Ontario farms - nice Weekend drive


Well-known Member
Went to a wedding in Stratford Ontario over the weekend, crossing from Michigan at Sarnia and taking the 402. Missed an exit and my nav system in the car routed me through the back roads to get back on track to Stratford. Saw a lot of nice farms and many with HUGE solar panels the size of billboards. Heard later at the wedding that some of these cost $30,000 to install.

Trip back Sunday morning was the most pleasant couple of hours I've spent in a while driving along county roads with very few cars to contend with. Saw a lot of corn just waiting to be harvested or in progress. Nice sunny day, listening to Sirius Country channels. Went through a number of small towns always wondering what the people did for a living and where they went to get a bolt or box of nails.

Passed a farm where there was a building with "stalls" facing the road with probably a dozen old tractors all fixed up in them, old farm equipment, shiny and painted displayed on the lawn. Didn't have my camera but some of you Ontario guys might know where I'm talking about, somewhere along CO 7 or 19.

Then we came to the Blue Water bridge, got in the "wrong" lane at US Customs, stress level went up as we watched other lanes move faster than ours, only took 10 minutes to clear Customs but seemed like a lot longer. Amazing how our perception of time is related to our surroundings. 10 extra minutes on the back roads of Ontario was a pleasant experience while 10 minutes sitting at the Border plaza was excruciating.
If you went across 7 and turned on 19 to get back
to the 402 or viceversa, you were probably less
than 200feet from my house
Stratford is in Perth county,next to Huron county where I live. The agricultural production of wheat,corn, beans,pork and beef for these two counties is greater than the entire provinces of New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. You were not far from me on your trip,you drove through some of Ontario's finest farmland.
(quoted from post at 09:03:15 09/24/12) If you went across 7 and turned on 19 to get back
to the 402 or viceversa, you were probably less
than 200feet from my house
Steve, Yup, went through your town on the way back. I would have honked if I knew where you lived. :lol: We went over to Veteran's hwy off of 401 on the way there but went 7 to 19 on the way back.

Michael, yeah, it was pretty and looked very productive.
Another drive well worth your time is route 3 along the North shore of Lake Erie. Lots of nice looking farms, small towns, etc. The U.S. side of the lake is one cottage or lake home after another, side by side. The Canadian side is fields right down to the lake, with the occasional farmhouse with a path to the lakeshore. Lots of HUGE greenhouses growing tomatoes too.

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