Hard to beat Homemade soup/pic

Lou from Wi.

Well-known Member
Made home made veg soup yesterday,wife caned that was left for the COLD WINTER MONTHS. Probably be gone when we make up winters supply of wood. Wife is looking for a cucumber(pickle )recipe .she has done various ones but the pickles still come out soggy. Looking for a good recipe for dills. her books (many of the recipes still don't work. Looks like there would be one for FIRM pickles. Could use a good one. I can only eat so many fried, dish vinegar type. Help!!! regards LOU.
LOL Lou, my dad always said that you only eat soup when yer sick and if it don't kill ya you will get better.......I'm a meat an patatos guy.....cept now the doc has me on a all the meat and veggies you want diet....

When my grandmother use to make dill pickles in a crock she would add grape leaves to make them stay crisp. I don't ever remember having a soft dill pickle when we ate there, makes my mouth water just thinking about it
Soak them in alum water for a while before canning. It has LOTS to do with the variety, too. Some kinds won't stay crisp no matter what.
(quoted from post at 04:25:15 07/27/12) Gots ta have 'maters in my soup.

But your soup looks real pretty in the jar.

also cabbage, taters, chick'n broth, V8 juice okra, hamburger and a few other things...
Me I do not like veg soup fresh from the garden,,, My mom makes the best from what she has caned (assorted veg's) and what she uses from tin cans from the store (mixed veg's)... Why cuzz she doctors it up chick'n broth and V8 juice),,, she said the secret to good veg soup is to cook some of the stuff before you dump it all together then cook the mix haft as much as you think it should be cooked,,, you do not end up with a sloppy mush... I will put her store brought mix/canned veg/soup again any garden fresh soup out their...
Lou, please email me a bowl of soup!

I have been sick as a dog today and that soup looks delicious.

Looks like your wife is a skilled cook!

Good on ya',

Don't use water that has been through a softener for pickles. When canning, I just bring them to a boil to seal the jars. Don't cook them.
Yep Sure was. Bought the wife a pressure canner many years ago. Thick Aluminum(sp) that isn't made any more.Only the new ones are thin copies from Presto in eau claire. Wouldn't can with out one. Thanks LOU.
Hobo. To each his own. Wondering how much vitiams are lost in can goods from the grocer? Just a thought , LOU.
Soup was cooked on the stove then cooled and caned the next day. 20 min at 15 lbs. Will see what it tastes like when we start wood in September. I had a sampling when it was stove cooked. Not dissappointed in the least. LOU.
Lou, I have an older Presto, a National, and my favorite, the Dixie with the big brass wing nuts and uses no gasket.
An old hardware store here keeps parts on hand for canners.
Richard in NW SC

I used to use the pressure canner with the gauge but when I bought a new one it had the little round rocker on top. I will never go back to the gauge. With the rocker we can put it on and go about our business (as long as you can hear the rocker let off steam) but with a gauge you had to constantly monitor it lest it get to much pressure or to little.

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