Stupidest question of all time.


New User
I feel horrible even having to ask this, but I am so new to this whole tractor game. What does ROPS mean in the world of tractor jargon. I often see it when new tractors are for sale it says tractor has ROPS. My only guess is it means something like Remote Operating ? ? Can someone please tell me what it means and what it is used for? Thank you.
Roll Over Protection System. It is a sort of frame that goes over the seat of the tractor and keeps the driver from being completely crushed in case of a rollover. I have never had a tractor with it myself.
The other guys nailed it for you. They also come with seat belts.
The ROPS doesn't do much good if you don't stay under it.
I point this out just in case you ever want to add your own to an old tractor.
Sometimes you see forklifts advertised with ROPS and FOPS the first part has been answered the second part is 'Falling Objects Protection Structure'
Just another answer we tractor people take fore-granted that everyone should know!!!!
not a stupid question:

a stupid question: is when you do not know something and do not ask, then get hurt or hurt someone else.
now that is a stupid question.

always ask!!!!!!!!!!
I do not like using abbreviations for things we are not familiar with. One of my first jobs after getting out of the Army was with a farm equipment dealer network. My job was to travel with the service manager and train to be a service manager and do the dirty work such as driver, parts inventory and maintain the service truck. My official title was Assistant to the Service Supervisor, Very impressive title but there was something lacking in the abbreviation. Seems too many people were too lazy to say Assistant to the Service Supervisor
I wonder what ever happened to Nolan? We could use some good creative writing on here from time to time, now that Clem and Jake from the Yukon are not around anymore.
They say there are no stupid questions. Yours was not; but I have seen some on here from time to time. But I try to hold my tongue, in the interest of inclusion and diversity, doncha know.
If you googled it you wouldn't have to make a post calling your question stupid. {which was not dumb if you wanted to know]
Since you asked a guy I havent seen in a few years thought ROPS was a Rear OPerators Station. These were only on backhoes. So when asked was EROPS was, he said those were Electronic Rear OPerators Station. As in the new backhoes with pilots controls that are not a direct linkage to the valves.

now I am glad I asked, because after reading all of your posts I am much more educated about something than I was a couple of hours ago. Thank you all so much for your input and the education.
(quoted from post at 21:46:06 06/16/13) No, I believe the stupiest question is
"the question tha never gets asked"
Of course thats just, an old farts opinion.
God Bless

Nope I've been ask stupid questions. Bout the worst was a young soldier, standing in 12" of fresh snow, with 20 or so other soldiers in sight shoveling snow on the tank line, ask "what am I supposed to do with this SGT?" when I handed him a snow shove. You really don't want to hear what I told him.

(quoted from post at 22:49:10 06/16/13) I wonder what ever happened to Nolan? We could use some good creative writing on here from time to time, now that Clem and Jake from the Yukon are not around anymore.

I have never seen or read anything posted by Nolan before. Need more stuff like that.

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