Way OT - Gall Bladder?

jd b puller

Well-known Member
I looked thru the archives and found a few of you that discussed this. Getting mine removed on Tuesday. No Stones, just seems to be behaving badly. I"ve been nauseous since January, some days a lot worse than others. MRI"s, CT Scans, Upper Endo"s, etc, nothing shows anything wrong. Doc says, "I think it"s your gall bladder". The last 2 weeks have been miserable, hopefully removing this thing will help.

Any feedback / stories welcome...

Those of you that had theirs removed, how long before you felt better?
Had mine removed about 15 years ago it was full of stones. I know what you mean about the nausea was that way for about 6 months lost over 30 pounds. I was back at work in about 10 days after the surgery. Only thing that changed is now when I gotta go I have to go right now if you know what I mean. I suffered with mine for a long time before I had it removed. I wish I had done it sooner
I can only attest to my roomate when I had the appendectomy, considerably older, we were both placed in the same room about the same time post op, I think he had more incisions or what have you, but seemed to recover just fine after having this done, not much help, more than likely you'll be fine.
Thanks for the info guys. I"ve been dealing with it for quite a while. 2 weeks ago, I cut out ALL fat from my diet - pretty much went Vegan + low fat chicken breast and fish. Lost 15 pounds in a week. Pain got better for about 3 days, then returned... Looking forward to feeling normal again, hopefully this does it.
I had my gall bladder removed in the mid 90s.
One way to tell if it is your gall bladder is to do the following: Eat a fatty meal, like greasy pizza or burger. If you feel like crap and you are running to the bathroom to crap then it may be your gall bladder. If you can eat an all fiber diet like shredded wheat and vegetables and not be running to the bathroom and feel fine then it may be your gall bladder. My wife had her gall bladder out 2 years ago, but she did not have any stones. When I had mine out I had stones in the gall bladder.
Yep! Mine came out 3 years ago. Nurses hollered at me to stay in bed an hour after I got back to the room. Went home the next day and in a week and a half almost forgot about it.
Wife had hers out on a Friday. Dr. told her to take a week off work. But she went right back to work on Monday.
Gets along fine without and can eat anything she wants.
Oh, and hers was infected and quite large.
Had mine out right after had the accident, they were going to put a plate in my shoulder and lab tests showed bladder wasnt working right, said it was result of the all the pain meds was on!! Guess had enough other things going on hadnt noticed any problems!!!
Good luck with your surgery. Let us know how it turns out.
I had those same symptoms back when I was 24 years old and it turned out to be appendix, only mine was in the middle of my belly instead of on the right side. I kept a pan under the bed for the many times I woke up nauseus. No pain, just felt like puking. Never used it more than a couple of times in the year or so I went through this. Finally it ruptured and I got the problem fixed in a hurry. Jim
Had mine out Laproscopically in Feb 1996. Doc said be at the hosp. 6:00 AM and I was, no Doc, had a blizzard the night before, He showed up at 9AM started right in and got the job done. If he had been on time I would have been home by 4pm but made it by 6. The next day I felt like he had left a knife in me, but the following day I felt pretty good. At the checkup he asked me if I had worked with chemicals, yes, 5 yrs as Commercial Applicator. Prowl is the only one that bothered me when I had to use it. One day after spraying a lot of it I told the boss that was my last Prowl job. Doctor took pictures while he was in there and gave me copies. Said my liver had a little damage, but it's never bothered me and they still check my liver function every 6 months.
Don't worry about it, it's just a routine operation these days
Got sick Christmas eve. Thought it was because I had loaded up on my mother in laws fried chicken. Then again on New Years eve. Thought it was from some spicy salsa. Both times I had severe nausea and hurting on my right upper torso. Only two episodes. Went to doctor for yearly checkup and told him what had happened, he sent me for an ultrasound and they removed my extremely stone filled gall bladder the next week. Went in surgery at 4:00 p.m. and left the hospital around 9:30 p.m. Eating anything I choose with no other problems. Worst part of the whole ordeal was all that itching from my chest hair growing back.
Go have a big vanila milk shake, or a galss of eggnog (that is what set mine off)If you don't have any reaction from that you may get a second opinion. If yours is comming out tuesday you are on your way. It isn't really bad at all. I remember I couldn't leave the hospital until I passed gas. That isn't hard for me. I got to leave on time. Stan
I had mine removed about 15 years ago. It all started with some of the worst pain I ever experienced. I tried to poop, but couldn"t and couldn"t vomit either. After suffering for several hours, I asked my Wife to take me to the emergency room, the only time I have ever asked her to do that.

Once there, they asked me some questions and did an exam. Then they set an IV and gave me some morphine, which I had never experienced before. In a few heartbeats, my pain was gone and I wanted to go home. But they sent me to an ultrasound exam. The tech said he could not diagnose my problem, but bet me that within the next day or so, I would have gall bladder surgery.

The hospital admitted me that night, and about 6AM, a surgeon removed my gall bladder using the orthoscopic procedure with 4 small incisions. Later in the morning the surgeon told me that my gall bladder had been completely filled with stones. He was surprised that I had not had any attacks besides the one the night before.

I was released from the hospital about Noon and had to take it a little easy for a couple of days. Other than the 4 little scars on my belly, I cannot tell any bad effects from the surgery. I have never had that kind of pain again.

After the surgery I never had any trouble eating anything I wanted. I wish I still could, but now I have to behave as a diabetic.

Hope your surgery comes out as well as mine did. I would recommend getting it done, assuming the rest of your health is OK. You really don"t need a gall bladder, and one that is giving you problems is a real PAIN!
I had a Gall Bladder problem for years but my wife was exellent cook so she away protected me ith no greassey foods. When I got in the nursing home they did not do the same. Finally the nurse said "You need to go to the hospital and have your Gall Bladder checked" after Ultra-Sound amd prodding, yep! you need it taken out. No big deal, come in a morning and go back to Nursing Home in late afternoon. Fine but I happen to be a different fellow. Daughters dicussed with Surgeon that should not be realeased.. "I can see no medical reason to keep him. They had found one stone the size of a Walnut and several M&M size. My wife really knew how to grow Gall Stones. Son took me back to Nursing Home. Last I remembered was going up to Nurses station. Nurses checked me and called 911 for ambulance so back I go, I do not remember this whole deal. Apparently I had a massive infection attack. I was one sick cookie for several days. You know what, so kept the Aides busy, and became known as the Dirty Old Man. Seem to be OK but was a experience.

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