Happy February 2nd


Well-known Member
Otherwise known as "groundhog day". An Puxatowney Phil didn't see his shadow..... Lesee, that means spring is right around the corner, right? But then, according to wikipedia, he's got a great performance record - right 37% of the time!
That's a failing grade in most every classroom in the country. So I say it's up for grabs.

Like my old Uncle Milo usta say, " Whole buncha HOOEY over NOTHING!"
Didn't see what the celebrity woodchucks were saying,but they ain't seeing their shadow around here this morning for sure. I'm guessing they're all in a frozen block from getting their dens flooded earlier in the week,then this cold we've got now.
Had a good laugh a few days ago. Past a neighbor's hayfield with a pond in the middle of the field - right where a 'chuck and friend have their burrow. Wonder how well they sleep in a flooded burrow?
Getting hammered here!! Must have had 6" - 8" of snow over night and it hasn"t stopped yet.The snow blower got a work out this morning,.probably have to do it all over again tonight. Good old Michigan and the LAKE Effect snow belt.
I'd say 37% accuracy is pretty good compared to that of the million dollar weather guessers we see on TV every day.
I would say we were in for a early spring since we have not really had a winter to speak of. I have not turned on my heat lamp in my well pump house one time this winter. We have got below freezing a few times but not low enough for long enough to freeze water pipes. (28 for 4 hrs)
Don"t you know in todays society and political correctness you cannot give the groundhog a failing grade, One must consider his feelings, social standing and well being. Just read yesterday and my teacher wife confirmed that you shoud not grade his test with a red pen, has to be a neutral feel good color. pastels, warm pink, soothing lite blue or a calming light green. Be ye careful where yuo tread.........
Yep,we don't know about his home life either. Maybe he doesn't have a nice place to do his meterology homework.
How did they manage to blame glubull warming for the result? I'm sure they were prepared for either outcome.
I dunno about that area of Pennsyltuck, but down here on the Mason Dixon, it was sunny this morning. Supposed to start snowing here after while, and into tomorrow morning sometime. I can't speak about ol' Phil's record, but it's gotta be about as good as the weather idiot, 'cause Phil has more experiance. And no one has fired him yet, so he must be doing a better than average job.....
Don't you guys know..........If the groundhog sees his shadow it is 6 more weeks of winter and if he doesn't, it is a month and a half until spring!!!!
It's been many years since I've eaten groundhog stew Walt, but I remember it being good.

There was a local black man who had a popular barbeque stand, and you could sell groundhogs to him. They had to be skinned, and you had to leave one foot attached to the carcase. I guess so he could tell it wasn't a cat?
Have you noticed most of the talking heads on TV can't pronounce Feb-ru-ary correctly? It usually comes out as Feb-u-ary or Febber-ary. Irritates the he!l out of me because my birthday is in Feb-ru-ary.
It's cloudy today (SF Bay) with a high of 62F so I'm not too concerned about Punxsutawney Phil's prognostications.

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