Few feel this way but many should


Well-known Member
So today was a day to vote so how many of you did????????? O know a woman who is disabled and her truck is broke down. She got up extra early this morning and walked 5 miles one way just to vote. Sad but true few care enough to vote and yes we have crooks in office but if you do not vote you have not right to say any thing and yes in most places it is now to late to vote if you did not. Sad how we the people do not care so if we do not why should those in office care. Yes this post will probably go bye bye in a short but it is the truth

We voted last Thursday in Tennessee. My wife is a poll worker. She arrives at the polling place at 6:15 AM and leaves there at 7:30 PM.

Voting is sometimes frustrating, but always important.

Tom in TN
We voted about noon. Yes, here in MIchigan you have to present a picture ID, which is not a problem if you are a legal citizen.
P.S.--Yes, even though I know most of the election workers personnally, having served on boards with them, gone to church with them, had my kids taught by them, it doesn't matter. I still have to show a picture ID. That is perfectly fine with me. It doesn't invade anyones privacy and helps prevent fraudulent votes as we hear about in some places.
Yep, mailed mine out last Thursday. I hope this post isn't poofed & turns into incentive for those who do not vote. Even if you can't get out or don't want to go out, the absentee ballot works, too. I've often wondered how often that option is forgotten about.

We already voted here at our local fire station. Yep I also know all the poll workers personally but still they required a picture ID. I had no problem with that if it keeps illegal aliens and/or non citizens from voting and stops voting fraud.

Get out and vote yall n God Bless the USA

Thanks to veterans who lay their lives on the line so the rest of us have freedoms

John T, Christian, Conservative, Patriot
No election in Illinois today, but I'm glad to hear that Missouri had one. Those political ads on channel 12 are sickening. Surely this will end them. There needs to be a "none of the above" catagory on the ballot. Somehow the political ads get priority over the regular business ads. I told a friend I was thinking of moving to Missouri just so I could vote against one of those scoundrels.
My wife and I voted. We also took along our 18 y.o. daughter who voted for the first time. We had to drive about 25 miles and took off from a busy work day to do so.
In Oregon it's all vote by mail so there is no excuses not. Well I had one this time there was one person in each slot so why vote for a sure thing.
Guys, Here in Texas we voted Last Tuesday! My wife and I and our 18 yr old son who voted for the first time also.
Yes my candidates all won. Quite a Tea Party victory. Time will tell if it was good are not! At least I have (B)_itching rights, If you don't go Vote you do not get to (B)_itch!!!
John A.
Caucus, not a real election, isn't is here?

I just don't know that I fit into the caucus process very well.

Hello Old, Yes, we voted today. It is sad that the voter turn out was so low in my area. I am very disappointed with the disinterest shown. We always vote. It is strange but the persons I vote for seldom win. I think the other voters are voting for the wrong candidate. I remain optimistic,however, and always try again next time. I believe those who do not vote have no right to complain about the results. Bob
Caucus system here only for President. Primary next week for Senate, Congress, & state offices if more than one candidate for each opening.
We also have a school bond proposal here. Seems school boards like to slip theirs in on a primary when turnout is low instead of general election in November.
Every tax payer ought to vote and protect themselves from the non tax payers.

Always vote, always have. I have stood for public office about nine times. I am now volunteering at one of two county campaign offices, one evening a week. There is, I believe more at stake in Nov. than ever before. We need to be doing something positive.
You have to show a picture ID to cash a welfare check. All the smoke about protecting voters is just plans for massive voter fraud.
I have voted twice in my life - and I am ashamed that I did then! Another one of man's un-Biblical ways of doing things. I proudly served 8 years in the USMC to protect my right NOT to vote.
Voting doesn't solve anything, just prolongs the problem.
I didn't even know it was a voting day ? and I'm still not sure if my area had anything on the ballot ? Maybe they wanted to keep the levies secret or something ?
I saw the post before about voting and thought you guys were just getting preprimed for the nov. elections !
(quoted from post at 19:24:39 08/07/12) So today was a day to vote so how many of you did????????? O know a woman who is disabled and her truck is broke down. She got up extra early this morning and walked 5 miles one way just to vote. Sad but true few care enough to vote and yes we have crooks in office but if you do not vote you have not right to say any thing and yes in most places it is now to late to vote if you did not. Sad how we the people do not care so if we do not why should those in office care. Yes this post will probably go bye bye in a short but it is the truth

I vote for the crook of my choice. Your are told to pick one or the other. You don't really get a choice. Also it accomplishes nothing, but to perpetuate the myth that you are doing something. Heck if it makes you feel good then do it. The economy is in the toilet and we are still pouring Trillions of dollars into Iraq and Afganistan. But your candidate will make it all better. LOL
Kinda like a story Paul Harvey used to tell about a couple who lived out on the prairie. Half a days ride in a horse drawn wagon to get to the polling place,half a day back,but they never failed to pack a lunch and make the trip. When they got there,he always voted straight nnalert and she always voted straight nnalert,so they cancelled each other out.
July 31 was voting day for the Tx for the US senate seat runoff. Work was crazy and didn't get to leave until 6:20. Still got to the polling place about 10 min before closing time (7:00). Another guy showed up about the same time. We walk in the door and there are 2 people sitting behind tables. One asks if were nnalert or Reps. We were both voting Rep. She said we had to go to the library in another city to vote R. Neither of us knew where it was. I tried to make it, but wound up driving around in Lancaster trying to find it. Saw the other guy driving around, too. Never did find the library.

Why is it that nnalert could vote in their home city, but R have to go to another city? Yes, the area where I live is mostly Dem. I will be calling the County Election Board and complaining.
Mn caucuses were last Spring- this is the Primary to narrow it down to two candidates per office for the Nov. election. Here, biggest thing is County Commissioners. Four candidates in our district- all newbies. County got caught pulling a fast one when redistricting- adjusting logical lines so 2 incumbents didn"t have to face each other. We didn"t find out why the last Sheriff was under Federal investigation, or much flack for private use of County property by employees. Or how the board hired the ex-sheriff as adviser within thirty days of him resigning and the board ok"ing his hand-picked successor. (Illegal).
Ya'll have SEPERATE polling places for nnalert and nnalert? So much for secret ballots. (Or can't Dem's and Rep's get along good enough to be in the same place and time in the fair state of Texas?) LOL!

I also wonder how a undocumented person could vote. Here in Virginia, the poll workers check you off from a list of registered voters. How would an unducumented worker get on that list? And why would he even try?
If you ask me , the voter fraud is not at the individual voter level, but at the state and voter precint and yes, even in the US Supreme Court
We did this time. I wonder how many other people missed out because they didn"t know R"s were forced to go to another city.
You think that's something? We have people who've been dead for decades who've apparently been voting in our county. Ironically, they always vote a straight Democratic ticket.
(quoted from post at 21:24:39 08/07/12) So today was a day to vote so how many of you did????????? O know a woman who is disabled and her truck is broke down. She got up extra early this morning and walked 5 miles one way just to vote. Sad but true few care enough to vote and yes we have crooks in office but if you do not vote you have not right to say any thing and yes in most places it is now to late to vote if you did not. Sad how we the people do not care so if we do not why should those in office care. Yes this post will probably go bye bye in a short but it is the truth

Hey,, they only let us vote one time here!!! whats up with that???
All vote by mail in Washington too. I sent my ballot in last week.

For some of the races, there were quite a few candidates. It always takes me some time to research each choice, to try to make sure the one I vote for close to matches my values and attitudes. I hope I did a good job, and at least I did my part.

I wonder how many people are willing to take the time to check out the various candidates, or if they just mark the first R or D on the list. Or vote for the one that is most well known, who has the most commercials or is most physically attractive. I worry that we at least sometimes do not get the best people elected.

Although I sometimes vote for someone that calls themself a nnalert, when I know them personally, I usually vote for the person who calls themself a nnalert that I think is most conservative. In Washington, most of the people East of the Cascades vote R, but the urban area from Olympia to Everett, which has more population, usually votes nnalert, so Washington tends to be considered a D state. There has been discussion for many years about splitting Washington into two states along the Cascade Crest, so Eastern Washington would finally have some clout in their own state"s government.

I kind of miss the old way of voting at the polls. At least at the polling place where I voted, I usually knew almost all of the workers there. I doubt that there was ever ANY voter fraud at our poll, but I couldn"t say that about polls in other areas. But having lots of LOCAL people watching what was going on would seem to me to be a pretty safe way to go. I also miss the social aspect of seeing your neighbors at the poll and getting to visit with them after you voted. It was a lot more fun than filling out a ballot at home and mailing it.

In my county the elections are supervised by the County Auditor, who I know personally and respect very much. I doubt that she would ever allow any funny business, but I don"t know how things go in other areas. With mail in ballots, it would sure seem possible for unscrupulous persons to manipulate the voting.

The powers that be say mail-in voting is cheaper and produces faster results. I wish we would go back to voting at polls, even if it costs a bit more and takes a little longer.

I figure that if you don"t bother to vote, you don"t have much of a gripe coming if you don"t like the results of other people voting. So I always vote, however that has to be done.
That seems to me that your privacy has been invaded. Voting is supposed to be secret therefore it would not be necessary to divulge who you vote for.That is your business... seems the system there needs a giant overhaul.

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