Here is a good one on auctions and things going bad!!


Well-known Member
Long ago a good friend was mechanic at a company they had lots of trucks, One in particular was in poor shape but had a new engine in it. The company was going to have an auction and clean up some of this stuff. Word spread fast and this guy came in and looked it over and asked questions and wanted said truck BAD. (the auction was a ways away and not schedualed) HERE IS THE KICKER THE MECHANIC AND HIM DID NOT LIKE ONE ANOTHER ONE BIT. In getting things ready FOR AUCTION the mechanic took the new engine out put it on some piece of equipment or in another truck and put the bad engine from that in the trucks body. AUCTION DAY CAME "all sales as is" bidding began and that particular truck sold to the guy my friend did not like for quite a price. SOMEWHERE ALONG THE WAY THE FELLOW DISCOVERED WHAT HAD HAPPENED(NO ENGINE IN TRUCK AT ALL) OLD ONE IN BODY!!!! Anyway before it was over a fist fight broke out between auctioneer and my friend and this other fellow. My friend cleaned him up, this was quite and event. and talked about for years!!!!! Apperently this whole riff between them started over of all things, a mistress!!!!!
oklahoma gas and electric used to go through all their old trucks and fix them up before they auctioned them off. finaly decided they could get just as much money by leaving them alone. some pencil pusher decided they were spending more money than they made. needless to say that first year there was a lot of dissapointed contractors and things that had bought these truck to use.
Sounds like a good case of misrepresentation to me. Just because something says as is doesn"t mean it's the gospel.
I went to one of Pete Richardson's auctions, on the eastern shore of Md several years back, 2 brothers about retirement age got in a fist fight, interrupted the sale. Auctioneer didn't know what to do, said police have been called, y'all better stop. I spoke up, and said real loud, I got 50 bucks on the fat one, anybody want some of this action? That got a big laugh out of the crowd. Cops showed up, and one of the brothers was removed.

When the AC dealer Gibson's went out of business, I was at that sale, and a guy from PA was there, throwing stuff I had bought, in his pile. I went over and removed it from his pile, and put it with my stuff. He came back over, and tried stealin it again, I got up a head of steam, and yelled, If you try that again, I am gonna shove that beater-bar right up your arse! Auctioneer, on a wagon asked me if everything was under control? I said just wait and see! The thief kinda tucked his tail between his legs, and was gone within 15 minutes of the incident. I gave his tag # to the auctioneer, but never heard anything further.
Now that's a good one, ain't no way to figure out right or wrong from that deal, sure would be entertaining to have attended that auction tho, for sure!

Several years ago I was at a country auction. A helicopter circled and landed in the field. Of course no one could hear the auctioneer so he stopped calling bids for several minutes as the chopper pilot took awhile to shut it down. So the pilot climbs out, walks over to the concession trailer and buys a hotdog and a drink. Auctioneer grumbled about it then when back to selling......briefly. The pilot finished his drink and dog climbs back in the chopper and fires it up. Took several minutes before he took off. Circled the auction one more time and left. The auctioneer was PO'ed!!!! Said he'd call the cops but figured they'd think he'd been drinking if he told them what happened.

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