OT---Compromised Credit Card


Well-known Member
A few days ago, my credit union notified me that my CC account had been frozen. There were two charges against the card that looked suspisious, mainly the one for $1,000 for an airline ticket in India!
I received the new card today.
Before I enter the new CC number on my PayPal account, I would like to know, since it was not stolen from us, is there is any way to determine how, and from what source, the CC was compromised.
(quoted from post at 01:49:14 02/20/13) probably something you could (should) ask your credit card fraud dept
We asked the representative that question and she said there was no way of knowing??????????????????? I think someone with the CC company knows!!
Last time I used my CC for paypal it was compromised. I was on a tdy for the USAF at the time and it kinda put a damper on my fun. Credit union called me and said I had racked up about 20,000 in purchases, I told them no I didn't. They canceled the card and sent me a new one. I was not responsible for the charges and have never used paypal since.

I figured it was some thief at paypal that copped my card info.

The problem is they won't tell you. Several years ago my credit union was asking everyone to come in and get new bank cards because an employee at a certain store was copying card numbers. They wouldn't say what store. I also had money taken out of my account by a former GF and the bank wouldn't let me see the pictures.
Your credit union's fraud department is likely to conduct and investigation, but I don't think there's any requirement for them to tell you what, if anything, they discover. After all, they're on the hook for the fraudulent charges.

It's interesting you mention this, since I had the identical thing happen to me about three weeks ago. It was a credit union Visa card, and it had two fraudulent charges, one of which was an Indian airline ticket. (The other was a hotel bill in the US, DC I think.) In my case, the charges occurred only a couple of hours after I made a purchase on amazon.com. I did notify amazon, but of course nothing came of it.
i'd change banks.

last time I had fraud.. I know who did it and what state they lived in, and was kept up o the investigation by the bank, and eventually LEO.. etc.
A friend of mine just got back from a vacation in florida.His card number was used twice in florida since he got home.
The Credit Union or bank will send the information to VISA or MasterCard about the compromised card. VISA/MAstercardwill look back at the merchants you shopped at, and match them to other compromised cards. If a number of the compromised cards all were used at a specific merchant, they will go after the merchant and/or their employee if they can determine a specific individual. As an example if you and I both have had a card compromised and we both had used the card at a specific merchant, that merchant then becomes the target of the investigation.
there always the bad risk with cc, seens like you need to have two or three card to use for seperate transactions, pay-pal, fle-bay, amizon, that way if somthing fishy shows, it on that card only...i have only one cc, and i never used if for any transactions other then local and when i see the business swipe it in front of me, when ever possible...
Seems like I've had a rash of those issues last couple years. And your right the Bank or credit card fraud dept. won't let you know where it happened. Maybe can't because of privacy laws for all I know. Seems like they would so you could avoid that place. Maybe thats why they don't?? Anyhow so far haven't had to pay for anything I didn't buy. Sure is a bother though. Kinda makes you wonder too!!!
Maybe they won't disclose any details pertaning to the CC Fraud because THEY may be the cause!!
I would just like to know, for sure, if it was Amazon or PayPal, since that is where my majority of purchases are made.
I am reluctant to enter the new number on eBay or use it on Amazon??
one of the best places to get your card comprised is in a resturant that takes your card and makes the payment and brings back with your card. Once the card is out of your sight whomever the server is has a card reader and with your card in hand has the security code as well. Has happened to me twice at the same resturant. naturally don't go there anymore.
I too use paypal and Amazon. So you may be on to something. For a while I thought it was when I booked airline tickets. Then I was sure it was when I bought gas. But truthfuly who knows. It wasn't as handy, but I miss cash!!!
I think it is up to the card company as to wether they tell you what happened. In my case a company card's info was stolen once upon a time, and used for purchases from Victoria's Secret, as well as to pay tuition at a college. I was never given exact details but I was eventually told that it was someone in the home office (halfway across the county) of a hotel chain I was staying in quite frequently while working out of town. The nice thing, about the whole deal, and a big opportunity for me to get ragged by everyone, was that I got Victoria Secret catalogs coming to me at my work address for about a year afterwards....
You must know this to add to all the other possibilities- there
are people who have computer programs that run credit card
numbers all day long. they just start with a number and try a
small unnotiiced fake purchase, if it doesnt work the computer
tries the next number[sorta like them politicians auto phone
dialers]. when they hit a good number bang here goes a big
charge. they got me for 6000 air ticket in india. VISA locked it up
and called me to see whats up they knew by my purchase history
it was unlikely to be me. never been over 500 miles from home.
hope this sheds some light on what could happen. could happen
again. new scammer born everyday. good luck sz
That's happened to me a couple of times--both times at gas stations. They insist on holding the card while you pump and copy the information or make a copy. With a copy they will charge a small item at a local store to verify it works then start the big charges. If i get a call we immediately cancel the card and get a new one OR when i find the strange charge on the bill cancel. Then start checking all the other bills/charges to find any others that are false. After clearing them you will hear nothing as the company handles it.
Using paypal,and using your CC online on sites like Amazon is usually pretty safe. The places you have to worry about are the ones where you hand them your card like a restaurant.
Some cards have a chip in them that can be read remotely. Someone posted a link that explained how that works a few months ago.

Why would a cc company tell how they were scammed? You can't expect them to publicize their weakness.

My sis' card was locked because the cc company suspected it had been stolen. She tried using the card to purchase something while visiting from CA. She called the company. They explained someone had tried to use the card to make a purchase in IL so they locked it. She told them yes, she had tried to make a purchase in IL, and pointed out that if they checked the two previous charges they would find one was for an airline ticket to IL and the other was for a rental car in IL.
(quoted from post at 00:29:46 02/20/13) one of the best places to get your card comprised is in a resturant that takes your card and makes the payment and brings back with your card. Once the card is out of your sight whomever the server is has a card reader and with your card in hand has the security code as well. Has happened to me twice at the same resturant. naturally don't go there anymore.

Ditto on the restaurants. About a year ago, we had some fraudulent charges on a card we hadn't used in a loooooong time a day or so after we used it at a restaurant we had never been to. Had remarked to the wife during dinner what a nice place it was and we should come back again. Needless to say, we haven't been back there since (and I informed the restaurant management as well).

The CC company called us to let us know there were suspicous charges before we knew about them ourselves, cancelled the card and fedexed new ones. Pretty painless. BTW, charges were a 25 cent subway toll in NY, food charges 60 miles from our house, a 99 cent charge for something in California.)

Actually, I think our CC's have been compromised at least a half dozen times in the last 12 years. Never lost a penny, never been inconvenienced at all. Still makes me mad to think some scumbags are too lazy to get a real job but put so much time and effort into ripping off others. I think a little old Western justice would be appropriate for them when caught.
Here, the gas pumps have a card reader built in.

Like that much better than when you had to hand over your card to an attendant.
Another way for them to get your numbers.....if you have them stored in some financial management program on your own computer or auto pay.

They just infect you with a spybot program and get the info.

I am the Original Poster-----My wife tells me that she is not really worried about the CC because we have protection. The DEBIT CARD is her worry--NO PROTECTION!!
She says that from now on, we will either write a check, pay cash, or use CC.
I might add that we have never paid an interest on any CC in the many years we have had one. Our monthly bill is usually about $400--$600 and we pay it when received.
(quoted from post at 12:09:14 02/20/13) I am the Original Poster-----My wife tells me that she is not really worried about the CC because we have protection. The DEBIT CARD is her worry--NO PROTECTION!!
She says that from now on, we will either write a check, pay cash, or use CC.
I might add that we have never paid an interest on any CC in the many years we have had one. Our monthly bill is usually about $400--$600 and we pay it when received.

If you have a true 'Debit Card' and not just a bank ATM card, your debit card should be protected by Visa or Mastercard, same as a credit card.
(quoted from post at 19:13:51 02/20/13)
(quoted from post at 12:09:14 02/20/13) I am the Original Poster-----My wife tells me that she is not really worried about the CC because we have protection. The DEBIT CARD is her worry--NO PROTECTION!!
She says that from now on, we will either write a check, pay cash, or use CC.
I might add that we have never paid an interest on any CC in the many years we have had one. Our monthly bill is usually about $400--$600 and we pay it when received.

If you have a true 'Debit Card' and not just a bank ATM card, your debit card should be protected by Visa or Mastercard, same as a credit card.

After further talking with my wife, she said yes---the Debit Card is as safe as a personal check--but you have a lengthy process to recover loss.
As you can probably tell, she does all the paperwork and understand much more the me. She checks the CC and DC regularly.

Hackers break into companies all the time and steal and then sell your credit card info. You read about it once a week or so in the computer mags or blogs.

And waiters are good about using camera phone to take pictures of your card and then sell it to the local goones.

Its now sadly part of life. My cards get hacked almost once a year now. I get calls that I am in some part of the world and buying crap. Gosh, too bad I dont get all the travel miles.

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