Ready for the storm!


Well-known Member
This storm that is gonna hit us tomarrow sounds like a big one! Guesses are saying 12 to 24 inches, I went today to get a back up stock tank deicer, and a load of feed, wife picked up a few groceries. I got home and brought in a bunch of wood. I hope it's a big one! Lol, everybody else ready??
Guess we are supposed to get some too. Do you still snow plow all your fil's farm too? I remember when I first starting on this site,there was some big storms that year, you went and plowed his whole farm with his ford tractor.
Don't get your hopes up. No wind,temps around freezing. Even a lot of the snow on the radar is evaporating before it hits the ground here where I am in mid Michigan.
getting ready here on Long Island--moving all floating material away from the shoreline as they expect high tides and 70 mph gusts. Feel bad for many Sandy victims who have no heat or electricity yet!
i got the snow bucket back on the 784. we will probably put the chains on the 656 scoop tractor in the morning. the milk truck is due in the morning, likely before the roads get bad, so i won't have to worry about him getting here again until sunday. feed supply is good. now we just wait. they are talking 6-11" here east of binghamton.
I think we got it today - a wonderful gentle rain all day. It would make a lot of snow if it was colder. I'm kind of jealous. This is the second year I haven't had to chain up any of the tractors. Poo.
Lol, I was going to mention that you might get some in Michigan, thats what weather joakers said! They are saying blizzard conditions in new England, RI, MA ect!, maybe you can try out your new tractor!
The storm you are getting is suppose to link up with one coming up from the Carolina's, with a lot of moisture, but it appears that your storm is stronger and it is going to push the real brunt fo the combined storms off the coast a couple hundred miles. There will be a heavy impact on the coast where Sandy hit. May be a death blow to many there, as many homes structures were compromized by the huricane. but just another snow storm inland where we are. sounds like a 6-12" , and sunshine by Sat afternoon. Not a big deal here.
Loren, the Acg.
Getting ready is a good way to make sure it won't happen. The less prepared you are, the worse the storm will be. I wasn't aware there was going to be a storm. Not really a big deal, just more snow to add to the pile
6" and counting in Central Michigan. I'm getting the feelling it will be 12" before it's said and done. Thankfully the wind isn't blowing too bad, maybe all the roads won't be drifted shut.
Sounds like we're in for the fun mix- snow, freezing rain, rain, and back to snow.....
I don't know how you guys do it. It was almost 80 today here in central Florida. We haven't had a day below 38 all winter. Everything is already blooming. All the citrus trees are covered in blooms about 4 weeks early But with no fronts moving through we haven't had any rain growers are having to irrigate to keep from losing the bloom Hope everybody comes through this storm okay
I don't know how you do it either! 20 years ago we went to Sanible Island for 2 weeks every October it was brutal there. I havent been there since 1995. Nope I'll take the cold and snow anytime over the heat and humidity! Lol
Fired up the generator for a few minutes and got extra gas.Pickup is full and so is wife's car.She does her weekly shopping on Thursday.Don't plan on going anywhere tomorrow with blizzrd conditions in the forecast.

So I guess we are as ready as we can be.

Its830 PM and 30 degrees here 50 miles north of Detroit. The radar shows snow but have not seen any here yet. It sounds like its going more north of me. I guess this storm is going to collide with one coming up from the south and blast you boys in New York and the North East. I put the snow blower on the back of the loader tractor though. I'm hoping to get enough so I don't have to drive school bus tomorrow.
Loren, ain't retirement great? Look out in the morning and just have another cup of coffee.

Only rain forecase here in western Ohio.

We have not had A bad winter here in E. Texas at all.In the med.60 s. I went to town today, seen A few people mowing there yard. That is not right here in Feb.
Keep warm.

Hammer Man
Back in the late 70s as in 1977 or so I lived in CT and we had one winter where the state closed to roads other then those helping others due to snow. That was one of the best winters I remember even though it took a few hours just ti find my 1974 Dodge van in the snow draft that had it covered up. I and a number of our friend climb in and went around clearing peoples driveways that day and we had a lot of fun but then that was back when I was a whole lot younger
Sandy victims? I was under the impression that the east coast was all squared away---I rarely ever hear any reference to it in the media, nor do I hear them ragging on The One about lack of progress. Wonder why that is? After Katrina, they beat on Bush like a rented mule.
Got about 8 inches so far this afternoon/evening. Maybe another 6 to 8 coming tonight. Unloaded the bagged grain from the PU, and took a load of hay to friends for their sheep. Then finally gave in, and put snowplow on the truck. First time this winter. Otherwise, been prepared pretty well for a couple months. We stock food, a supply of fuel,and have equipment to weather most any storm we may likely have. Power outages will cramp our lifestyle a bit, but we can generate enough to cover us for quite a while.
hundreds of homes yet been condemened or familys living in gutted out shells with no electric. Seems anyone that has a mortgage the check has to go to the bank for signatures---and many banks are prorating the money to the homeowner on the amount of repairs completed--making the process extremely slow
Brand new double ring chains on the ole 850, I blasted out a 36" butt log of an old maple, dead for years, split into a nice 1/2 cord, put inside, 75-80 F near the stove, its dried out quickly, burns nice, coals are nice too, got enough in the shed to last etc. Took down a big old dangerous rotted maple today, another cord should come of it, + 6 more trees, all headed on my front lawn, so I don't have to fight the hill if there is deep snow, wouldn't make it anyway. I figure now I can still work, snow or not, all next years wood mostly, 'cept the dry tops of the recently dead elm. I had hoped this no snow cover frozen ground would have lasted longer, the double ring chains and ballast surprisingly gets me good traction up this darned hill, whole darned trees, LOL. Kinda my focus today, tractor is in heated garage, food, shelter, and heat is abundant, back up power, non interrupted, I'd say, bring it on, but I know better LOL !
Old - that was probably the blizzard of 78

between 2 and 3 feet - the drifts were the biggest problem.

My friends and I dug a lot of houses out that winter - the hard way. We all had those stupid big wide aluminum shovels that were good for pushing, but certainly not for shoveling. But we were young.

Interesting side note I always think of from that storm - we had a reclusive neighbor that lived aside of us - we shoveled him out - nice enough guy, a little odd - had us come in for hot chocolate when we were done. Conversation was kind of creepy but at least there were a few of us there.

A couple years later police found a young girl in his house, dead, shot in the head - they caught up with him in a mall parking lot and killed him in a big shootout.

Great neighbor
My have been 78 but do not remember for sure. We did most of the drives the easy way sort of. I used the Van to plow threw the most of it then backed off and we shoveled the rest out by hand. Worked well and impressed my girls friend parents so she was able to go out with the group and help others also. Had a great day or fun that day
I was a little too young to drive.

But man, I did want a van in the worst way.

Kinda forgot about the van craze.
I special ordered that van in 1973. I was 17 when I ordered it and got it on Jan 5th the day I turned 18. In 78 it had a the full size bed in the back and a fridge etc. Being that I was in the navy it came in handy since I did travel a lot back then. Thing was heavy as in 5500 plus pounds so did well in snow even being 2 wheel drive and had a lot of the weight in the back since under the bed was a full area to store stuff and I kept a lot of tools in there area.

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