Miracle chickens

Now ain't that something !! look healthy and not wore out ?? got all their feathers too. got to get some of the meds they take.!!
If they lay that good, maybe he needs to keep them and start hatching chicks.
BTW, I had not heard of those perpetual motion generators until a few days ago. One of their ads popped up on my computer so I listened to it. Sure was glad I had my boots on! There was enough BS there to fertilize my garden this year!
Talk about factory farmin'- Wait until PETA and HSUS catch up with them for mistreatin those poor birds-
Yep, there are some mirical chickens out there. Heard about this man once that was headed down this back country road in his pickup when he looks beside him and sees a chicken running along keeping up. Man looks down at rhe speedo and sees he's running 45. When he looks back out at the chicken he realizes that it has three legs. Between the three legs and the speed he's amazed at what he's seeing but he knows it's got to be something special. With his curiousity levels up he decides to speed up to see just what the chicken can do. He presses down on gas and pretty quick like he hits 50 and the chicken is still there...on up to 55 and the chicken holding in....60 and their still neck and neck.....by the time he hits 70 the chicken puts on this sudden burst of speed, cuts in front of the truck and off the road. Last he sees of the chicken is a trail of dust at it disappears down a long dirt road. The man drives on a few more miles still in awe and disbelief at what he'd seen and soon his curiosity gets the best of him and he has to turn around and go back. He pulls down the road where the chicken disappeared and at the end runs into a small farm. The farmer is standing out in the yard and asked what he could do for the fellow. The man starts into an explination of what he had just seen and askes the farmer if he knows anything about the three legged chicken. The farmer says,"Yep", and goes on to explain how he had specially bred the chickens to have three legs. Seems his three kids all liked chicken legs and would fight with each other when there weren't but two of the so he decided to do something to solve the problems for his family......................Finally knowing what was going on, but still intrigued by the whole idea, the man finally asked the farmer how they tasted.......The farmers reply was that he didn't have a clue as the damm things were SO FAST he hadn't been able to catch one of them to find out.............
we have 2 production reds right now and for the past year cave consistently gotten 2-3 eggs a day. before that we had buff orpingtons & it was the same story. the only thing we feed is Kent xtra egg16. we did try purina once, but that really threw them off,
Sorry to bust your bubble but a hen will lay 2 eggs in 1 day.I worked in pedigree pens doing trap nesting.Trap nesting means the hen cant get out of the nest once she goes in.When she is let out her leg band number is written on the egg along with the pen number.Once in a great while I would find the same hen in the trap nest in the same day.The egg laying process is on an assembly line.While one egg is laid another is being formed.
I'm glad to hear it, I had read in a book that the record for eggs produced in a year was held by a Black Astralorp that laid 364 eggs in 365 days, but it must be that things have changed since the book was written.
I saw a chick with 3 legs at a Hatchery where I worked.Most of you dont know that a hen has several being formed at the same time.Ive seen an egg laid with no shell on it just the soft membrane.If you butcher old hens for meat you will find an egg ready to lay and 2 with out a shell.Ignorance if bliss and there is a lot of bliss on forums.

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