

Well-known Member
This is gettin outta hand.... Tools in general, but at the moment, I have a portable welder that gets used a couple times a year. Just used it a couple months ago. Need to tack a couple things today, got all set up, went to get the welder, and it's not there..... Looked everywhere (??) and can't find it. Now, I needed to tacksome adapters and balls on my drawbar (just converted to a quick hitch? for the 3H. Took care of it by just heating a couple nails to ruin the temper and driving them beside the adapters and balls (so they don't slip off)..

Will find the welder tomorrow or in a few days I'm sure when looking for a pair of vicegrips or bolt cutters.....
47 years old in 5 weeks.... Pretty scary.....

Done now...
And it doesn't get any better as you get older.

Nancy got me a supplement to help with memory that I take 3 times a day.

Can't recall the name of the supplement right off hand, but it seems to be working pretty good.

Better go take my morning vitamins while I'm thinking about it.
(quoted from post at 04:49:44 04/02/12) It"s in the little room where you were contemplating using it to thaw out the water line.

Ain't neither.... Already looked there.............. Our entire place, including the house, yard (??), barn, yadda yadda.... is 40x 200 (+/- a few) feet..
Makes it real easy to clutter things.....I'll be hauling a bunch of stuff to the dump in the next 5 weeks and will find plenty then.
Back in November when we were working on the barn roof, misplaced my clear safety glasses. Found them last month (March) when I was doing some cleaning in the tack room.

It has been scientifically proven that memory loss with old age is just a myth. What actually happens is that things just don't imprint in our minds as well as we get older. This is why it is usually referred to as "short term memory loss" What is not so widely known,however, is that as we age we are constantly having much bigger, longer, grander things on our minds, and the great thoughts that accompany them, simply because as we age we just know so much about so many things. So it is no wonder that in the course of handling all these great thoughts that an occasional mundane occurrence such as where we left the welder gets passed over. It is up to the rest of the world to appreciate our grand thoughts and accept that we drop a little inconsequential thing every now and then.
In my dealings with the same issue it's become obvious to me that everything I own needs it's own place. ...and I have to train myself to put things back where they are suppose to go.

I get so disgusted with myself when I spend more time looking for something than doing something.
Around the same age here, but I've ALWAYS been very forgetful, losing tools CONSTANTLY - so let me give you some experienced advice on how to solve the problem:

Buy three copies of every tool you own.

And don't ever stop buying screwdrivers, wrenches, and sockets. Just keep sticking them in new places.

Obviously not the wisest solution from a financial persepective, but it works nicely.
I'm a little older than you so I claim an excuse, I needed my endless chain [chain block] , looked everywhere but one place, couldn't find it so went and bought another one, did the job. two weeks later walked in the garage,there it was, at the base of a cupboard one metre from where I always walk.
Looking but not seeing. Life's great.

Told the wife I couldn't find it. She says "well where did you put it last time you used it?"

She means well.....Told her under the workbench, but I ain't lookin there :roll:

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