update in teh knee


Well-known Member
If anyone's even interested! The knee snapped six weeks ago and put me on crutches for a couple of days. Since then it's been on and off again using a cane or crutch sometimes, depending on the terrain. One orthopaedist shot cortisone in there to no avail but on a return trip to him he said the word arthritis and someday joint replacement. Went to another ortho today who specializes hips and knees and he basically said the same thing. I have an appt for an MRI and consultation with the second ortho. He said he'll probably scope it to clean it up but he said right away it might not work. The Xray shows a fairly decent gap between bones so it's not bone-on-bone yet. So there it is folks. Haven't used a cane or crutch for a week cause I'm on a new anti-inflammatory but every step bites just a little bit,sometimes not at all. I'm just so happy I don't need a cane or crutch now. Jim
had friends wife, age 70 , put in new knee, went to rehab facility for a week, walks great now and no pain, hope yours goes well
got my knee replacement scheduled for this coming monday. Had arthroscopic about 4 years ago and knew this was coming.Had pain while skiing this past winter.
Try glucosamine/chondroitin as a daily supplement. Ortho doctor said it helps approximately 40% of the general population. The right knee was replaced and the left was going south. Sarted the glu/chon routine and the left knee is now a lot better. If I had started this regimen fifteen years ago, might have been able to avoid the replacement. Better half fell severely injured her knee falling on an icy sidewalk. Didn't go to the doctor and it didn't get any better. Took about a year to convince her to take the supplement. She now claims it has really helped and doesn't miss a dose. If no improvement in about three months it probably isn't your cure.
Wife had both knees replaced June 25. Into her fifth week of rehab. Still some pain but walking great and getting better every week.
Best wishes to you Fixerupper! And if/when it comes to surgery - hope it all goes real well.

My mom had both her knees replaced. Made a huge improvement for her. Only negative was that if she fell (and she did, due to balance problems) she could not get up... could not put pressure on her knees. And that my have just been something specific to her case.
I have had ortho. on right knee twice. January, I tore cartilege in my left knee. Went to the doctor, got an MRI and confirmed. I did not want to do surgery and January was not a good time with possible bad weather ice and snows so I put it off. A friend suggested the glucos./condri. regiment. So far, both knees are feeling better than they have in years. I cannot guarantee it will work for everyone but it is worth a try.
I can feel your pain; well at least I did about 15 years ago.
I stepped on some uneven ground while carrying a bag of cement and my knee "cracked".
It swelled up like a balloon and my doctor gave me a precription for heavy duty Ibuprophen and had me keep it heavily "ace-bandaged" and had me use a cane.
I think it took a couple of weeks before I could sort of walk normal again but then it improved rapidly.
I do get just a little "twinge" in that knee now and then but nothing too serious.
I'm 71 and consider myself blessed.
I truly hope your situation turns out as well as mine!!
I'll keep you posted but it'll be awhile. MRI isn't till Aug 27. They have a little MRI that you just stick the offending limb into so I'm looking forward to that part of it.

I'm still pretty darned active and do a lot of walking. When we go shopping we park in the far end of the parking lot and hike to the door just for excersize. Fewer door dings is a side benefit too. I don't have a quad or golf cart to get around the farm with cause I figure if the legs work, why not use them? Now the dollar figures are going around in my head. Lessee, used golf cart- $50 to $500. Out of pocket expense for knee replacement- $5000, more or less. Jim

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