OT: North Carolina Speeding fine

Richard G.

Well-known Member
My son's girl friend got a speeding ticket near Asheville NC and she had to show up for her court date. They would not let her send the fine in. When she showed up, she paid the $30 fine and then made her pay about $180 more in court costs. She said the lines were long with people waiting to pay.
She was in the wrong for speeding of course, but this seems like a big ripoff to me.
I will not be stopping in Asheville again to buy anything.
Richard in NW SC
Everyone is looking for more revenue and cities now have speed cameras. Baltimore and DC have them. They send you a ticket in the mail once they have your tag number. Hal
Everyone is looking for more revenue and cities now have speed cameras. Baltimore and DC have them. They send you a ticket in the mail once they have your tag number. Hal
Everyone is looking for more revenue and cities now have speed cameras. Baltimore and DC have them. They send you a ticket in the mail once they have your tag number. Hal
Everyone is looking for more revenue and cities now have speed cameras. Baltimore and DC have them. They send you a ticket in the mail once they have your tag number. Hal
Everyone is looking for more revenue and cities now have speed cameras. Baltimore and DC have them. They send you a ticket in the mail once they have your tag number. Hal
Hate to tell you this but your state does our NC drivers the same way & it isn't any cheaper. Just be glad she wasn't going through a construction zone.
Probably not out of line with what other places get.
A guy was telling me that he came up to a light in Greenville Mi,the light turned yellow,he followed another pickup around the corner but the light was red by the time he went around. A cop was right there,gave him a ticket for failure to yield. He said he went right down to city hall to pay it before he even left town. Cost him $150.
You shouldn't complain... around here they start at 262.50 and go up from there. Plus 4 points off your licence. Around here they don't want you to show up; just send your money.

All states and cities and towns are out to raise all the revenue thay can, they target working people that will pay the tickets, they don't stop dopeheads and illegals that will lay up and eat for free and get free dental and medical care, its pretty sad but that how it is these days. Another thing that all the small towns in Lousiana do is put unreasonable 35-45 MPH speed limits on brand new 4 lane highways that the tax payers have already paid through the nose to build and now you still can't get north to south any faster than you could 30 years ago.
It's called "Revenue Enhancement" by govt. officials.

If you are young, they are more likely to ticket you; young people won't go runing to a lawyer like an older person to fight the ticket.

If you drive a sporty looking car, they will ticket you. I've passed sporty looking cars in a family sedan vehicle and they didn't bother me but they stopped the sports car. Especially if it's red.
I got stopped in a random road check in NC once and got a ticket for having illegal mufflers.

I had aftermarket mufflers that were no louder than stock, but NC law said "original equipment only" on mufflers.
If you don't speed,have your lights working and tires with decent tread on them you will avoid about 99% of your problems with DOT and Traffic cops.Speeding is just an invition for them to check other things.Actually I think the speed laws should be more strictly enforced.
$200.00 or more is about what they all make you pay to ransom yourself. $150 in TN.
I got my first traffic ticket in 40 years this summer. Middle of the NY Adirondacks. Trooper was coming the other way. We passed each other and I was doing 72 in a 55. He (the trooper was going even faster). He slammed on the brakes, made a U-turn an pulled me over. Real nasty guy. You'd think me - with a clean driving record - kid, wife and dog along - in the middle of nowhere -might be let off with a warning? Heck no. Gave me a ticket that started out looking like it was going to be $75. Ended up being $250 when I got done with all the fees and surcharges.
My son drove from Michigan to Florida and back this summer. Going through Georgia, he was busted doing 87 in a 70 zone. Apparently GA law states that anything greater than 15MPH over the limit and you're a Super Speeder, ticket is $400.

He didn't have the extra money to pay it while he was down there. He got laid off after he returned home. Missed his court date in GA, still hasn't paid it. I've heard that GA can ask MI to suspend his license? Don't know how it's all gonna turn out but bound to be an expensive lesson for him.


maybe she will get the idea that she ought to obey laws and eventually save her life, or that of someone else on the road.
I put an ad on a local "swap shop" for a TV I was giving away (free), all someone had to do was let me know they were coming, and drive to our place to get it. A guy calls, tells me he is headed out the door, and he lives 15 miles away. When he (and his wife) arrive 45 minutes later, he explains that he got pulled over. His "free" TV was gonna cost him $200.....

I looked at his SUV, and he had racing stickers all over it. His wife drove home "just to be safe".
I always say, if I was governor of the state, I would call out the National Guard and enforce the speed limits in the Mpls, St. Paul area. Last time I was there, I was doing 70 in a 55 zone and people were passing me because I was holding them back. Kind of like the young girl on a court case a while back, told the judge she has been driving a whole years and only had three accidents.
If she had AAA she could have got the ticket and fine paid (close anyways) by AAA.... All she would have had to do was have a lawyer (she did not have to be their) plead to exceeding the posted speed limit (show she fought it)... It worked for me years ago.... I think AAA pays up to $500 now to fight a ticket,,, a plea to a lesser charge is all the fight I needed.... Back then I gave a lawyer $50 are 80 to plea for me he gave me a bill for 50 are 80 I turned it into AAA and they sent me a check for $50 are 80.... I don't remember the zact amount but the lawyer and whom ever benefited it cost me nothing...
Here in OZ we apparently not so backward afterall. We just send the money in.. finished.
Why would it go to court if it is not being contested??? 2012 or 1812.
I personally feel that if it's just a speeding ticket NC should let you send it in or have a location where you could pay it immediately, day or night. That being said, I live near Asheboro, NC and travel US220, (soon to be I73) frequently. I have said more than once, if they would spend more time giving out speeding tickets, they could afford to hire more troopers and also balance the state's budget. The speed limit is 65 and if you don't do at least 65 you are the slowest on the road.
(quoted from post at 11:19:32 10/02/12) If you don't speed,have your lights working and tires with decent tread on them you will avoid about 99% of your problems with DOT and Traffic cops.Speeding is just an invition for them to check other things.Actually I think the speed laws should be more strictly enforced.

Next thing you'll be wantin cell phones and puttin on makeup outlawed while driving........

Here in my little piece of the world that the ignorant fondly refer to as socialist....... there are a couple ways of traffic violation procedures....

Drive down the autobahn (or any other public road) talking on a cell phone, following too close, speeding, etc and you may notice a marked police car that stops you and takes care of you... 2 options: Pay on the spot or send it and pay an extra fee.

Same as above except a nice looking (maybe sporty) BMW or mercedes pulls up beside you and a person smiles and holds up a little stop sign...

Traffic light, distance, and speed cameras are the easiest and usually cheaper. Get flashed and get a ticket in the mail. Go online or to any bank and pay it. Don't agree, write them and they'll send a neat little collage of pics showing the date, time, location (including GPS grid), calibration date/info, several views of the vehicle that include license plates and your smiling face. Then you can fess up or go to court (and lose)...

Fines are from 15 bucks to big bucks and suspended licenses. Don't want a ticket, don't screw up and put someone else in danger....
What do you do if you are a tourist driving through and you live in say....Nebraska? WTF?
Do they put out a warrant on you? If they had any brains down there they would allow you to pay by CC and be done with it.
I recall in years past the local Poleece in my part of the world encouraged paying fines on the spot, did it a few times and its funny but those tickets never wound up on my driving record.
(quoted from post at 15:02:54 10/02/12) I got my first traffic ticket in 40 years this summer. Middle of the NY Adirondacks. Trooper was coming the other way. We passed each other and I was doing 72 in a 55. He (the trooper was going even faster). He slammed on the brakes, made a U-turn an pulled me over. Real nasty guy. You'd think me - with a clean driving record - kid, wife and dog along - in the middle of nowhere -might be let off with a warning? Heck no. Gave me a ticket that started out looking like it was going to be $75. Ended up being $250 when I got done with all the fees and surcharges.

17 MPH over the limit on a 2 lane and you want a warning ticket! COME ON.

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