Still here...


Well-known Member
12:25 Am,dec 22.Mayan calendar was wrong,Either that,or they ran out of room,or the old mayans said:" hey,wanna freak out those guys?Ha HA"
Since everything the Mayans wrote was carved in stone, what happens when you've used up all of the available space on that particular stone - you go to another stone, it's just that nobody has found that other stone yet.
Must have been another religion founded on visions created by alcohol or drugs - or just whackos. They had to be pretty whacky anyway because of all the human sacrifices they did.
Just recently saw an article where they did find more carvings. Don't remember the details but there are other dates on the stone from later dates. Struck me as why would they keep posting more dates if everything ended?
Calendar was on a round stone - just keep turinig it like an oldfashioned grindstone - where it ends, nobody knows!
I feel like I did when I woke up just past midnight on my 56th birthday. Never thought I'd see that age,55 yes,not 56. Figured it was time to make a new plan.
Since many would say the world ends for you the day you die and I'm 60 years old. If I live average age of 77 I am only seventeen yrs. away from the end of the world. Since they predicted this thousands of years ago and only missed it by seventeen years, they hit it pretty damn close.

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