another death

pete black

Well-known Member
a 6 yr. old girl fell off the back of the tractor she was riding on with her mother who was cutting grass. tragically she went under the mower and was killed. this occurred yesterday in florence, al.
There was one here in Northern Mich over the weekend. A guy from downstate was working with his tractor and when he did not show up at home downstate they called the sherff dept. Sherff dept found him under his rolled over tractor and figured he had been there all weekend. Never can be to safe things happen fast.
Sad to hear and don't mean to sound cruel. But why would anyone have a kid on a tractor. When working. I can understand a little ride around the barn tractor only.
A couple of years ago I was driving along a road near my home when I saw a guy on a (Kubota, I think---it had flat top fenders), pulling a rotary cutter around his acreage. Two kids, about six to eight, were perched on the fenders. I called the Sheriff's office---substation just a couple of miles away---and they sent a deputy out. I hope the guy got the message.
(quoted from post at 18:56:52 09/11/12) Sad to hear and don't mean to sound cruel. But why would anyone have a kid on a tractor. When working. I can understand a little ride around the barn tractor only.
I don't think that's cruel Billy, I agree with you.
The thought running through my mind is that mother asking herself the same thing.
I bet she's not being as nice to herself.
My heart goes out to the family.
I let my nephews ride once in a while, but never when doing any kind of tillage or mowing, chopping, etc...

I ussually let them ride while hauling manure and the oldest rode on the fender while baling hay. Hopefully in another year or 2 he'll be able to start driving for some simple jobs. I started with raking hay and then driving while baling.

Donovan from Wisconsin
I read that more kids get injured on riding mowers than anything else. My former neighbor carried a kid with her cutting grass on a new zero turn going like a bat out of -ell. I think the parents that do stupid things like this should be charged with negligence or child endangerment. Feel really bad for the child as they wouldn't be expected to know better but not so much for the mother. Sorry if that's harsh but people have to be more responsible around dangerous machines with kids.
I can give you one answer, when you have to get work done and you have to care for your kids. I will start with both my tractors have cabs and the doors are locked when my son rides with me but I have no regrets of the nearly 100 hrs he spent in there with me haying. My only concern is during road travel, I'm very distrustful of other drivers even with the half dozen flashers on the machines. I do everything to minimize travel on the road even though we are in a rural area.
(quoted from post at 18:49:27 09/11/12) I can give you one answer, when you have to get work done and you have to care for your kids. I will start with both my tractors have cabs and the doors are locked when my son rides with me but I have no regrets of the nearly 100 hrs he spent in there with me haying. My only concern is during road travel, I'm very distrustful of other drivers even with the half dozen flashers on the machines. I do everything to minimize travel on the road even though we are in a rural area.
id in a cab is no garanty.
Case in point,
A guy i know's Wife came to the field with their 4 yr old son to bring lunch.
After lunch the kid begged for a ride in the tractor.Dad said OK,one round. 3/4 around the field somehow the cab door flew open,kid was standing in the corner and went head over tea kettle out and under the rearwheel before daddy could slam the breaks,..kid...dead as doornail.
sad sad story.
I don't take passengers on the tractor when working nor when in road gear -- only when taking a scenic drive in low gear. It was that way when I was younger and was the passenger, too. So sad to hear about this stuff.
Ken. Inside a cab with locked doors is one thing. But on an open tractor with no protection is another.It is great to have the kids with you in a cab. But things can still go wrong.

When I was a kid and had to be out in the field. We sat under a shade tree. Or in the back of a pick up and watched Dad run the tractors.We were never allowed near a tractor that was working.
few things my kids and grandkids knew/ know. first you never play behind any any vehicle,tractor pickup or whatever for any reason whatsoever.and next your not in the field when work is being done of any kind,unless whoever is working there knows it. you stop at the gate and make sure whoever is operating there sees one rides when equipment is even hooked up,and you never climb on or play on stored equipment. too easy to get hurt or worse. I'm not one of those who doesnt believe in teaching your family about this stuff. they should know how to operate these things and how to help out, and theres thousands of stories of where a small child save a loved ones life simply by knowing how to operate a piece of equipment. but there is a time and place to teach them when you both wont be distracted. sad sad thing,to go to the funeral of a small child whos death was so needless, and ive done it way too many times.
When are we going to quit making excuses for these idiots. I grew up in poor surroundings but people were not generally stupid or drugged out enough to kill their own children. Now, It happens in Kentucky every day and we keep saying the parents will have to live with this tragedy the rest of their life ...or until their next drug induced high...whichever occurs first. Want to guess which comes next?

You guys don't want to kill babies...but it is Ok to kill 3 year olds in hot cars or 5 year olds falling off mowers?

Sadly, we have a small but growing percent of the population that are both parents and serial child abusers. And society wants to be sure they have more and more children.
I've seen lots of things that make me say "there's an accident waiting to happen". And probably done my own share of them as well.

Just this weekend: doing 45 down the middle of a dirt road and came over a slight crest to see an older kid (teens?) coming at me in a go-cart, you know, low to the ground, hard to see, no flag on an antenna whip or lights. He was toward the shoulder but I could have easily drifted over while fiddling with the radio or looking at the get the idea. That same night at home, I heard a buzzing, looked out the garage and 2 kids on a little scooter were going like a bat out of h--- DOWN THE SIDEWALK. Driver could barely control the thing. Anyone backing out of their driveway would not have seen them in time........

I'm very glad that I'm the only one on my property when I'm brush-hogging or working with my backhoe but even that can give a false sense of security. What if a relative or neighbor stopped over and came up behind me unannounced? I'd sure feel terrible if something happened.
Being overprotective and putting your kids in danger are two entirely different things. Kids are going to get hurt no matter what but falling off a tractor and then getting run over by the implement and killed is easily preventable.
Oh they had work to do and had to watch the kid......what a great reason to kill your own kid. I'm trying to restart the family farm. I also do grandpa's day care and have off and on for the last 9 years. Farm work and lawn mowing takes 2nd place fast when my grandkids are at stake!


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