watering new trees


Well-known Member
Set out a new wind break last year, and now the trees are needing water. Have a old gravel pit that I can haul water from with our honey wagon. Question, I can't spread it, just unload it with the big hose. Will water spread itself in the ground for any distance? If I let it slowly drain? I know drain tile pull about 30 feet under ground. The ground does have a slight slope, so it does go down the slope slowly.So if I can put it in yhe middle, will it spread out the 75 feet width of the trees. Hope this is somewhat understandable. Harold
I don't think what you want to do will work real good. You will end up with a lot of water on some & a little on some. There has been some talk about this in the past. What I did was get enough five gal buckets to set beside every tree. I drilled four 3/16 holes in the bottom of the bucket & then drove by & filled the buckets with water. That way they all got the same ammount. I did put a rock or brick in the bottom of the bucket so they wouldn't blow away when they were empty. It has worked well for me. Gerald
might consider a drip system. lines down your row of trees with your tank at top of slope may work, even without a pump of any kind. should be realitively inexpensive to set up,and would go a long ways to providing your trees the water they need while decreasing the competition from weeds and grass they would get if you simply flood irrigated. my guess is if you simply let water run on ground,90% or more would go to weeds and grass competition instead of your trees.

Just a thought, but maybe you could find some old firehose, punch some small holes in it and then lay it out along the trees. Hook the hose to the honeywagon, open the valve, and you'd basically have a drip irrigation system.

ANYTHING you can do to save those trees is better than doing nothing, even if all you did was park the honeywagon up-hill from the trees and open the valve.

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