Sitting on pins and needles

Ultradog MN

Well-known Member
Twin Cities
Watching, reading, following even the slightest hint of news. Is the Supreme Court going to strike the health care bill down or not? We'll learn this week.
If you can't behave yourself and NOT get this thread poofed then darned well bite your tongue!
Not looking for politics. I don't care if you want it to be or think it should be or shouldn't be. I don't care why you think so either. Just an up or down vote. Where are you laying your odds?
I want it to go down but I don't trust any of the DC crowd. They all just want power to Lord over us underlings out here in fly over country.

The last twenty years or so have shown that the Constitution does not mean much to the bunch we have in DC. I do mean both parties.

Things we need:
1) Hard term limits. 6 years total any combination you want but six years total. Both housed together. We have over 300 million people in this great country. We can find 535 people that can lead every 4-6 years easy.

2) Balance budget amendment. Using real accounting practices not base line budgeting.

3) All Federal judges ten year terms. Only renewed with a 80% vote in the house. This includes the Supreme court. Also after the first term of ten years a simple majority can vote them out at anytime. We have old men/women that have been there for 30-40 years. They have zero knowledge of what it is like in real life anymore.

4) Out law public employee unions. They have become a laundry machine for public money back to the political parties. Right now that is the nnalert but it just as easy could be the Reps later.

5) Tort reform. That alone would save millions in legal costs each year. Just make the loser pay the winners total court/legal cost. That alone would make the silly stuff disappear.
Jerry- I"m expecting at least a partial strike-down, since they have that option. Wishing for more.....(ie- total....striking down mandatory coverage)....I"m thinking we are more than doomed with this going though completely. Just another nail in the welfare coffin that brings down the greatest Country in the history of mankind. Every great civilization has failed when the majority figures out how to raid the national treasury. (BTW- I"m always impressed about how you think things through, how much you study stuff. You must be a voracious reader, and I know you are a great student of history. Always nice to see your posts about Naval history....along with your appreciation of the other services.
I totally agree with JD. We have to get term limits implimented and get rid of the Good Ole Boys that have been there for years.But, there again, The fox guarding the hen house. The ones that would have to vote on term limits are the very people that have been for years.
The court is swayed 5 to 4 towards conservative values. (for now anyways)
(God help the USA)
It's likely the Supreme Court will strike down part or all of it 5-4. Then its detractors will have the opportunity to roll out their alternative plan to solve the health care crisis. Except they have no plan to roll out.
hoping it gets voted down or at least partially put to rest. when did it become the "law" that we need to pass a bill to see whats in a bill.
Hoping for at leat a partial strikedown. As has been stated by most everyone, this alone willl not save our nation. It's going to take much more involvement by "WE, The People" to get rid of the trash presently in DC, (all parties) and will also take more time to fill those positions with others who are actually willing to do their job, serve the people, and put this nation back on the straight and narrow. Government is so bloated it's impossible for it to be controlled.
If they don't get rid of the mandate then they are looking at locking up every Amish person in the country. They pay income taxes but are exempt from the SS law and taxes.
Health Insurance isn't the Gov'ts (other taxpayers) responsibility anymore than car insurance or any other thing.Individuals being responsible for themselves is what made the US a great country not Collective Socialism
Hope it goes down. Spent 30 years in the health care industry and have read a 1700 page summary of an earlier version of the bill. Havent read the current version, but the earlier version can only raise costs and give the goverment more control of our health care decisions. We need health care reform big time, but this is the wrong approach
It helped us with our daughter. She got to stay on our insurance until she found a permanent job after graduating college. While not perfect, it is a start.
Hope it goes down. When you give people a place to live, free health care, free food, and pay them not to work you get decadence.

As Earl Butz the former secetary of Agriculture used to say, there is no such thing as a free lunch, someone pays and thats those of us who work for a living and pay taxes. Joe
Given the "Cadillac Tax" provision there won't be a private plan in place by 2020 except for ones provided by unions.

The floor for the Cadillac tax doesn't adjust for inflation - with 6% to 10% increases most plans will be hit by it in the next 10 years. Adding a 40% to an already high premium will end private insurance.
The Amish would fall under the religious exemption. There is one for the nnalert. They view insurance as gambling so it is against their religion. Makes you wonder why they where specifically listed????
I agree.

Nearly all of the most serious problems that our country faces would not have materialiazed had term limits been incorporated into the Constitution by the Founding Fathers. Sadly, they did not anticipate career politicans.

That said, we will never see Congressional term limits.

It looks like we will find out Thursday.

I believe it likely that the mandate will be stricken, rendering the rest unworkable.

Hopefully, the entire abomination will be invalidated. There is, after all, and intentionally so, no severability clause.

Ruling To Be Announced Thursday
Not so sure about about trem limits. Seen what happened when San Antonio got term limits. Now all we get is part timers who don't have any long term interest, only what they can cram through in a short time. Only what they can get for there district with no cares about the whole.

I was very surprised by how quickly our leaders deteriorated to only those who have a agenda. It's very bad to see the big city break down and decline so quickly. Now we have become the country that everyone was trying to leave.

And crime and theft and corruption are daily events.

So be careful about term limits as you might be surprised.

Just like free trade turn out to be much worse for most Americans, term limits can be bad as well.

I don't know the correct answer...
Haven't seen anyone else mention it, but did all ya'll know that a 3.8% NATIONAL sales tax on real estate transactions kicks in next year under external_linkcare? 38 grand on a million dollar transaction, comin' right outta your pocket. What do real estate sales have to do with health care?

Wonder what other goodies we don't know about?
It's not a sales tax. It's an additional incomce tax on investment income of higher-income taxpayers, including but not specific to real estate transactions.

But most people will see it in the form of a realestate transfer.

The excluded gain on the sale of a personal residence is included for the purposes of calculating this tax. So if Grandma sells the home that she and grandpa bought back in the 1950s for $20,000 and she clears $300,000 she won't owe any "income tax" on the sale but the 3.8% is calculated on 155,000 ($300,000-$125,000 (floor) -$20,000 (basis). So the federal government grabbed $5,890 that she was going to use to pay for the retirement home.

Or if she had a farm that she and her husband paid $50,000 back in 1955 and sold today for $500,000 she would have to pay tax on $325,000 or $12,350. ($500,000-$125,000 (floor) -$50,000 (basis))
Agree with just about everything said. Nothing will change untill we the people get off our @$$ and demand the government be given back to the people, not who is the highest bidders!! We need to get rid of the electoral vote and go to popular vote. Then it would be truly for the WILL of the MAJORITY OF PEOPLE OF THIS GREAT NATION!!!
And of course, capital gains tax as well, right?

We draw ever closer to the simplified tax return that we used to joke about:
1. How much did you make?
2. Send it in.
Since I had a kidney transplant 20 years ago I guess I should be for it right? WRONG!

Having the govt have more control over my health scares the bejabbers outa me.

Someone stated something about our "leaders " having term limits. The problem is they are supposed to be our Representatives representing our desires while in office. Somehow they have become our "leaders" doing anything they want and nothing we want. The only leader we are supposed to have is the president who has veto power when he thinks we are wrong, but because we are supposed to be the true power we can over ride his veto.

The real problem is the slime we call politicians have found out that many Americans vote with thier wallets. Don't matter if it's welfare or tax breaks both sides vote on what they are going to recieve or what they are going to be able to keep.

I hope they strike down most if not all of it.

We, U.S.A., are supposed to be a 1"st world
country, but are "third World" in healthcare
Due to Big Insurance Company"s, Big Drug Companys
and Rich Doctors that would rather deny benefits
and see the average blue collar family die, than
give up profits!
(quoted from post at 14:14:21 06/25/12) We, U.S.A., are supposed to be a 1"st world
country, but are "third World" in healthcare
Due to Big Insurance Company"s, Big Drug Companys
and Rich Doctors that would rather deny benefits
and see the average blue collar family die, than
give up profits!

Most insurance companies don't make a lot of profit on health insurance with the spread between 6% and 16% with the average being 8%. A convienance store expects to make about the same net. So that's not it.

Most doctors don't know what the hopsitals are charging and are really shocked at just what the HMO is charging for thier time. So doctors are not the problem.

That leaves the one thing you did mention, the drug companies and the HMO's that you failed to mention. Both of them are guilty of over charging for just about everything! Sure they don't show profits but watch in your area just how many building imporvements/expansions and new construction the HMO's are doing. That's so they spend that profit before tax time and avoid paying those taxes. Bet the drug companies are doing the same thing......most of the research is paid for with gonverment grants.

dhermesc "Adding a 40% to an already high premium will end private insurance. "

That's been the goal all along. The only way they can get the hallowed "single payer" is to kill off all private insurance and providers.
Wait till the government is running it. The efficiency of the postal service, the bed side manner of the IRS and logic of the HHS running it.
Fellas, if you think you are going to get free insurance or cheap insurance you have another guess coming.
It doesn't make any difference which party starts it --IT has to be paid for. Bush wouldn't even think about a bill beause he would have to tax something or somebody some how. external_link at least tried to get something going but it won't work because it has to be paid for. And that means a separate tax or additional tax--no other way about it.
(quoted from post at 18:06:05 06/25/12) Fellas, if you think you are going to get free insurance or cheap insurance you have another guess coming.
It doesn't make any difference which party starts it --IT has to be paid for. Bush wouldn't even think about a bill beause he would have to tax something or somebody some how. external_link at least tried to get something going but it won't work because it has to be paid for. And that means a separate tax or additional tax--no other way about it.

Len you got that right. Thing of it is everyone will have to pay for it not just some.

I think you proved my point, TF. If you had any ideas how to fix health care, I'm sure you would have shared them. Instead you repeated the same tired old arguments about how it's un-American to help people who are sick or injured.

I think it's "un-Amercan" to force American citizens to buy something we don't want (and that's exactly what external_linkcare will do).

If this isn't struck down by the SCOUS,...WHAT will the government force us to BUY next???????
(quoted from post at 20:57:17 06/25/12)
I think it's "un-Amercan" to force American citizens to buy something we don't want (and that's exactly what external_linkcare will do).

If this isn't struck down by the SCOUS,...WHAT will the government force us to BUY next???????

Prophylactics cause you know whats coming next!

I'm waiting to hear your proposed alternative solution, Old Iron.

Interestingly, the presumptive nnalert candidate for president thought it was perfectly fine to force the residents of Massachusetts to buy insurance, but now thinks it's unacceptable to make citizens in the other 49 states do the same thing. Perhaps you can explain that one as well.
Mark the whole point is that a states constitution may allow them to force some type of insurance program but that falls under the states rights. Read the Constitution. Nothing in there allows the federal government to do that. What's next? Them telling us what kind of car to drive or brand of clothing?

Besides the affordable care act is very affordable.


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