How to pick up chicks...


When I was a kid it was never that easy (in neither case). For the feathery kind dad made a long wire hook to snag one of their legs.
Yea, but stick men are exempt from those rules! Look closely, no hard hat. No back brace. No safety glasses. No nad protector cup. No gloves. No knee protection. No ear protection. No supervisor standing near by to yell at the chick picker upper telling him or her that it's being done wrong. No telephone on the wall with OSHA on speed dial. As for the chick..............well you get the idea!
You don't need to be handsome, or rippled with muscles, all you really need is lots and lots of MONEY!!!
Larry NEIL
I was riding around with my nephew and he saw a cute lady he had not seen for some time. He asked her,"Where have you been all of my life? That lline worked for him because he left with her phone number.

A couple days later I tried the same line, Her reply was,"let me see. For the first half of your life I was not born!"
Also missing the red phone with the union on super speed dial to call and complain that they want you to pickup more than 3 chicks per hour and you only get $35 a hour to do so !!
Obviously, you did not pick up your chicks often enough or they would have been trained better. Just like a calf that you pick up every day for a year, you will be able to pick it up when it is a year old!
In my college fraternity days I had a pickup line that never failed to get the “chicks” to come home and into bed with me. Went something like this: “Excuse me miss, could you settle an argument with me and my friend? Do you think this rag smells like chloroform?” ;)
I got a life Earl and I dont need a union to tell me how to live it !! And no dues !!

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