Greg K

Well-known Member
I just got a new phone today since mine had gotten pretty rough. It was a flip phone and the outside screen was broken from I believe being in my pocket and leaning against something. The inside screen was broken somehow and I have no idea how. So I have been looking for a new phone and am thinking about a smartphone(so I can see ytmag while working lol).
I bought a Droid Razor today, Verizon plan, it is the smaller one. Now I have heard they are hard on batteries and the reception compared to my other one is worse I think. I tried to get an internet connection at home with no luck, however my wife's Samsung seems to connect without any problem. I have a 2 week trial period in which I can return it. Does anyone have any input on this like what works good or better or any experience with Droids?
I have no experience with a Droid Greg, but I have had many
Blackberries and now have an iPhone.
The reception on the BB Verizon plans were not good either, as a phone.
Everything else worked pretty well, email etc. I complained about battery life.
Then I got the iPhone. As a phone it is better, but it makes battery
life on the BB seem awesome.
YMMV, I carry whatever work gives me, so I'm just relaying my experiences.
I have a motorola droid 2 and it works good. I get good reception and internet. It takes good quality pictures and video. I'm satisfied with it. I'm on verizon also.
Reception largely depends on how close you are to a tower. Where I live, down in the valley, nobody's phone will work. If the tower was on top of my hill I'd have real good reception with any kind of phone.
I know the feeling. I happen to live on top of a hill with a tower about 7 miles East. I am practically line of sight from a large town about 25 miles away but IIRC digital signals only are good for about 8 miles. There is also a tower somewhere South of me, but with all the hills here reception is pretty hit and miss. I do know we do not have 4G reception only 3G.
I have a Samsung Galaxy SIII with T-Mobile. Best phone I have ever had. Previous Blackberries/smartphones were sometimes miserable when functioning as a phone. This one is great as a phone and very great on all the other functions.


My wife and all the kids have "smart phones". Every single one of them will do everything but work well as a phone!!!! The microphones are terrible and the reception is much worse on them.

My phone will call out of our house without the booster turned on. The wife's will only work half the time with the booster turned on.

Mine is Samsung Convoy 2. It works well and the battery life is real good. It is a flip phone. I have had it just a year now.
I have a Samsung Galaxy note(big screen lots of apps), love it, however battery life would be a problem except that I have a program that monitors phone usage and shuts down any radios not currently being used. I never thought I would ever have any use for texting, but since I bought this phone my Daughter and I have only talked twice, all else is text.
I live in Western Ky. in a highly populated area, and not only do we not get 4g we don't even get 3g. due to being on ATT we can only get the E or edge network. however my home has a wifi network and there are Att hotspots around, so it works very well.
I had a droid and went to an iPhone last summer. That droid was a piece of work. The day I finally had enough I almost dropped that sucker in the stock tank I was so mad at it.

This iPhone has much better reception and I haven't had a single issue. It's amazing to have technology that you don't have to turn off 17 times and hold your tongue just right to make it work. I won't ever go back.
Maybe I'm "Old School" but I have never understood why anyone would pay outrageous prices for a wad of microchips stuffed into 50 cents worth of plastic just so they could have the latest & greatest with all the bells and whistles; and pay premium prices for service that's Iffy at best.

Has everyone forgotten the old adage: "The Proper Tool For The Proper Job", if you want to make a call use a PHONE, if you want to take a picture use a CAMERA, & if you want to play on the Internet use a COMPUTER. You get one of these new-fangled gizmo's outside the range of a cell tower & they become about as useful as a BOAT ANCHOR.
Greg, I've been having the same problem with my new Droid on Verizon. I was very disappointed with the browsing capaabilities this fall after I got it.

Yesterday I happened to talk to a cell phone salesman from another company and I mentioned this problem to him. He wouldn't touch my phone but he told me what to look for. Your phone is probably 4G and it is probably set on 'global' which means it looks primarily for 4G even when you're in 3G territory. He suggested I change it to LTE/CDMA.

This is how he got me there, and I'm doing this on my droid as I talk cause it's the only way I can walk you through it.

1.When you are looking at the home screen, touch the Apps button in the lower center of the screen.

2.When you do that you'll get a whole three pages of apps. Scroll through the pages until you find settings. My phone scrolls sideways and the settings icon is on the third page as you scroll to the left.

3.Touch settings and you will have a screen with Airplane mode, Wi-Fi, etc. The sixth choice down from the top is MORE.

4.Touch MORE and you will have a page with the choice of VPN or Mobile Networks.

5.Touch Mobile networks.

6. Now you have a page that says Set up data service, data enaabled, etc. touch NETWORK MODE.

7. Now your choices are Global, LTE/CDMA, or GSM/UMTS. The phone is probably set on Global.
If it is, touch the circle behind LTE/CDMA.

When you touch the circle the screen will return you to the previous page. Touch Network Mode again to get you back to where you were to re-check what you did. the LTE/CDMA circle should be lit up.

I did some browsing after that in the town I was in and the browser seemed to come up quickly every time, but I haven't tried it in a variety of locations yet. Good luck. If you have trouble give a shout. Jim
I had a samsung rugby on AT&T, that was a great flip phone, but I saw the benefits of a apple iPhone and got the 3GS, had mine for almost 2 years. Phone has been great but in cloudy weather the reception is low. Im happy with it, and the newer iPhones 4 or 5 what ever there up to now have a bigger screen than mine has. Ps I'm also typing this from my iPhone! Good luck.
Yep I typically think as you do, however sometimes I look around and see what people who are smarter/more successful are doing and think about giving it a try. Not saying this will make me a millionaire, just can see some of the potential.
You're welcome. Like I said, I haven't had the chance to give mine a real test on this new setting so we're both still learning. Battery-wise, this new Droid is better on the battery than the last one, especially on blue tooth but it still leaves a lot to be desired. Jim
Poor reception is hard on the batteries. The phone keeps hunting for a signal. I have the iphone 4 and really like it. It is a tool like any other tool. My boat anchor is a tool when I want to sit in one place on the lake also.
Well, I tell ya, I spend more time on mine browsing than I to talking. Farm markets are important to me so I'm checking up on them several times a day. Sure comes in handy to browse away while sitting in the doctor's office too, something I've been doing way too much of lately. And the camera is phenomenal, with zoom capabilities and all. I take pics of a part before I go to the dealer, or I even take a pic of the serial # plate to show to him. Just a pic of the number plate has helped the parts man out several times.

For just plain calling, the flip phone is much, much quicker and easier hands down. Jim
Don't get me wrong guys, I DO carry a cell phone for the convenience of when I'm not near a landline, but it is STRICTLY A PHONE, no camera, no computer. I also carry a Digital Camera for the same reasons that "Fixerupper" mentioned (amongst others). In fact, since they put the new cell towers on top of the mountain, for the first time in over 40 years I now have phone service on my mining property.
(quoted from post at 21:55:04 12/17/12) Maybe I'm "Old School" but I have never understood why anyone would pay outrageous prices for a wad of microchips stuffed into 50 cents worth of plastic just so they could have the latest & greatest with all the bells and whistles; and pay premium prices for service that's Iffy at best.

Has everyone forgotten the old adage: "The Proper Tool For The Proper Job", if you want to make a call use a PHONE, if you want to take a picture use a CAMERA, & if you want to play on the Internet use a COMPUTER. You get one of these new-fangled gizmo's outside the range of a cell tower & they become about as useful as a [b:d2a3bcdce2]BOAT ANCHOR[/b:d2a3bcdce2].

Thats what a Deere 8850 engine is for. My phone wouldn't hold my boat in a breeze anyway.
I have a Casio Droid Comando it is shock proof water proof but not wife proof so keep it away from her.
Check to see what company has the most towers in your area. Verizon and sprint work at my place but AT&T forget it.
dr. Walt, if you do not understand it's because you don't have one and it would be best for you if you remain that way. They are extremely handy to have but it is very addictive to have so much communications power in your pocket.
If your Dr. refers to you used to being an MD I am glad I'm not your patient. I really cannot go leeches...
i decided to get into the new era of cell
I had an HTC Incredible Droid and was so happy with it I thought it would be tough to top...until I got a new Samsung Galaxy III. It now takes the place of my laptop when I go on the road. For my sales job it is definitely a nice tool. I also have a Blackberry...great for emails and spreadsheets but lousy for multimedia.

Both my phones are on Verizon and I seldom have reception problems in WI, MN, IA, or SD.
My only advice is to RUN away from verizon as fast as you can! They are a massive ripoff.. I have Boost mobile at 1/3 the cost and unlimited everything and same coverage.. And NO contract!!
Uncle Ernie you just don't get it! A mobile phone is just that a PHONE. If yo want a mobile computer get an i pad.
I bought a Motorola phone "built for the military" because it was supposed to withstand shock and water AND it does.
I've dropped it 10 feet onto concrete and it keeps working. Sweat doesn't bother it--I haven't dipped it in water yet as I suspect that would do it in.
It has survied living in my pocket as i built a house through 100 degree days.
The shiny coating is worn off, the hinge is getting loose and I have to scrub the battery contacts ocasionally but it still works after a 6 or 7 years.
In my area Boost works fine as long as you stay next to the major highways. Verizon isn't the cheapest, or the most expensive (priced them all two months ago), but my phones work well everywhere in my sales territory. To me, that's worth the extra $10 a month.

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