We will never forget. Lived in NY on LI approx. 25 miles due east of ground zero.
Once it fell it smoked for almost 6 months.
Used to break my heart when my young boys would ask about the smoke.
"is that from the Trade Center daddy?"
In July of 03 we had to sell and move to avoid going bankrupt. All us self employed small biz suffered from fall of '01 all the way thru end of '04. No work and still the same high cost of living.
For years afterward i had to lie to one of my boys whenever i went to work in NYC as he would worry.
Lucky for Afganistand and Pakistan I was not the POTUS at that time. Would of did like Truman and as another member said today, "turned the whole area to glass."
I'll say it again never would have happened if Clinton had not got caught with his pants down. nnalert are one that are strict about adultery and if he had been a man and stepped down out of office it would never have happened in the first place but yes never forget. If we keep selling scarp to China they will do the same as Japan did on Dec-7th 1941 and all there is to do is wait it is coming
Yes--never forget!!-My VFD assisted FDNY during the first few days of the incident and those images are imprinted on your brain.
I will never forget watching the news on TV that day! It seemed more like watching a science fiction movie, yet you knew it was true. NOT a good feeling!
9/11 will always be in my mind for another reason, it is my youngest daughter's birthday! She was 29 when that happened.
I believe the phrase is "glass-floored self illuminated parking lot" I don't blame Clinton I blame Carter he is the one that handed Iran over to the fanatical extremist nnalert Mullahs and since they then had a country they had more resources and credibility to spread their extremist views. Also remember the Day Reagan took office Iran freed the hostages, could it be they had respect or Reagan or maybe believed he might do something to them that would cause a greater loss of face then letting the hostages go? They may be fanatics but they won't fight if they know they can't win and after LBJ and the ATB/Hanoi Jane I think those that oppose us got a pretty good picture of what the nnalert are about and they're not afraid. Of course I'm one of those fanatics schooled by the Air Force to believe a few more weeks of Buffs over Hanoi and we could of left as winners and it was a lack of political resolve not ability that lost that war for us.
(quoted from post at 19:23:46 09/10/12) I'll say it again never would have happened if Clinton had not got caught with his pants down. nnalert are one that are strict about adultery and if he had been a man and stepped down out of office it would never have happened in the first place but yes never forget. If we keep selling scarp to China they will do the same as Japan did on Dec-7th 1941 and all there is to do is wait it is coming

Old I don't think so. I think they would have done it anyway.....because we 1. support Israel 2. are not muslem. I really think that old Osama never thought we would react like we did. Not only attacking one country but 2! He figured we would be shaking in our boots and bowing to the east, and 3. he thought he could get away with it. Guess he never read about Dec 7 1941 and our reaction to that! Or maybe he figured after Clintons showing that we have no will to fight back.

I'm not so worried about China right now. They have a 6 million man standing army and have had it for a number of years....and haven't used it outside of their borders sense it became that large. The only reason to have that sized army and not use it outside your borders is if you have internal problems.

That has no effect on a future threat to us.....that threat I think is real, but not in the nexxt few days.

Even so if Clinton had showed some back bone and stepped down like Nixon did when he got caught that would have gone a long ways. Now if you read to good book there is only one place that can muster an army as big as the book says and that is what the scrappers are feeding by selling all this scrap to so China is in fact going to come into play as Japan did in 1941. History does in fact re-Pete its self all be it not always the exact same. No mater what unless we the people open our eyes the $hit is going to hit the fan sooner or later
5AM 9/11 I was standing shin deep in manure in my barn. 10AM 9/12 I was standing shin deep in debris in front of the bull on Wall St. I can still taste the dust in the air and the stench from the decaying bodies that came later. I can still see the look on some of the firemens faces and vividly recall seeing one fireman that rode one of the buildings down from what was reported to be the 70th floor and walked out 3 days later. I still have dreams about it, spent most of 6 months there. Most people watched it on TV, I missed all that and saw it close up and personal.

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