
I have been trying to find Rhubarb plants or seeds here in NC, so far no luck. It must be a thing of the past or maybe it's to warm here. I can barely remember my mom making rhubarb pies when I was around 6 or 7 years old and think I want some now, maybe not, I might not like it after I find it. If you grow rhubarb tell more about it. Thanks
We have rhubarb, not a lot, but enough for a pie or muffins once in a while. My dad has several clumps. He gave me mine. I remember as a small kid, Dad slicing it in long, thin strips and eating it with salt. Mmmmmmm! Rhubarb pie ranks right near the top of my list. We also make sauce out of it.

we too have rhubarb and it can be started easily from roots. We make juice from it and freeze it in ice cube trays to be added one cube at a time to water for a very refreshing hot days drink, sweetened with strawberries,
Rhubarb is very hardy, at least in my experience. We had a plant by
the house that was almost completely knocked to bits one year
when I was replacing the sheathing and siding and windows and
the next year it came right back again. We dig it up a few years
later and divided it into four pieces and planted them and now each
of them is as big as the original plant was. If you can find some it
should be easy to transplant to your place.
Just bought two rhubarb plants here near Lancaster , PA. Kinda expensive at about $19 each.
Some plants have been at the home farm for at least 50 years.
Never was really fond of rhubarb pie as a kid- too sour. But wife puts strawberries with it, and thats some good eatin'.
Got mine 3 yrs ago from Miller Nurseries. Just google them. Very satisfied with their quality. They are in NY State, I am in Missouri and have always recieved the most healthy plants.
Most nurseries and Big Box stores here in the upper midwest have it in stock. We have 515 plants and use it all winter.
Cut into 1/2" slices and freeze on a cookie sheet, then put in a freezer bag!
Great stuff!! there is a rubarb cobbler waiting for me in the refrigerator now. A little cool whip and chow down.
Follow the recipes and do not skimp on sugar.
Do not cut off the stalks, pull them off pretty much UP, they then repair the stalk easier then.
Do not eat leaves or the plant base. Jim
My late mother-in-law made rhubarb into a sauce using jello. My wife says there's no recipe written for making it. Sure was good. They were of German decent and may have been passed down by mouth. My wife makes rhubarb crumb pies
and she's going to make one tonight mixed with strawberries. I have the recipe somewhere here on the computer. Rhubarb needs cold weather over the winter. It should get cold in NC as I spent 18 months at Ft Bragg 1953-1955. Even had some snow. Hal
It sounds like it will really be good with the strawberries. I remember it being a little sour. I will try to order a few plants from a nursery. It does get cold here, down in the teens and lower sometimes. I am about 200 miles northwest of Fort Bragg in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mtn.
Here's some of the rhubarb in out garden. We have it planted everywhere. It will die down when it gets cold and Is one of the first things
to peak through the ground in early Spring. I found the rhubarb crumb pie recipe. Hal

My mother use to make Rhubarb Custard meringue pie that I loved. I could have eaten a whole pie. One pie had nine eggs in it plus there was a lot of sugar in it.Strawberry Rhubarb is also a great pie.
My mother cut it in 1" lengths and cooked it into a sauce that we ate that way or on vanilla ice cream as a kid. Now my wife makes a cake that is way better....no fuzzy teeth after eating it!
my niece started to grow last year, finally, can cut pieces off to eat,put salt on it raw, darn,, it still [tart],a head shaker like eating a lemon...
I suggest getting one of the red varieties of rhubarb plants because the make better looking sauce, jams, pies, etc.

4 cups rhubarb (cut into real small chunks)
1 1/2 cups sugar
*combine rhubarb/sugar and put it in the bottom of a 9x13 cake pan
*Next, mix one "yellow" cake mix according to the intructions on the cake box.
*Pour the cake batter evenly over the rhubarb in the cake pan.
*Finally, take 1 pint of heavy cream (do not whip it) and carefully pour it all over the top of the cake batter. (I usally pour it over a spoon so it does not make big holes in the cake batter).
*BAKE according to the temp listed on the cake box...BUT nearly DOUBLE your baking time.

This is a really delicious cake! During baking, the cream migrates downward and mingles with the rhubarb and the yellow cake stays on top. Our kids usually want this recipe made for their birthday cake. *Make sure you do refrigerate any leftovers due to the cream in it. It is great all by itself, or you can add a dab of coolwhip or serve it with a scoop of vanilla icecream.

I googled "buying rhubarb plants" and Burpee sells them. Pasted the link below.
Untitled URL Link
Also forgot to say that once you get plants started it... you should not harvest any the first year. Just let it get established. And once it is established the roots will grow to the country with the Great Wall!

And I agree that rhubarb sauce on ice cream is very good... just rhubarb, sugar and a little water simmered together. You can also add a bit of cinnamon to change it up a bit.
I have 22 rhubarb plants growing in North GA. The last tubers I bought were listed on Ebay. They arrived in good shape and I would buy rhubarb on Ebay again from any seller with a good score.
I just ordered Victoria Rhubarb seeds on Ebay, now one more question, how many seed should I sow for each plant?
I am not much of a gardener, I did construction most of my working life.
Thanks to everyone
just eat the stork, throw the leaves out, i.e if you want to make 1048pm. Believe they are detrimental to your health.
(quoted from post at 01:22:00 05/29/12) just eat the stork, throw the leaves out, i.e if you want to make 1048pm. Believe they are detrimental to your health.

Yes, I remember hearing that somewhere before. The clock is ticking isn't it.

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