drive,can plow, plant, harvest,feed your animals,clothe yourself,supply your water,all your food,defend yourself from EVERY other person you know or otherwise,and deal with all medical emegencies serious or not,any attempts by gov agencies to take over your operation? Forgive me my freind,i dont think you can.Whole countries, armed to the teeth,with the full weight of all there citzens and armies have tried and for the most part failed.You couldnt stay put obviously,which means you have to keep moving,you and your family cant carry enough supplies for a year.Even the native tribes who did live off the land had to move to get supplies.Add in the fact that ANY WHATSOEVER sign that you had ANYTHING would set you up as a target,and the very fact that you were not starving would mark you for failure!you say you would carry guns?THAT WILL BE THE NUMBER ONE THING FOLKS WILL BE AFTER!!!I hope you could survive,I honestly do,But i very seriously doubt it.Not intact,and not the way you think. DO this,take a knife, your family,nothing else,and simply go into your back yard and try to make a week.Gather all your food,cook it, build shelter. i think you may be surprised,dont take your guns,because if you fired a gun in one of those situations it would be like taking a bullhorn and screaming come and get me! so would a fire,so would a crying baby,so would the smell of cooking,or any sign of your passing what so ever.The biggest threat in a survival situation is simply and i and everyone else leave a footprint, take for instance if you were living off canned food,what would you do with the cans to stop from leaving a trail?bury them maybe?let me ask you honestly something,have you ever seen a fresh hole dug that didnt stand out like a sore thumb in the landscape?any landscape?that alone is a BIGGER threat to you than about anything for one simple reason.To a starving person that fresh digging means one thing, FOOD!either an animal had been there,which means prey.a human had been there and they had food.or simply that something is alive that can be potentialy to your advantage.You couldnt stay put,moving makes you a target,No my freind i think very few would survive a year,and the world thats left those who did probably wouldnt could trust no one, help no one,which would make any form of civilised living a long time coming.
I already discussed the problem of self-defense. I stated the ability to survive for a year - not necessarily forever and not necessarily when bands of thugs are roaming the countryside killing people.

You sound like you've got a HUGE chip on your shoulder. Does it bother you when others try to look ahead a bit?

As to the rest? I said one year, not forever. If I had to, and had a year to do it - I'm not sure exactly what kind of adaptations I could come up with.

As to your comment "REALLY???you dont drive,can plow, plant, harvest,feed your animals,clothe yourself,supply your water,all your food,"

If I have to run a car, truck or tractor - I have 1000 gallons of diesel fuel here and have several diesel cars and trucks. I also have one car that with a gas engine and a smoke-capture system that runs on wood-smoke. Same was done by many during WWII.

For planting? I have a Case tractor that will run on wood-smoke IF I need to use a tractor. We also have many non-hybrid seeds in storage.

Animals? We'd able to feed a few but not a large herd. We've got 50 acres of fields and 60 acres of woods to browse.

Clothe myself? For a year? I'd got enough clothes here already to last me 10 years. Beside that, my wife makes her own clothes.

Food? I already stated that we have dry food in storage - enough for four adults for one year. Also have over 100 acres of land where native foods grow. Indians who lived here before me didn't have super markets. Yes, Indians had to be mobile but that was because they lived in large groups and were generally slobs. They lived in one place until they had garbage all over and the soil and game was depleted - and then moved on. War was another reason why many Indians stayed mobil. The Hurons (Oundats) and Iroquois (Mohawk, Seneca, etc.) were less mobil then most since they grew crops.

Water? We've got water all over the place. Two deep ponds on our land. Springs all over, a dug well, a drilled well, a good running creek, etc. Also have a portable water filter is we ever have to drink "questionable" water.

As far as taking a family into the woods with near nothing to try to survive? All ready have done that in warm weather.
Depending on your age, the odds might indicate one will happen before the other.

As I see it - devoting your entire present life for a disaster might be a bit odd and/or paranoid. But - taking some measures to prepare just in case IF you have the ability? Why the heck not? If you have a family, I regard it as a requirement. Tell me one valid reason why NOT too? I find it ludicrous with the many I see who refuse to prepare for anything, trust a failing socialist government - and yet go into debt buying toys. The mortage bailouts are a great example of that mentality.

Some of the whiners on these forums who look down on people who DO make some effort - are likely the be the first ones begging others to help them as soon as a bank or gas station closes for a week.

My family is pretty well prepared, but we cannot totally anticipate the unknown. My wife and I are on a very low income and yet we've done it just fine. We live what most regard as "normal" lives, have zero debt and can live for a year with no outside help - if someone doesn't kill us all and take what we have.
I agree, but yes some people on that show go to far, one woman had $50000 worth of dehydrated food, and only 100 gallons of water. I couldent survive for a year prolly, but for awhile. Just like today's storm, I get prepared, I know one family that dosent bother to do anything, then complain about it after the fact. I get reddy for plowing, bring in extra wood, get extra gas for the generator, ect. Wife does her thing with food and baby needs. You and me are lucky to live the way we live, your even luckier to have the common sense most people don't have, to be as self sufficient as u are! Alot of people are helpless drones, that are lucky they even know there name.
I think that one should try to stay on good terms with ones' neighbors. If a catastrophe happens, they are the ones who will have the biggest influence on your survival. Not that it hurts to have some weapons and food squirreled away, but you will never survive by yourself. You cannot defend your homestead 24 hours a day by yourself. You cannot protect your land and crops and animals 24 hours a day by yourself. You will not work/till the land to live off of, and harvest, and process, and store, and prepare the food and animals you grow by yourself. You will not be able to make all of your own tools. You will need to exist in communities, to share those tasks.

Just my opinion. Probably wrong!

Alone you are dead. The heroic "lone wolf" idealism of survival is bogus. You can do it for a time; but it is a dead end.
the episode last night had a condo built out of an old missile silo---community living with 9 feet of concrete. enough food and water for 5 years. for just a measly one million dollars. where I live it is a small community-there is hunting, fishing, farming, multiple gardens. We have always pulled together in case of small emergencies-we have always taken care of our own. I am not sure of big cities being the same way.
Ever see on the news all the people in Florida racing to the stores to get plywood every time a hurricane is coming? Always makes me wonder . . . where the heck is their plywood from the last hurricane?
I agree with the "alone" part. If things get bad, there will be groups of thugs looking to take from others. Good reason to live in some dismal remote area, away from populated areas.

As to the rest? Throughout history people have survived without stores, grid power, government, machine-made tools, super markets, etc. Here in modern times when many have more resources then ever to prepare - collectively we do less then ever. USA society has a new "breed" of civilized person who barely knows how to do anything.

My grandmother's village in southern France was burnt to the ground and all the farm animals shot by the Germans in World War 1, yet those that weren't killed managed to survive on their own. She was six year old, parents killed and she made it with help from local survivors. No government help, no FEMA, no bailouts.

In the USA, the "Great Rebellion", later called the "Civil War" was a prime example of a large part of this country being cut off from resources (the south) and the Federal government. They not only managed to eat and survive, they fought a war.

Maybe my perspective is different since my wife and I have worked at living history museums and know many people skilled with blacksmithing, non-hybrid food growing, 18th century animal husbandry, and many other older lifeways that have been lost to much of modern US culture.

The Hopewellian mound-builders did it here. Then the American Indians and Inuits did it (and without snowmobiles). Then the early setters did it. I doubt they were all smarter the we are now. Obviously with the large population this country has now, not all could do it even if they ALL did know how. But, some have skills and resources and could manage - if not shot by looters.
It is good you are prepared.The unfortunate thing,in nuclear war, is the area you live in in NY state will get hit along with the rest of us in the northeastern US.We can only hope it never comes down to this.

doesnt bother me a bit,when folks plan ahead ,if more did the country would be in as bad a shape as it is in now!LOL.Heres a little fact for you,and i used to for many years work disasters.Anytime bar none,that theres one natural or manmade,the folks WITH something,wind up supporting those WITHOUT.Willingly OR Unwillingly, it always happens. 1000 gallons of diesel wont last long for folks HAVING to move,maybe not wanting to but when you have to try to survive its a different game altogether. In a situation such as these folks are imagining, even your wood powered vehicle wont help,simply because anything moving becomes a target after a day or three. As for your tractor ,thats transportation for someone needing to get somewhere else,and in fact its a far better mode of transport than a car lots of times because it can travel off road! And in most cases its about ten times easier to steal than a auto.Have you ever seen folks fleeing disaster on tv? how many do you see driving tractors?they are heavy and equiped to travel over many obstacles that other vehicles cant traverse. Any road would become a death trap because folks would be watching to hijack a vehicle,steal gas,or supplies. Hope you can eat your seeds,and you were thinking far enough ahead to plant things that dont need cooking,and can be air dried. because quite simply thats the ONLY means of storage that would be anywhere near reasonable,anything else requires heat,smoke or canning,all of which is a big tipoff to hungry neighbors you have food. 50 acres of pasture,really GOOD pasture will hold five head of cattle year round MAYBE,but before they need food,they need water. Dont forget folks will be killing your livestock,a old cow is an easier target than a deer or dog .How about washing clothes?lice,parasites,dirt grime,take a toll on clothes and are a breeding ground for disease. your wife cant make clothes without cloth,which means you either grow something like sheep,or cotton,and make it yourself,you just cut your small herd of animals down by 2/3 simply for this!good deal on your water,be better if it were inside if you decide to fort up. also remember pumps and things will be prime trade goods so they will be stolen very quickly.Water will be the first thing folks will be after. nice you took your family out,for a summer campout,but this is what will be different,someone will be activly hunting you. I dont have a chip on my shoulder,i just know how folks work when the chips are down.its sad to even contemplate such a thing,but then again were talking about something that could happen.when or if it does,any station such as yours will be a prime target unfortunatly,simply because you have something.The first thing to go will be anything outside,regardless of what it is.When folks get desperate enough they will take your buildings.It sounds like your plan is to fort up,and that maybe a good plan,hopefully it is,but i imagine a different deal.i have a whole 10x20 pantry full of food myself,weve always kept it,along with livestock,wells,fuel,tractors everything you have.But i have no illusions about holding it if a armed group comes to get it,personally I'm grabbing my bugout bag with the normal supplies,two axes,a regular and a small camp axe,knives i can carry and a 9mm for last ditch defense.if i can take them i'll have a rifle, and shotgun ,but a bow would be my choice of anything but a defense weapon. my hidy hole is already picked out ,near but not on water,in the open where i can see all comers and bug out again or go to ground.and i can move in and out on rock and under cover under any normal condition. in other words ive got a place also but its not a place im required to defend for survival.and if it doesnt work out i have another. thats the problem with disasters, they tend to be local. in a truly survival situation having more than one basket full of eggs,is better simply because if it happens in one place they are not all gone, you have a fall back place or plan.most folks would fail simply because they are unprepared,the next larger group will fail because their plan failed,the next bunch will fail because they didnt plan on a backup,but most of the ones who make out do so because they have more than one plan in place,,know them so you dont have to think about where to go or do you simply leave here and head there.when the worlds crashing and you dont have to think it helps.
Yes, that can be assumed with conventional World War type attack. Little can be assumed with a terrorist attack with smaller tactical nuclear weapons. Same with chemical and/or biological attacks. This area might be relatively safe.

I grew up 10 miles from New York City. We had nuclear drills every day in school. The Civil Defense "experts" told us that if a bomb was coming - to put tin foil on our windows and hide down our cellars. Hmmm. I wonder how well that would of worked?

At least now I'm 200 miles north of there and also have two cabins 450 miles north and 800 miles NW.
Seriously though.
It would happen like this:

The following emergency just happens:
1 day in the future a few radiological bombs are set off in major cities in the country and 1 million people are killed in 1 day. The country goes to terror alert #27. The people in the cities are sitting ducks for crime, even worse than they are now. If you live within 10 miles of a large city (the suburbs) you will have to defend home/property with your neighbors with guns and have a 24 hour watch set up.

If you live in the country then you have to get a watch group started that will be the fire dept on 24 hour watch with back up deputized citizens. Keep in mind that Martial law is declared nation wide too. So for 1 week everything shuts down, gas stations, drug stores, (that means no beer or cigarettes) Everyone would retire to their homes until everything was "safe" Kinda like the old frontier days in the 19th century, keep watch for Indians and such.
And not to mention u said ur wife did a book on wood stove cooking. ?? I cook on my TC 500 all the time. Can you imagine living without a wood stove?? I see all kinds in Albany, yuppies, drink bottled water, have there lawn chemically enhanced and watered, (gosh we cant live without a lawn sprinkler system, can we)?? driving a BMW , have natural gas heat , and town water. Can't fend for themselves at all, thats why i cut there grass! No wonder NYS needs to salt the heck out of the roads, people have useless places to be, and they can't get there without texting, smoking and doing 69mph on a snowy road.
(quoted from post at 23:03:26 02/28/12) Detmurds, there is no way anyone could prepare for every possible risk or hazzard. You assess what you think are the likely risk or hazzards and set to mitigate them. If the atomic bomb detonates over my house, I, and everyone in it will die. I can prepare for a bomb detonations over Memphis or Nashville, but let's be honest. There is only so much preparing that we can do, after which we leave it up to God. All that said preparing for those risk that we can foresee and we are able to take steps to mitigate the danger is a very prudent thing to do.

You are correct,...if you are bombed, you will die.

I have faith in God so,... [b:21b3d3c555]“Thus says the Lord, 'Set your house in order it is said that we must"[/b:21b3d3c555] What do you think this means?
If I were to be stock pile'n such a stash I wouldn't be talk'n about it on tv or on the net for that matter. Why tell every one in the world where to come beg'n when,,, I mean if the SHTF?

(quoted from post at 20:52:25 02/29/12) If I were to be stock pile'n such a stash I wouldn't be talk'n about it on tv or on the net for that matter. Why tell every one in the world where to come beg'n when,,, I mean if the SHTF?


EXACTLY! :wink:

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