How you know when deer season is over (OT)


Ok, that's a good one. Kind of a funny to have one stuffed like that, makes ya look twice huh!
I thought the punch line would be 'when the bucks with big racks start getting hit by cars'.
The biggest nicest deer I ever saw was hit by a truck in front of me on Rt 103 in Vermont... about a half hour after sundown, on the final day of deer season.... is that what they call 'ironic?'
@ Tony:

How do you know it's "stuffed", could be live, a lot of people have deer for pets, you just have to get them when they're very young, and yes you can house-break them. I have a 4 1/2 year old mountain goat (Pigmy Alpine) as a house pet & it's house-broken. Mine prefers to curl up on my Lazy Boy rocker-recliner to watch TV instead of laying on the floor.
(quoted from post at 17:42:05 12/13/12) ...and of course the Packers win!
Well of course the Packers win.
It's hard to beat the other team AND the refs!
(I'm not really a Lions fan, but I play one on TV!) :twisted:

"Bambi Doesn't Act Like A Goat"
Deer, Goats, & Sheep all use their antlers / horns
to play. If I were going to "play" with a pet male
deer sporting a rack, I'd definitely want a set of
antlers in my hands.
in the next town up the road you can tell easy as when deer season in on, all the deer have learned to hang out in town, afterward a lot of them go back into the woods, just a town heard of about 100 or so left, during the season theres deer every where
tourists think its so neat to feed bambi, then they cant understand that this practice also brings in the critters that eat deer too... never a good thing when you see a cougar taking his ease in somebody yard, and lately those cats are staging a major comeback around here

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