Sensored Site


Well-known Member
As one would expect.....What happened to my thread about moving up to a million acres?

Didn't take the site cops but about 15 minutes to delete it.

Thanks for your sensored site..................
They don't search this site for things to delete. Somebody has to click "report to moderator".

I'm sorry you are disappointed, but I must say that I have been on this site for about 10 or 12 years and it is by far my favorite site on the internet. It's the first place I go to every time I access the internet.

If you haven't been on here for long, I'd encourage you to stick with it. I'm sure that you'll enjoy it very much.

Tom in TN

I've posted a few things knowing darn good and well they would get nuked sooner or later and in most cases they did.
I have also posted things that shouldn't have ever been removed, but they were because of what other folks had to say in their replies....which is usually something political.
All I can tell 'ya is I think this is a wonderful sight with a huge amount of knowledge that many are willing to share.
I have learned so much from the folks on here, and when I have a question no matter how dumb it may seem to some I almost always get an answer that makes good sense. In most cases I would say you get what you pay for, but it's different here. The site is free, and you can get a wealth of information for free. If your lucky you can get the same results at your local library, but it might take a bit longer and have you ever seen anyone smile in those places?
So don't "Throw a hissy fit" and storm off mad, it's just a "thang"!
Seems to me if you wish to get on line, go to a site, and post anything you wish without repercussion;

You should invest in the servers, software, and communication lines. Listen to all the wieners and fix all the little problems. Then and only then can you complain about censorship. Until then it is a free country and the moderators are free to poof whomever they wish for whatever reason.

It may be a free country and you can say what you want, but no where does it say others "have" to provide the means for you to say it.
Just put them on and take the gamble.Some times it is ineluctable.{save the trouble, it means It will happen, there is nothing you can do about it,] but accept it.
Rather like a piece of space junk singling you out.
This is a TRACTOR forum!!! What did you expect. You almost dared Kim to take it down. You gotta behave in her Parlor.

A few Nannie Members here click on the "Report to Moderator" button over there to the "left" and cause it to go Poof. Always has to be someone pushing to the "left" putting the finger on it.
It's amazing how little respect some so-called "conservatives" have for other people, and other people's property.

I thought "family values" was one of the pillars of the conservative platform. Family values includes bringing your children up right, which means teaching them right from wrong and to respect other people and their property. Part of doing that is setting a good example.

This here forum is private property. Does this mean that Kim, who provides this forum to us at great expense, does not deserve our respect?

You "wah wah, I can say what I want this is a free country" types need to take your rantings to a site with a .gov domain. THAT is the only place where "free speech" is truly protected on the Internet, and the only place where you'd have a legal leg to stand on for being CENSORED.

The rest of the sites are private property, just like a house. If I don't like what you're saying in my house, I can ask you to shut up or leave. That is my right. Free speech ends at the front door. If Kim doesn't like what you post, Kim can make it go poof. That is Kim's right.
One just got poofed up above just as I was reviewing my reply. It could have been the OT subject but I really think it was because one poster made a derogatory comment about our current president. A few years back, YT had a "Politics and Tractor Wars forum" I believe it was called. The purpose of it was to move political as well as tractor infighting away from this forum. It was extremely popular and the political fights over there were of epic proportion. Problem was it attracted a lot of posters who had absolutely no interest in farming or tractors but were there just for the political fighting and Yesterday's Tractors was becoming known as a politically oriented website. disappeared.
They have have a filter that checks for certain words and if that word is in your post it is block and you are notified to change your wording. I know because of one of my posts on Nursing home got poofed be cause of one word changed it and it went through. gitrib
Ya,that's true. But I think he's talking about posts that make it on,then somebody makes it political,then somebody else complains and it goes away.
Just keep this to respectful and appropriate topics and it won't be deleted. I am surprised at some of the disrespectful comments that are posted.
Not completely true; some folks have extremely sensitive "bunions" and if the topic is harmless yet something they don"t like, the holler for Mom.
(quoted from post at 14:43:26 03/16/12) Not completely true; some folks have extremely sensitive "bunions" and if the topic is harmless yet something they don"t like, the holler for Mom.

Harmless to some may be offensive to the moderators(owners) of this site.
You cant tell anyone they have posted wrong iformation on here.I went with a girl that thought moby dick was a type of vd.
If the moderator was looking for bad posts my previous post would be gone.We have some cry babies on here that post wrong info and get upset if you say they are wrong.Some times the moderator is wrong and pulls important safety warnings off.

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