Chicken powered garden tilling

this past year I planted potatoes in the garden, we had some straw / manure mix from a lamb pen. Dumped it near by. The chickens scratched the stuff all over, then into the 1st row of potatoes. Then, they kept scratching the straw and basically kept the 1st row weed free. I"m gonna try it on all the rows this coming season. Any other niffty animal work methods out there?
Goats do a good job clearing vines and underbrush. Have a neighbor that captures harmless snakes spoted along roadsides and releases them at his grain storage for rat and mouse control.
Get a few geese and let them roam in your garden. They seem to love the weeds but do not seem to like the stuff you like. Been told geese are also real good in a strawberry patch they do the weeding but not the berries
Yup, Marry a woman who hates weeds in the garden!
It works for me, He He. We have had raised beds for years, and they weed very easily, and we dont have to weed between the boxes, because we have river washed #2 stone ontop of black plastic. Boxes can be amended easily for different crops also.
Loren, the Acg.
wait to turn your chickens and geese in until your corn is up good. they also are good at keeping the bugs down.
I do both raised beds and a square foot garden. Ask if you do not understand the term square foot garden. All my raised beds I built the bed then filled with composted horse manure and hay and boy do the plants love that stuff. Just filled back up one bed a few days ago with a layer of horse manure maybe 3 inches deep then covered with a piece of plate glass, it is one with a cold frame on the raised bed
I don't know about that, Old. Wife and I always had a large garden and a 20' X 20' patch of strawberrys. Loved 'em in my frosted flakes.
Woke up one Sunday morning about end of june to the sound of GEESE! Strawberry patch 50' from our bedroom windo and prolly 20 geese crowded in that strawberry patch!
Had been waiting to pick and that would have been the day, but then sneaky canad s et 'em all up, and what they didn't eat they tromped!
I would like to find some critter, that I could stock around my house, that would go down the mole or pocket gofers holes, and feed on them. They have torn up my yard again this winter, and are still going.
Not quite sure what you are refering to as sq.ft. garden? (thinking dug or augered hole filled with compost.) Give me a hollar back. Our raised beds did a wonderful job of collecting slow during the past two storms. The snow is butt deep to a 10' indian out there. Bean and Pea trellises make great snow fence. LOL
Loren, the Acg.
Wait until your transplants are well along as they like to scratch out and eat freshly transplanted stuff.
Keep them out of your maters, or you will have holes pecked in every one they can reach.

I would recommend guineas for garden chores.
What I call the square foot garden is I use a small area to plant a lot of garden. I have a book here that is called the Square Foot Garden By a Bartholomew and in it he explains ways of planting a lot in a very small area and using other plants to help each other grow and fend off bugs etc and so far it seems to work well
Ah but those where wild ones right??? If you say yes that is why they where the problem type. Tame birds from what I have had are not like that most of the time unless of course you do not feed them
Never saw the book, but we have always planted Marigolds with our Cucumbers, and squash, and never had problems with beatles. Plus the garden has some nice color all summer into fall, until frost. We also have some garter snakes that control the rodents.
Loren, the Acg.
You might want to check it out at your local libery (sp) has a lot of good info in it. I to use a lot of merigolds all around my garden and have done so long enough that I do not even plant them any more they just come up where they want to. I also use a number of herbs and those help with the bugs too plus you have the herbs for your cooking. I do Basil oregano thyme, rosemary, sage, Tarragon and lemon balm and maybe one or two others
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