rrlund - others... Finished planting my oats today!


Well-known Member
Was a mad scramble, worked a lot of hours fitting the soil. Part of the field used last season by local septage hauler was extremely rough, uneven. Lots of disking, cultivating. Wanted to kill off sod on remainder of field... Lots of disking there too. Wanted to get field as smooth as possible for future hay field use. Grain drill is old, and frozen, can"t adjust feed rates, so double planted. Pulled cultipacker on last trip over. Fertilizer dispenser on drill is also dead, so had to broadcast fertilizer with a tow behind spreader. Did that with garden tractor which has floatation tires - very light footprint. But it"s in. >>>> Now last year at this time, oats had been planted for a month, were up and growing. What a difference a year makes!
Good going Ray!
Still got water standing in most of the fields around here. Mine included.
I'm going to try to get the manure spreader out on the high spots this
weekend though.
Don't have much to do, just some cleanup stuff.
No planting for me, too much water. Got stuck with the mower trying to trim up the barnyard today. I did see one field of oats planted around Mesick this weekend.
There's a pond yet in the field I planted. Was about two acres, 4 feet deep, with two geese swimming in it about a week ago. Decided not to plant rice in it, and just work around it. Got stuck twice when I got too close. (Not cool -having yer wife pull you out with a Farmall C!)
Pond is about half that size, deep now. But I was out in the field when two geese landed on it this afternoon. Only a pond in the spring. I take runoff off neighbor's field and swamp, No place for water to go. Have wanted to tile it, bur cost wold be prohibitive. Even if it's possible. Anyone got a transit I could use?
Tile doesn't cost, it pays. ;)

Think I will be very happy for the tile I put in the past 4 years, once the rain and snow stops.

No field work of any kind around here,SE MN. There is still 6 inches of snow left from our big snow storm we had yesterday.
I worked on putting the radiator back in our 1855 in the rain. I've got it in and filled, but I gave up on the sheet metal, grill, and weights until tomorrow. Should dry up a little, and I can start it up and move it to a dryer spot in the driveway now.

Gonna be a while till we can do anything in the fields, so we're gonna work on setting up a blower outside a barn that we're going to get straw out of. Sounds like it's a good amount too, free for the taking. We use a spout off our old Fox chopper on a blower and put it right in the wagons, then have another blower setup at home and unload.

This is a barn we did a couple years ago- it was Mom's cousins farm. Actually bought this wagon at his estate auction...

I planted my oats a week ago today. They just started sprouting Thursday or Friday. It"s only a food plot and I just disced them in. I would have been working on getting my corn plots ready, but radiator in my TO-30 sprung a leak. It"s at the radiator shop now; hope it"s repairable.

Hoping to get started today. I disced Thursday. The clutch went out on the big tractor (I guess). I spread fertilizer and field cultivated yesterday with the 1850. Gotta finish going over it the second time this morning. Hope to be planting this afternoon if I don't break something in that one!
We got treated sludge put on a field a couple of years ago. It was a mixed blessing. The extra nutrients worked well, but the compaction due to the trucks took a lot of work to correct.

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