can you hear me


just wondering how many of you out there have hearing damage from years of running anything with a combustion engine. I think it's called tenitis? I'm young but have run machines and equipment since I was big enough to do so and as I sit here typeing this my ears are ringing quite loudly. Wish I had taken better care.
John, Do yourself a favor. Keep 'em covered when working with any equipment from now and and save your hearing! I'm 50 and have worked in an industrial atmosphere since 20 years old. Have done tons of hunting and target shooting all my life. My wife noticed a few years back I had the TV turned up and was always asking people to repeat themselves. Well, went to the doc who after some preliminary tests sent me to the audiologist. Sure enough, after all the abuse, lost about 40% of of high hz hearing. You don't really notice it over time but after trying on a trial pair of hearing aids, you'd be amazed! Birds in the turkey woods, deer walking behind you , squirrels barking and even more importantly, plain old conversation. I now where muffs or plugs whenever I work in a noisy environment to save what I have left. In the words of my audiologist, a few of the cows got out of the barn but theres still quite a few in there to save! Smart A**!!!!!!! But True!
Yep, some times I think my wife is canning with an old pressure cooker, also my ears are peeling off, have things taken off my back, chest neck and face. I never wore a shirt, hat, sunglases or a muffler on a tractor til I was 45 or 50 years old, paying for it now. Saying is, Experience is an axpensive school and fools will learn from no other.
My ears have rang , nonstop for about 50 yrs. Way back , we never had mufflers on the old Cases or M-M s. I am getting more deaf as time marches on from those staight pipes.
What you say??? clint
tom bond, that's how I felt when I got my first pair of glasses when I was younger. I remember telling my mom, "you guys can see that far?" Just made the decision to go buy severaly sets of muffs, one for each piece of equipment. I only have one set now and its never around when I need it.
I've worn ear plugs almost since day one on the tractor. I'm 27 now, and still have good hearing. I can't stand doing much of anything without plugs in my ears.

Donovan from Wisconsin
Yup. Constant ringing in my ears. Been like that for as long as I can remember.
I'm sure some of it is from loud noises, but I've always been pretty good about ear plugs, cause my dad had poor hearing the whole time I was growing up.
Think at least some of mine is from diving off high bridges, into deep water, and rupturing my ear drums. Happened a few times in my early 20's.
Sure was fun though;-)

Fifty years ago few people thought about hearing protection. Even employers didn't enforce it. I spent 22 years working on lawn and garden equipment and at times there would be three or four engines running in the shop at the same time including chain saws. I cut firewood most of my life until about ten years ago. It has taken its toll but I can still hear pretty good. About two years ago I realized that I had tinnitus, but it doesn't bother me too much. To me it sounds a lot like night insects on a late summer night.
I have always had some ringing, but last summer I grabbed the 7 inch grinder and a stool to set on
and went at it for an hour. My left ear sounds like
a bad florescent light 24/7 now.

Try working on construction sites with a Pile-Driver(Diesel) at ear-level all day long, weeks at a time...!!!
That was a test for anyone...

Maybe firing over a Million rounds in VN..??

And, an entire life, operating engines of every type..
Yea..that phone IS ringing...!!

(quoted from post at 23:08:22 06/01/12)
Try working on construction sites with a Pile-Driver(Diesel) at ear-level all day long, weeks at a time...!!!
That was a test for anyone...

Maybe firing over a Million rounds in VN..??

And, an entire life, operating engines of every type..
Yea..that phone IS ringing...!!

robably have to sleep with radio or tv on just to drown out the ringing, like me. :cry:

About 30 years ago I got a Walkman cassette player, thought I"d use it on the swather. Couldn"t hear it at all. I"ve worn ear plugs ever since.
thats why it bothers me to see people running tractors with straight pipes without hearing protection. bad enough with a muffler. Ears still ringing from shooting and tractor driving when younger without hearing protection.Use it all the time now to keep it from getting worse. Bill
Need to see Ear,nose & throat Dr. as there is a pill that helps you get to sleep. It helps you go to sleep, but it do much for (Nam Sweats) dreams.
My most used word is what. Years of motorcycles, tractors, and Navy aircraft did it for me. I do have some continued ringing, but I live with it. Stan
I haven't heard a cricket for the last 20 years
unless they are right beside me. wife talks of how
she hears the birds singing in the morning outside
our bed room window I may hear one but she says
the're many of them.

Blame it mostly 16 years in a tire factory with
rows of presses for curing tires whistling with
the high pressure steam. constant loud hi pitched

also when my blood pressure elevates sometimes it
ringing is even louder but seems to drop in pitch. a senior in high school (1956), I used to listen to my ears ring in bed. NO machines, NO firearms, MEASLES!!! But it was never a problem at work 'cuz I lived in an intercom world and wore headsets and call-signs. Finally, my wife (who would start talking without getting my attention first) insisted I get hearing aids. First time out, I heard the car turn signal beep. Wadda surprize! While my wife divorced me in 1999, I still need hearing aides to even hear the television. I'm hoping this $1500 pair will last me until I die. .......deef'n'dumm Dell
(quoted from post at 19:06:06 06/01/12) just wondering how many of you out there have hearing damage from years of running anything with a combustion engine. I think it's called tenitis? I'm young but have run machines and equipment since I was big enough to do so and as I sit here typeing this my ears are ringing quite loudly. Wish I had taken better care.

I don't even hear the alarm tone on my watch because the ringing must be the same frequency and loud enough that I swear the person next to me can hear them also.... Been so long that I'd prolly be lonely without it I guess.......
A lifetime around construction and industrial equipment, and 6 years in the Navy around the main propulsion turbines on two different ships, and thankfully no ringing to speak of. I know there are things I can't hear as well as I used to, but as many of the hearing tone tests I've been given over the years (the last one being about 6 months ago) I've yet to fail one of them yet so it must not be too bad......Regardless if what my wife thinks when I don't hear something she says....LOL
(quoted from post at 23:33:58 06/01/12) Regardless if what my wife thinks when I don't hear something she says....LOL
I get so aggravated at the house... I'll be standing or sitting in the same room and she won't say a word.. Then, as soon as I turn my back or walk outta the room, she'll start talking.... If there is any other noise (radio, television, machine, etc), I have to pick what I want to hear and concentrate on it.... If more than one person is talking in a room, I either tune them all out or have to look at and concentrate on the one I want to hear.....
I am NOT an audiologist - but used to be a hearing aid tech in a world famous medical facility.

They can sometimes help tinnitus with white noise machines, maskers (worn like a hearing aid, but helps "mask" the ringing so it is not so prominent), counseling, some meds can help too - but have side effects. Go see a reputable Ear/Nose/Throat doctor - they may be able to help you live better with tinnitus.
No ringing but, I have very reduced hearing in my left ear. I think it comes from years of looking over my left shoulder at tractor drawn farm equipment following behind.This has the effect of turnning my left ear to the tractor muffler,didn't always have cab tractors. Can't hear on the phone with the left, can't hear in crowed rooms very well either. I do wear ear plugs when running equipment now,last 15 years or so, but too late. Youth is wasted on the young, have a hard time getting my boys to wear ear plugs, and one son always has those ear budds playing crap music in his head all the time ,he is 21, so what do I know?? Bruce
Also, to you guys with hearing loss, hearing aid technology has improved by leaps and bounds the last 15 years or so. They are much smaller and have much more sophisticated circuitry - so they are better at picking up sounds you want to hear and canceling out annoying background noises. [Aids used to amplify all sounds so much that it was annoying for the user.] The smaller sizes make them less noticable if that is important to you (though some severe levels of loss may require a larger hearing aid with a custom fit earmold).

If you are not hearing well I really recommend that you go to an ENT doctor at a reputable medical facility (remember an audiologist is not a doctor). Your friends may better appreciate conversing with you if they do not have to repeat everything they say. Your wife, kids and grandkids will love you for it. Most hearing aids are purchased on at least a 30 day trial basis - so one can try them without obligating oneself. My FIL and my dad have worn them for years... and neither would choose to be without them now.

Last but not least... if you do try one - and it hurts your ear at a pressure point, go back and tell them because they can grind some of the shell off to make an earmold fit more comfortably. Otherwise it will cause a pressure-point sore in your ear.
Sorry, I replied to you johnald - but managed to put it as if I was replying to Bruce from Can.
With at least some of you growing up in the 60's and 70's, I am surprised nobody has mentioned LOUD MUSIC.

Cruising down the road, radio cranked up to BROIL, even though it distorted, the least muffler you could get away with, or none at all.

Tiny little bars with wall to wall amplifiers, and too many people shouting to be heard. I remember seeing a guy passed out, leaning up against a four foot high speaker, and thinking " that's gonna make his ears ring in the morning".

Listening with headphones turned up high enough that people in the next room could hear the music.

Radios turned up so you could still hear them over the noise level in whatever noisy workplace you were in.

I was exposed to all this, and actually played in what is now called a garage band, "practicing" in tiny little rooms, with the amps tuned up as though we were in a concert hall.

Add all that racket to my "normal" exposure to tractors, chainsaws, power tools, beating stuff with hammers, and gunfire, it's a wonder my ears didn't fall off.

I did wear ear protection almost from the beginning, for chainsaws, big tractors, construction equipment, but went for years with out it on the "small stuff".

I still hear pretty well, if I am in a quiet room, talking directly to one person, add noise, distance other distractions, and it rapidly goes downhill. I only have ringing, occasionally, but that is more than enough.
Yes, stress or depression are listed as something that can worsen tinnitus. Certain medical conditions or some meds can cause it as well (not sure if it is permanent if brought on by meds or what).

A lot of information here:

I know some of our patients swore by the white-noise machines and the maskers. Some said that the ringing was loud enough and constant enough that it nearly pushed them "over the edge". Have only ever had very brief ringing in my ears from a cold or sinus flare up... it would annoying to live with all of the time.
I guess it's inevitable along with getting older, if we're lucky. . .

I blame my ringing on being too close to pile hammers over the years. The loudest thing I've ever been around. They gave us ear plugs to wear, but only a wuss wears ear plugs, or so I thought when I was young. I probably had a dozen packs of ear plugs in my truck box when I retired. All unopened. Serves me right. . .
Went on wheat harvest back in the late 70"s drove a GMC 9500 long nose w/ 350 Detroit pulling combine from Oregon back to Oklahoma. Was a 19yo kid then and thought the holes in the flex pipe off the exhaust manifold gave the truck an awesome roar.
Well today I just barely get through the DOT hearing test...use ear protection!!
I think theres allot of us that would have done things a little different in our younger days had we realized what the results of it would be in our older years. Although I never dreamed I would live this long to have to worry about the results of our actions back then.
My older son has actually got me wearing ear protection now but I think it is a little too late. But I'm glad to see he is wiser about it than I was at his age.
I stood by the howling grinder-mixer grinding feed for many an hour without ear protection. Then there's the howling first reduction gear on the 630 singing at me while cultivating. Most of us know what the tractor cabs from the 60's were like. Jim
Woke up in the middle of the night in 1983 with ringing in my ears. It's been there ever since.
Dr. told me he thought it was the result of a side effect from the blood pressure medicine I was taking, Every time I go to doc I ask if anybody has come up with something to turn it off, and he says nothing that really works
Ears ringing now. I blame it on the Oliver 990 we had when I was a kid. Worked all day, went home dead tired, and waaaaa,waaaaaaaa,waaaaa in my head when I tried to sleep. Come to think of it, if I could do it over I'd change NOT a thing.
many of years ago, i told friends that i would like to buy stock in hearing-aid companies,,,because today's kids will need them before they turn 30-40, listening to these boom-boxes,,, i try not to run high pitch stuff with-out ear protections, usually, if i don't watch it soon i might be wearing hearing-aids,,need to practice what i preach to young ones, 59 and still have pretty good [ehst dod you say,lol]hearing

I was driving by a construction site the other day. I had to chuckle when I saw a young fellow operating a jack hammer with no ear protection, cigaret dangling out of his mouth and no shirt. I could picture him after work riding to his favorite bar on his Harley with no helmet.
not very well .
some damage not to bad, from most everthing stated above .
been using muffs [ cant stand the plugs ] for the last 25 or so years .
if there much back ground noise you better make sure i'am looking at you .
I haven"t spent years around loud equipment and my ears ring (high pitched eeeeeeee) 24/7.

Try drenamin. It reduced the ringing about 50%, not expensive to try either. It will take a few days before you notice anything. Try it for at least a week to see if its going to help. I take 1 tablet a day.
My BPM is Lisinop/HCTZ 20-25mg, taking one pill first thing in the AM. I lost my hearing as a result of a career around loud noises. For anyone that knows what I am talking about my hearing is 90 db. below average. Hearing aids, and I have bought the finest money can buy, do a great job of amplifying background noise, but if you are trying to carry on a conversation across the table at a restaurant, forget it!!!!!

The BPM took my BP down from up to 230/120 on some mornings to like this AM it was 124/73/75.

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