Took a few pictures today...


Tip of Texas. Temps mid 50's today, cloudy and sort of ugly. We are used to warmer temps and sunshine, so I took a ride down the road. BTW, it was in the mid 80's 2 days ago. :(

First 2 pics are of a sugar cane burn quite a few miles away. Lots of open land here yet.


Corn on the left of the road, grapefruit grove on the right. Our house is at the end of the corn where the clumps of trees are.

A view down the orchard row.

Some of the prime fruit has already been picked, but there is still plenty of fruit left. These are Rio Ruby Red Grapefruit by the way, so sweet you don't need to add sugar when eating.

A close up of some of the nearly mature fruit.

This is the sweet corn I planted in a little patch not long ago. Still has a way to go, hoping we don't get a freeze in the next few weeks.

We still have 5 tomato plants from earlier this year. They really took off this fall and we have a lot of fruit on them. This is the worst looking plant, but I took this picture because you can see the fruit. The others are so green and full of leaves you have to really dig in to find the fruit. Probably seems strange to see to the folks up north who are getting snow now, but yes this picture was taken this afternoon!
Interesting pics. Funny to think of you in mid-growing season as we are heading into winter soon.

Agree on the Rio Ruby grapefruit ever.
Great picture, I'm envious of the fruit trees.Which means frsh fruit any time I want it,great thing for an old man with health issues.Natural sugar is great( in small portions).Thanks for your post,we get to look at white and cold for only 4 more months,nice to see ground that don't make you slip when walking.LOL
Regards, LOU
Thanks for the pics - especially of the grapefruit grove. We just took delivery of a box of Texas Ruby Red grapefruit, and as usual - they're great! We order them every November from the band kids in our local high school. It's nice to see them on the tree.

Awh man , you better not get a frost. Then the world might just end next week. It is barely freezing this far north, cold at night, just gloomy skies and a raw wind to kill the idea of a nice day. The last of the cold frame greens ended last week, but maybe coulda lasted longer. Sugarcane? Do they grow chocolate there too? Where do I sign???
Nice pics, are you close to McAllen? We spend the winter there. Will be headed that way after Christmas.
We have had roller coaster temps. here in NC lately too. 70 one day and 50 within 24 hrs. That's hard to adjust to. Interesting photos, thanks for posting.
LOL. Sorry Tony, as far as I know the only place they grow chocolate is a little town up in Pennsylvania. I've actually never been there but I hear it's all grown indoors. Sure must be a big building!
Enjoyed the pictures. It was 26 here this morning when I got up. And as you said it was in the 80's here Sunday. I hope your garden makes it OK. Back in the 70's, I went down there to do some work on a drilling rig in the middle of a grapefruit orchard right off Hwy 77. When I left all I could find to put some fruit in was two large trash cans, so I filled them up with fruit and took home. I ate grapefruit for quite a while!!

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