Help with growing sunflowers.


I am planning on growing 5 acres of sunflowers next year. I will be planting in a clean seed bed so I know there is no use in using a burn down like roundup because it must come in contact with existing plants to work. I have thought about using dual and spartan as a post emerg. But I am going to be cultivating the sunflowers with my IH 140 is there any use to use herbicide at all if for pre or post emerg weeds since I am going to be cultivating till they get to high to cultivate?
You will need to have a herbicide down because sunflowers do not shade the ground very well. The late weeds that will germinate after you can't cultivate them will take over.

What are you going to do with five acres of sunflowers??? I know some places have a commercial market for them but do you???
Do you have someone to harvest them for you? 5 Acres won't pay for a header attachment. When we raised them, we never had less than 100 acres. We made our own sunflower header with scrap and just a little purchased angle iron and corrugated sheet metal.

When the price of oil sunflowers dropped, we quit raising them.

Neighbor about a 1 mile down the road from me just completed combining 300+ acres of sunflowers for eatable seeds. He had too aerial spray them 3 or 4 times to control a fungus. Then aerial defoliate the plants prior to combining.
We usually plant several three to five acre plots for the wildlife here. All I do is catch the moisture just right ,brodcast with three point spreader, roll them in with a cultipacker and let them grow. Have had some real good crops.
Hey guys I'm I am raising them for doves. I have a dove shoot every year and want to raise sunflowers next year.
If you let the seeds fall on the ground, you will have scattered sunflowers coming up for years.

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