OT / good cat

David G

Well-known Member
Our Tom cat usually leaves pocket gophers on the porch for us to find, but had a big mole there tonight. I had seen one working on the edge of the field. We never see a mouse near the house or buildings.
Yeah, I like the way they bring them to you, like, Hey, looky what I done! We have a cat that has been de-clawed, I didn't want to, but the wife didn't want him tearing up her new furniture. He's eleven years old now. I let him out for couple hours about every day, and that joker can still kill mice and moles! Maybe not as many as one with claws, but frequently he will bring one up and drop him near the front porch.
Our momma cats brought their kittens all up to the house, now we are surrounded ny piled of feathers, skins, and bones.....

One of our skitish momma cats got a sore on her ear, she or the others keep whacking the scab off, so she bleeds and sprays the front steps and door with drips of blood.

I bet tht cuts down on salesmen & religious folk willing to temp fate by knocking on the door.....

Had a black tom many years ago, exceptional hunter. He met me in the driveway when I came home in the wee hours. We didn't have an all nite yard light, was pretty dark. I reached down to pet him, and then noted something else was scurrying on the driveway too.

I have no idea what he brought me, didn't stick around to find out, but next morning I discussed the need for him to kill whatver he brings me first!

a few months ago I notice a cat along our road
sitting on a log, I had seen the cat again in
the same place, & for two weeks again & again.
I am not a cat person, but noticed it was very
skinny. My first thought was poor hunter. One
day I stopped, & said Kitty Kitty, & he came
arunning.. So I brought her home & put her in my
shed. Gave her small doses of food 4 times a day
& she began to look healthy. She never left my
shed, wouldn't be under my feet when I worked.
So we got along fine, Me & my Blue Eye's Part
Siamese cat, my family was suprised I fell in
love with a cat.. Only time she'd leave my shed
was to do her business & she did that in the
leaves in the woods. She would line up mice
she caught beside her dish & tell me about in
the moring when I feed the cows & her. She
didn't eat the mice, Killed every bird that
built a nest in the shed.. Everything was fine
untill she fell in a bucket of antifreeze I
drained from a tractor, I seen she was wet one
day I paid no attension & told her she was a
stupid cat for falling in the water tub.. I
noticed she was sick & finally figured out what
happend, I cover the antifreeze too late, 3 Days
later she died, I was Heart Broke, I still can't
believe I liked this cat & she found my soft
spot. I still miss her. Mice are Moving back in

I have never liked cats,,, all cats that have show up got deposed of.
Last April one showed up that was my guess just winged... It got a free ride to another location about a hour are 2 later it showed back up. Well I feed the dang thing next thing I know I am its mother. Got it nnalert again every thing known to man and stuff that has not been invented yet then he gets a cut on his leg then D-nutted. $600 spent on a cat I did'n want to start off with....

I did get lucky he's a born killer I have not seen a mouse are a snake in over a year 8). He stalks dogs not skeered one bit of'em he will back them down and run them off that may be his down fall when he runs up again one that will take a good pop of the pawl to kill him...Dipstick earns his keep....
You do have a good one being a male. The females normally make the good hunters and the males tend to be real lazy. He's probably that way because he's the last one around.
We have a female and 4 males outside. She catches a field mouse in the deep grass down the road and brings it back. The males fight for it after chasing her off. The males will catch a bird now and then, but they don't act very ambitious about it. They are fed daily, but a very minimal diet of dry cat food. We have no rats or mice anywhere nearby. Only thing they won't fool with is the possums, even after I shoot them. As bad as they smell, I don't blame the cats.
I walked out the back door this morning and almost steped on a big dead rat. I apreciate them catching them,but they don't need to bring them up here.
Got a male that showed up as a stray kitten a few years ago. Got him fixed as a 'freindly ferral stray' program they have here. He does hunt moles and chipmunks, but would rather fight other cats, hang out with possums or eskimo kiss his skunk freinds. One day, not paying attention to him, got thru the door with something in his mouth. Figured it was a dead thing, first time for that. Oh too bad, a baby rabbit. All wet from spit? not blood. Get it away from him and pick it up... it ain't dead. That thing was like the tasmanian devil! Strong little legs and sharp claws and did not respond to getting told to be good. Seems bad cats are better than good bunnies... last night there was a big loud fight out there, bloodcurdulling screams- he came in with a mouth full of orange fur from his garfield enemy. Apparently an ambush, he was uninjured, but still PO'd. I'm just glad he didn't drag the neighbor's cat in the kitchen....
Parked the wheel barrow under my tractor once. Didn't know the tractor had a slight radiator leak until I saw a small puddle in the wheel barrow. I didn't think anything of it until I found one of my barn cats dead the next day. Moved the wheel barrow & washed it out. Never got over feeling bad about the cat.
I had a cat years ago that lived in my welding shop. Noise and commotion never fazed him, only sparks from the grinder. Never remember him catching anything but he was sure fun to have around. One time he jumped with muddy feet onto a customer's 3-piece suit. That wasn't too funny but the time I laughed most he had jumped onto a stool with a seat that spun. The stool was on a piece of uneven floor and as his weight shifted the seat kept spinning him. I was on the phone and had to hang up because I couldn't talk.
I have 21 or 22 of them running around my garage, barn and front porch. They bring home squirrels, rabbits, birds, lizards and snakes all the time. I think that I would rather have the rodents.

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