
Well-known Member
When you got done running the tractor for the day, you would let it cool down a bit and shut it off get off and go to the house.

Now when I shut down the planter tractor I have wait for the GPS mapping system to do a down load to the memory card that takes way longer than the cool down of the engine.

Also have to remember to shut down the planter monitor and the CB radio so the battery isn't dead the next morning.

The sprayer tractor is about as bad. Shut down the GPS light bar, the spray monitor and the power to the extra hydraulic valve splitter. Or you will have a dead battery the next day.

The reason I bring all this up was last evening when planting a rain cloud was brewing up and headed my way. I wanted to get out of the tractor and get the seed beans on the pickup to the shed before it started raining. Setting there in the tractor waiting for the download and watching that rain coming across the field seemed to take forever. At least 2 minutes.

Yes the bags did get a little damp before I got back to the shed. Also needed the 4 wheel drive in the truck to get there.
I had a guy ask me if my cell phone was going to be available when I told him I was coming home early to do some plowing. I told him if he could find a place to connect to my 43 M I would be happy to answer it. Farming sure has changed from when I was growing up on a small dairy farm in the 60's. I can remember my Dad not even wanting hydraulics on a tractor as it was "one more thing to go wrong".
Mornin Gary. I hear ya on the tech stuff. Thing is, I'm just a pup, so I've been around it since I started working for farmers. One of our tractors has a shut-down delay so you can press a button and it'll shut down 10 or so minutes later. I don't trust it! : ) Still waiting for a system where I can send a text to the tractor to start so it can warm up before I get there. I planted about 15 acres while typing this. Can't beat GPS guidance for chatting about antique stuff!
Was pretty simple back then. I probably was 15 years old and plowing with a WD Allis and 2-14's pull type and it started to rain. Stopped right in the middle of the field plow in ground, tractor still running. Got on the dry side of the back tire and waited till it quiet and went back to plowing. Little tough making that first round after the shower.
I'm starting to think we should have a manual Battery disconnect on all this equipment. With all the fires we are having. We lost a new IH 3688 because of a short behind the panel.
I saw a feller planting alfalfa yesterday using one of those GPS gizmos on his 175 horse 4x4 JD.

Grain drill was 11' wide. :>)

We have a good friend who bought a new 3688. He had a problem with it blowing fuses when he got it. The dealer solved this by jumping around the fuse. Yep, it burnt up one evening. Ironically, it was running an irrigation pump. All that water, and he couldn"t get close enough to use a drop to put the fire out!
Glad to be stuck in the stone age. Finished putting the amonium nitrate on corn this past thursday using a 58 year old 60 JD tractor pulling a fertilizer buggy. The only thing to watch was keeping between rows and see that the spreader was doing its job right. Oh yeah, had to count to sixteen on turns as that is the number of rows for a 40 foot spread width of the buggy. Its simple,it works for me and I had an enjoyable day. Joe
I was thinking about that this morning too. I finished up bean planting so I took the monitor to the house, plugged it in to the power supply and downloaded the field maps onto a stick.

While I was planting, the monitor would suddenly open a sreen that was telling me it's been 500 acres since the last download, do I want to do it now? Entering new fields into that @$52$% thing was enough to make me pull my hart out!!!!! Jim

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