Oldest boy throws me under the bus!

I get a phone call from the wife saying I'm in the dog house. Ok what did I do this time I asked? She got a phone call from the school about the boy getting sent to the principle for talking/passing notes in school. Apparently the teacher caught the note and read it and it had the F bomb in it. AHHH now I know why I'm in the dog house. When he got to the principle he was crying it's DAD'S FAULT!!!!! This is going to be a interesting night at the Trucker house hold. I love my boy dearly and will take the heat as he's the only tractor buddy/puller out of the 2. Don't kids say the darnedest things.
I was cutting fire wood in the back pasture with my son who was 5 years old and hanging out with "Dad". He had to go to the bathroom, so I had to explain, that when your in the forest, its ok to "pee" on a tree.

Okay,, so its Monday morning and the the school calls and guess what.....
I am a school teacher of 31 years. If you truly love that boy you will teach and model respectful behavior. I feel very strongly sbout this.

Glenn F.
I told my boy that he cannot say those words at all. Period, Of course he hears me say it from time to time.
A funny one for ya.
When my son was in kindergarden I pick him up from school and he says,"dad there is a kid in my class with a brown face" I thought, WTF is he talking about. Well.......A few days later I went into the school to pick him up and my son walks right over to this little black kid and points in his face and says, "dad this is the kid with brown face" I was quite shocked that he had never seen a black kid before, it was funny and at least the mother wasnt there at the time.
I bet you dont tell the black parents the same thing. The worst things any kid learns these days comes straight out of the teachers union curriculum.
A coworker was baby-sitting his 4 year old daughter outside along ways from the house. She says has to go to the bathroom. He takes her behind a tree.

Next weekend at the church picnic she comes out from behind a tree with the nnalert around her ankles. Somebody ask him whats going and he says "It must be some her mother taught her." His wife heard it.

He now has a dog house with cable TV.
I hear ya!

After ten years in the Marine Corps, I've heard it all and used it all on occasion but I've always thought it was a lacking on my part if I wasn't able to express myself without using profanity.

When our daughter was growing up, she may have heard profanity from elsewhere, but not from me.
I swear pretty regularly, but try my best not to in front of my wife and kids.

I actually do pretty well.

My FRIENDS however are an entirely different story.

I've one guy in particular comes over frequently for coffee and just let's it rip. Literally EVERY other word is a F or S or - worse. Can't stop him. He's too deaf to even TRY stopping him.

So I have a standing rule with both my kids:

"I don't care what goes in your ears, it's what comes out your mouth that matters".
My wife was principal last year and had the same thing happen, small rual TN town. It wasn't the first time either. There's not a lot of top soil here so septic systems can be touchy, a lot of men go outside to keep from flushing more water into the systems.
I was at Ft Bliss TX and my oldest boy was 7. I came home one and walked into our quarters and the wife meets me at the door :x . "What have you been teaching our son" she demanded. SO I'm like "what happened"? She says he came home from school and told me (her) that he "knew the difference between boys and girls". I looked at her and she's still mad at me and I said "what did you do? Get stupid and ask him?". I could tell by the look on her face that she had in fact done just that. SO I ask what he had said and she refused to repeat it. So I called my son into the room and ask him what happened. He told me and what he replied, which was a vulgar description of boys parts. I knew right away he had not learned that from me so I ask where he had heard that. He told me and my wife that he had heard older boys at recess talking about that. Was kinda funny watching my wife try to wiggle out of accusing me of teaching him that. She was in fact sorry for jumping to conclusions and never again accused me of anything unless she had all of her facts straight.

Even as a soldier I tried very hard to leave soldier talk at the door.

Found out early on- don't say anything that you don't want repeated, at the very worst time (coffee hour at church, Grandma and Grandpa at Sunday dinner, etc.). Was very careful then, and still am.
I can understand swearing in case of frustration or painful injury but I hate to hear it in casual conversation. To me it shows a lack of vocabulary skills. But I also live in a real world.
That or something similar happens to just about every dad. Be sure to tell your son that story when he gets children of his own.

One time my sister got called to the pricipals office about her 6 year-old daughter. One of the little boys kept bothering the little girl until she got mad and she clocked him, there was blood. Her mom was mad but her dad felt better about her eventually dating after that.
Who taught your kid about the F bomb? Is it the guy you see in the mirror every day?

If it is....and you end up on this site pretending to think it"s funny?

If it is not you, then who is it that needs to be responsible for what comes out of his mouth?

LA in WI
My youngest daughter picks up the older daughters son, (my grandson) from daycare on Tuesday and Thursday and brings him to the house until the older daughter gets out of work. He will be 3 on Dec. 22nd. The other day he was playing with something he should not have been and my daughter said something to him and his reply was I'll shove this up your a$$. I don't know if he heard this at daycare or from his father. He was made to stand in the corner for awhile.
Little ones repeat things that they hear when we think they are not paying attention to other peoples conversations.
When my oldest son was maybe 18-24 months old, we were in a supermarket late in the evening. He was in the shopping cart and started saying something. It dawned on me he was saying,"You got dirty mouth!" We I looked around trying to figure out what he meant. The cashier was a black woman who had chocolate colored lipstick on. I don't think she heard him, but maybe she did. I quickly told my wife to finish checking out while I took our son out to the car.

When my wife was in high school, a kid that sat behind her kept bugging her. One day in class, she turned around and belted him one. Guess she really hung one on him.

He had to leave class with a bloody nose, to the raucous delight of the rest of the class.

The bugging stopped, and they became good friends. With all the current focus on bullying, I've still said a well placed fist ends a lot of it.
Some of you guys... Oooh he used the f-bomb, it's the end of society as we know it. What an awful father for teaching him that.

News flash. Unless you were from some crazy puritanical prudish household, you used the swear words as a young person yourself. You probably got in trouble a time or two for it, and learned when to not use those words.

The fact that the kid is so upset about getting into trouble tells you that he cares, which is a GOOD thing. He understands that what he did was wrong and that there are consequences for it. It means you're raising him right.

IMHO you gotta keep a straight face in front of the kid, and give him some form of punishment. Don't let him off. Just smile to yourself and be happy in the fact that you have a PERFECTLY NORMAL kid there.

Kids have to learn some things for themselves, and parents need to let them. If the worst thing they do is drop an f-bomb in the wrong place, or pee on a tree in public, you've got it good.
Years ago, my first grader came home from school with a note for me to go see the teacher about my son's language. At the conference, it came out that they were having science class and were discussing ants. The teacher asked did anyone know the name of a common type of ant.
My little guy eagerly raised his hand and said: PI$$ ant!
We had a talk about that that night.. Its ok..he's a Dentist now.

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