auction results from saturday


Well-known Member
an auction near leesport pa,berks county the farmall super c ,new tires ,no fast hitch brought 1950,plus a 13 per cent buyers premium,the kubota brought 7750,the pickup a 1994 with 64000 mi 5100 dollars the farm with 15 acres brought 130 000 with a 10 per cent buyers premium
The small farm had an old house ,an old bank barn and some old sheds on one side of the road,and a garage and 4 acres on the other side of the road,not farm land,slope and mountain behind the yard
As the picture shows,the house was close to the road,the barn was even closer than that to the road
The last picture shows how close the door of the old bank barn was to the road





the buyers priemium was 10 per cent,on the personal property too,unless you did credit card,than it was 13 per cent,sorry I posted it wrong
Nice looking pickup and tractor.

How in the world can buildings be that close to the road? Surprised they were not grabbed via eminent domain and dozed down. Wow, that's close!
Relatively common out here in Pennsylvania. Many of what are now roads were only cow paths when properties were being divied up. I could probably find more than 20 properties within 5 miles me me here near Gettysburg, PA that are that close to the road.
You can find that here in New Jersey, too. The little village just west of our farm dates from colonial times, and most of the houses are less than 12 feet from the road, with a good number within 3-4 feet of it.
(quoted from post at 06:53:38 05/07/12) Relatively common out here in Pennsylvania. Many of what are now roads were only cow paths when properties were being divied up. I could probably find more than 20 properties within 5 miles me me here near Gettysburg, PA that are that close to the road.
There is a stretch of road here that wasn't there way back somewhere and houses were built at the bottom of a hillside that is all in grapes. Nothing between them and the river about 60 yards away... except prolly a buggy path... Little farther along the town is built (prolly before anything else) and a couple of business/houses were spread out a little on the flat.

Along came the railroad and split the margin and ran within a couple yards of houses on the flat. Then comes the main road... The houses on the hillside had to cut parking spots and stairways into the stone wall that now sets anout 18 inches from the side stripe on the road. They are all (I guess) extremely religious because they have to say a prayer every time they want to go between thier house and car. Some have garages that are like caves cut into the wall and have to back straight out into the road blind..... And everyone still drives like maniacs....
At an auction where the auction company is charging a buyers fee, don't you think it hurts the sale value of the item being sold. A 10% buyers fee on $130,000 amounts to $13,000 more the buyer is paying for the property. Actually the property cost the new owner $143,000. When a buyers fee is charged, do the sellers still pay a percentage also?
There was a church around here on the Trans-Canada, (highway kind of like an interstate 60 mph at the time) where the front door lead down onto the white line / shoulder of the highway. They took the steps off when they paved the shoulder of the road in the 60's cause it would have interfered.

On our road, a secondary, there are still a lot of peoples garages grandfathered in, the doors open onto the road so you don't have to shovel a driveway. The houses are usually far away up a hill. Its a 66 ft set back from the centre line now.
That seems to be the racket with one of the auctioneers here. Local blowhard always bragged when he quit he was going to have this auctioneer sell his stuff because the buyer paid the auctioneer and he got to keep everything else. Well, turns out, this auctioneer charges 10% from the buyer AND 10% from the seller . . . so local blowhard is still sitting on his stuff even though he quit 2 years ago.
Just outside Phillipsburg, NJ, when US 22 was turned from a 2-lane to a 4-lane, the historic brick "Straw Church" was in the way. Westbound lanes go between the church and the cemetary and eastbound lanes are on the other side of the church. Median is taken up by rectory and small parking lots on either end of the church. Very crowded area on Sundays.
Looks like my house in Stephentown, NY.. There is barely room for the mailman to pull off the road and deliver mail to the boxes on the front porch post. State highway, was once a cow path, kept getting straightened and raised until it totally blocked any runoff from proper drainage and the moisture every rainfall rotted my house sills and floor joists. Eventually I had the highway department reditch the road so I wasn't on top of a lake 4 months a year.

We had similar encroachment problems north of Troy, NY on Route Seven, and the state paid to move all the houses a long ways back from the highway.I beleive it was in the early 70's... I was hoping for that with my house but it'll fall down before they widen the road that much.

There is another house in town at the bottom end of a nice downhill curve. He has sold his stone wall to someone's insurance company at least once a winter as long as I can remember. If they make it thru the stone wall his house is only a few feet away.
The gray haired fellow by the Kubota was the buyer I'll bet. He was in each picture guarding his soon to be tractor. See his type often. Of course I wouldn't see them if it was a buyer pays extra auction. That's a scam people in my part of the country would NOT allow. Got to want something real bad to pay extra.
Maybe you have that luxury where you are, but around here, there are few enough auction companies that if you won't go to a buyer's fee auction, you've pretty much "retired" from going to auctions. Supply and demand, I guess.

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