Aww cr**p heart problems.....


Well-known Member
Woke up at 3:30 this morning with cold sweats and chest pain. Thught it was the flu. Sat on the couch for a while, woke swmbo up. Kept gettin worse. Had to go to the e.r. Yup had a heart attack. They put a stint inat bout 6:30. So far still here.
Glad you reacted as soon as you did.

Sounds like they took care of you pretty quick.

Good to hear that you're OK.

Be sure to follow the doctor's recommendations and take it easy for a while.

Keep us posted.
Wow it was crazy, swmbo helped me in the door at the. ER, nurse took one look at me got tossed on agurneey, all kind of tubes and needles, then a shot of morphine, got rolled up to some other room, got a quick shave, rather embarrasing, they ran some kind of thing up from the groin into the heart. Was a blokage on some vein around the heart . Im still groggy from the morphine. Chest area still hurts, and the groin whe they ran the sewer rod up is pretty sore too.
Wishing you well, Glennster.

Hang in there! My dad has been living a very full with heart issues for about the last 30 years...he"s 84 now.
You were smart, you sought help ASAP.. I was dumb, and ignored symptoms, and about did myself in.. I finally got to a Doc, and he saved my life. Listen to the Docs, and take care of yourself..
I had stent installed November of 2011 basicly same simptoms but did not have a heart attack. Did only 26 hours in the hospital. Feal great now. Do what the doctors tell you. Rest exercise and somewhat watch what you eat and you will be ok. I am 62 years been their and got the T shirt. Question were the nurses and there helpers as good looking as mine ? Rodney
Glad yer gonna make it. It's so close after Christmas that I am still broke and woulda been hard pressed to come up with flower money .

Take care, Gene
Wishing you a full and speedy recovery, Glen. My Dad had several stents installed about 10 years ago and has been doing fine since. As others have said....listen to the doctors and follow the program.
Glenn hang in there. I had 3 in the groin and the last one they went in my right wrist, very simple, very little soreness. good luck and GOD BLESS. charlie
You are very lucky. The stents would not work for me and had 5 bypasses. If they think heart you are in the no waiting program.
Glenn, get better soon. I was at the other end of the table last Sat. at the Talers Gathering. Couldn't see what everyone ordered. Did you have one of those "heart attack" horseshoes??LOL
Well done getting help and believing it was serious. There is a lot of progress being made in stem cell therapy (research yet, but promising) google science news on the topic! Please get better. Jim
Glad to hear you are doing ok. I had one three years ago. Walking up to my truck,woke up in a hospital 60 miles away.Got lucky no major damage. Just told to take it easy.
Sorry I had the flu and missed meeting you last week - -and do wish you a speedy recovery.

Having a heart attcack at 3:30AM is one of the signs of Sleep Apnea - -ever been evaluated for it?

Take care!
Sounds like you got lucky, better stay away for those deadly horseshoes from now on. Glad everything worked out, follow the Drs orders. Praying for you too. Chris
Yep, most of the time you don't get much warning. Good thing you went on to the ER! I lost a dear friend a few years ago. He was having back pains for two or three days and would not go to the doctor. It finally got him one night. Just hang in there and take care of yourself, everyone is pulling for you.
Hope you're feeling better. Sounds like you did everything right, so you're outcome should be good. Prayin' for ya'.
Welcome to the cardiac club! I had mitral valve repair surgery (full open heart method) on December 18th, been recovering quickly but still somewhat painful. Two more weeks before I can drive or get back to work. Going kinda stir crazy sitting around, cant really do anything yet since Im not supposed to lift more than 10 pounds. I had several cardiac catheter procedures over the past 2-3 years and you will bounce back fast from that. Like, maybe a week you will feel like your old self again.

Glad you had enough sense to get help, and still here to tell us about it, most of us would've just ignored the signs,BTDT!!!!!! Take care of yourself and you'll be up and back into swing of things soon. Gregg
Good luck with your recovery Glenster, We are 'pulling ' for you. Sounds like you did everything rite when it hit you. Hoping for a speedy recovery. clint
Well I am darn glad you where able to write to us about this. Many who have a heart attack never have any issue until a big one does them in.

SO in a way this might have been the best thing to happen to you. You now know there is an issue and can have it taken care of.

Hope you feel better soon. It is amazing how they can do stints. Many tell me they could feel the stint make the flow better.
As oh boy says welcome to the cardiac world. I have hypertofic cardiomiopthy (enlarged heart). I had full open heart surgery 6 years ago (at age 46). Getting along fine now. Went back to milking cows 7 weeks after surgery and still milking. So listen to the doctor surgery is not fun. Good luck on a speedy recovery.
Dang Glennster - Didn't see this yesterday.
Sorry about mentioning the horseshoe at the Round Up!

Praying for a speedy recovery - Auction sale season is coming up.

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