Solution to my money problems pic

jon f mn

Well-known Member
Posted this on the case board too, but I thought I would share here as well. Spent an hour beside this truck this afternoon in Laredo Tx. It's a armored Kenworth and they were moving 41,000+ pounds of silver bars from the Mexican truck next to it into this one. Didn't even notice anything was up til I saw the 12 armed guards standin around. They could have spilled enough to keep me in tractors for the rest of my life.
I used to see/work with armoured Marmons in a previous life. It was really cool, they would travel with an entourage of 15-20 people and automatic weapons. Would have at least one Suburban running with them and sometimes a helicopter. It was fun when they came to town mostly because it sure pi55ed of the sky cops. I know that that's not a very team attitude but the sky cops made my life miserable many a time and it was nice to repay the favor now and then. And the situation was if they messed up it was probably their commander or the CSG commander going down so I wasn't even in the same deputate or even wing, not as much chance to get even.
Good thing Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid didn't know about it, you might have been in the middle of a great truck robbery.
Hey Jon,
Looks like yer on the wrong side - Cab door is open!
Or, I mighta missed something!
The door is open, but the guy is sitting in the sleeper when I took this pic, and he had a LARGE gun. That was more than enough motivation to keep me honest.
It was armored, he let me look inside. If you look closely you can see the window on the sleeper sticks out about 3". You can't see it as well, but the one on the lower door is thick too and the door windows won't go down because they are thick as well. Wonder why you want to hide behind that name?

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