Cattle Rustlers Caught


I posted the other day about the cattle that were stolen from the Salem, MO sale barn. Here is the Sheriff departments release via Facebook:

Updated 3/29/2013 1700 hours, Two suspects have been arrested in connection with the theft of the cattle and are currently held in the Dent County jail pending warrants. The sheriff's office would like to thank the citizen's and surrounding law enforcement agencies that have helped with this investigation. This post reached over 87,000 people in a 24 hour period. Names and photos of the two suspects will be released later.

There was a story on the local news the other night, before this story broke, about the rise of cattle thefts in MO. Thankfully 2 have been removed from that cess pool. I posted this not really thinking anyone would recognize them, but more to bring about awareness.
They are out there. Keep your eyes and ears open. If you suspect any illegal activity, write down the license plate #, date and time.
Back in the wild west days , cattle & horse theives were hung on the spot . No special treatments or waste of money housing them . Is it any wonder why things are like they are today .The hard working person that owned those cows are the loosers in this case . God bless America . Land of the crooks , liars & politicians . Ken
That's good news.

Many years ago when I was stationed at Ft. Hood, a couple of fellas from my company got drunk one pay day, and drove one of their Ford Thunderbirds out onto one of the ranges. Besides armory, calvary, field artilley, Ft. Hood also raised the beef for the other Army bases. So these guys decided to have a barbeque, caught a head, killed it, lopped off a leg or hind quarter, and were barbequing it as they drank more beer and the dead head lay not too far away. The MP's saw a campfire out on that range and road up on horseback to check it out, and what do you suppose happened to those guys? Their barbeque ended abruptly and got ruined for a couple of things. Then the following morning at formation, the whole Battalion heard about it, because them fellas was going to be court martialed, and headed to Ft. Levenworth for what they did to government property, getting caught red handed. Maybe these fellas will share the same fate. Maybe they are offspring of...

Easter Sunday in jail can't be all that fun, but...

That's great! I was hoping they would be apprehended.

Wish people would work as hard at working for a living as they do in trying not to "work".
One of the reasons horse thieves were dealt with so harshly in the old west was because in some remote desert areas having your horse stolen was synonomous with a death sentence. Without your horse, you could easily die before you got back to civilization or were rescued.
They'll slap their hand, fine them and let them out. The good o'boys will have to rustle some more to pay their fines.

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