Some people! RANT!


Well-known Member
So yesterday morning I bent and twisted and grabbed for a ewe. Anyone over 40 knows what happened next- down in muck on my knees while waves of pain shot through my back. Hobbled up to the house and did my best not to puke from the pain. Of course 4 hours later the horses decide to take a stroll in the road, not that we get a lot of traffic, but still, they don't belong in the road. So I hobble out with my 10 and 11 year old and Mrs Bret to get them into another pasture. Meanwhile 27 year old daughter and my 4 year old granddaughter are sort of keeping the drafters in a meadow and out of the road. We halter a couple of the gang leaders and head down the road to the pasture. 11 yoa son stays with 4 yoa GD. We just get the horses in and I look up back up the road and see him and GD are walking to our house. Thank God he knew enough to keep to the shoulder because this little silver rocket car comes by them at about 60. This is on a lane and half road that most folks might do 45 on. Then he opens it up and heads for us. There's my house and barn on one side of the road and my neighbors right across from us at the crest of a small hill. My family is scattering and I see my neighbor from down the road the other direction pulling onto the road with his ATV with his 2yoa GS on it to come for their daily visit to the animals. All I can see is this clown wiping out one of my family or the neighbor and his GS. So I step out into the road more at the hill crest and this idiot doesn't even slow down. I yell as he passes and for some reason threw my hat at his car. Went right in the window. He slows and tosses the hat out and I'm screaming at him to come back and the little coward took off again. Probably just as well he did since I'm a hurt old guy that hasn't won a fight in a long time and he looked to be 18-20 and a lot more fit than I am. Oldest girl tells me it's another neighbor girls new boyfriend. He has another way to get to her house and he seems to be taking it now. I get along fine with those neighbors and don't want to bother them with this but will if it continues and I will certainly call the police if he doesn't get the message. What really gets me is the complete lack of common sense to say nothing of safe driving this kid displayed. At his age the car, a brand new sporty type thing, was surely paid for by mommy and daddy and that just makes it worse IMO. Where's his respect for his folks?

I'm just venting because I'm still so po'd. I've got a real long fuse and it's been years since I've been that enraged at something.
If I could identify the "DRIVER" I would find out exactly who it is and go talk to his parents about their son's actions. They need to know if he had killed/hurt someone on that country road they could be liable if the kid is under 18. Even if he is over 18 and on their insurance they could easily be sued. Also he would be looking at some serious jail time too.

Local fellow here ran over a woman walking just a few years ago. He was just 25 at that time. He was cresting a hill with the sun in his eyes. He hit her square. Did not even swerve. Going 65 on a 45 MPH road. The local prosecutor showed how this young man had a history for speeding and driving fast on county roads. Took the jury less than an hour to convict him. He is spending the next 15 years in the state pen. Judge added no parole until at least 10 years served.

It may do you no good but I would at least try.

Also you are retired from being a State Patrol officer. DID you get his license number??? At the very least pass it along to some current officers. They can kind of watch out for him. Maybe catch him in the act. With the knowledge of his actions maybe they would be a little less forgiving if they stop him in the future.

Part of getting older is thinking of how your actions may turn out. He maybe a fine young man that just is clueless about what could happen. Never thinking about what could happen. He is just out having "fun" driving his car hard on the nice public road build just for his road racing abilities/enjoyment.

I would do something because if he runs over someone later I would feel kind of responsible for not going after him now.
My father has or had this problem at the other place, same darned thing, the road is a straight-away, and there have been some idiots using it as a drag strip by themselves, and or the neighbors daughter had a BF that had a cafe racer, loud obnoxious pipe, driving like fools. Right down the road one night one of these idiots, a young teen and friends, slammed into a tree, they did not fare so well, I saw the results first hand. Still don't learn. Our neighbor is a friend, they are a nice family, but you know what happens with teens, ole crotch rocket shows up as a BF of a daughter and is disrespectful of surroundings. We have horses, ours, boarders, in the front paddocks, and whenever they do this, often times on runs through a fence or spooks terribly and it makes more work, might need a vet, which is costly. He notified the sheriff and gave permission to set up hidden in the driveway with trees and undergrowth both sides, it has stopped significantly. Might be they just know nothing of horses or livestock, but it is still predominantly an agricultural area with lots of dairies and horse farms, you'd think they would know. Its even better if you are in the saddle, or have one on a lead shank. Hard to deal with sometimes, makes you want to wring a neck or two. Someone on a harley broke down and was fooling with it, loud pipe, backfiring, ole Silver went right through a fence, he's lucky I think more before I act, win, lose, or draw, I never used to if you stepped on my toes hard enough. Now really, right next to a paddock with horses ? Backfiring ! People are so ignorant. Get it towed, call someone, work on it elsewhere or gee, why not walk in and ask us, I'd have gladly lent a hand, gave him a place to park briefly, nope they just don't use their heads today. Of course I am wary of strangers, wrong vibe I would not help, although you want to, can't trust anyone today.
Good friend of mines daughter. Was hit by a kid that thought he could drive. Smashed the drivers side,shattered her whole left side. Killed the girl riding with her. Second person this kid as killed in a wreck. He is now serving 60 years no parole.Your neighbors girls BF could be the next one heading to prison or the cematary.
LOL I've got cattle on both sides of the road and have been so PO'd that I've thrown gravel at those kind of idiots.

The wife said some of them got a taste of their own medicine a week or so ago. She said somebody stopped and said there was a calf in the road. She was super impressed that when she got out there,there were about 5 cars stopped,everybody trying to get it back in. She said there was a jacked up pickup that shot right through the middle of the whole dammed show doing about 60. She sadi the rest of'em cussed him out pretty good. I thought it was funny as all get out that the other motorists who had stopped got a taste of what I have to go through.
My Uncle did two tours in Korea And two in Viet Nam was trying to help get someone elses cows back in when a person came flying around a curve and hit him trying to miss the cows. He was in intensive care for several weeks we were not sure if he would live or not.
Does this guy's new girlfriends parents know how he drives???. They might need to be told. If they are any parents at all they will never let her anywhere need a car with him in the drivers seat
I wouldn't think twice about going down to the neighbors. And if the situation was reversed I'd want to know and I'd have a none too friendly talk with the soon to be former boyfriend.
This really hits home with me so lets see if I can get this out.

I live on a country lane; much like you describe. A 3 mile long 1 1/2 lane dead end road posted 35 but most drive 45-50

Several years ago a local police officer just out of the academy moved in at the end of the road. He always drove at excess speed for the road and condition. Several neighbors including myself called his office because he was doing this in a police car. We were all told that any complaints had to be in writing.
While we were all willing to make an anonymous phone call none of us was willing to make a formal complaint. We do have to live in this neighborhood.

Then one day the inevitable happened. He hit a 7 year old girl that rode a bike out of her drive without looking both ways. She was lucky; banged her up pretty good and broke a few bones but she lived.

Now we all try to live with ourselves by trying to think it was partly the little girls fault for riding her bike out into the roadway without looking both ways.
But deep down we all know who's fault this accident was. It was each of us that did not file a formal complaint and nip this accident in the but long before it happened.
If that little girl had been killed I do not know how that would have effected me.
I live on a dead end road in the county with the town cemetary and sewer plant at the end. The speed limit is posted...25 MPH. One of the town sewer plant workers would pass my house everyday going about 50 MPH. One day my across the street neighbor's daughter and her dog came out their driveway without looking, fortunately the dog was in front and the guy hit the dog rather than the child. I was in my yard and when he stopped, I said in a loud voice, "that's what happens when you drive 50 MPH down this street."

He was a whole lot bigger than me and got very beligerant. I told him I could care less what he had to say, I watched him speed down the street every day. He had a few more words and got in this truck and left.

A couple of days later I saw the town cop in the post office and asked him how fast you had to be going to leave a 62 foot skid mark. He smiled and said that the guy who hit the dog had already been to see him to file a complaint against me. He also told me that he told the guy he would have to file the complaint with the state police as the town had no jurisdiction as the street is in the county.

My next door neighbor said I shouldn't have said anything to him as he was a local drug dealer's "enforcer" whatever tham means.

Anyway, the dog lived and I never heard anything else about it but it goes to show how things get twisted.
If you have scyatica pain (spelling?) it is extremely painful. I tried to up with it for a week before going to a doctor, he gave me a muscle relaxant that really helped within a day. The problem has only been minor for the past 6 1/2 years since then and I haven't needed the pills in that time either.

"Of course 4 hours later the horses decide to take a stroll in the road, not that we get a lot of traffic, but still, they don't belong in the road."

I think I would fix the fence before doing anything else, especially before calling the police. The kid in the speeding car contributed to make an already bad stiuation worse, but he didn't cause the horse to get out or and he didn't send all those people out into the roadway, did he?

I wouldn't blame the kid for causing all those problems to happening, only for contributing to them.
Had you gone on record, it would have reinforced the negligence. Thats what always happens, hindsight. I have seen the effects of someone run over, my mother was hit and just about left for dead. I'm all for diplomacy, and related strategy first and foremost, a civil solution is best, I do understand retaliation and not making waves, but there is a point where that just may not be feasible and one must stand their ground, consequences or not, thats just how it is in my opinion LOL !!!

I will not be intimidated. I had a town magistrate or justice of the peace try it with me, over an incident which resulted in a clear set up by them, make no mistake about it, I did not back down and there was a state trooper in the court whom I know very well, that witnessed the final conversation between I and the elected fool. They pulled some real crap on us and we took them to task to the bitter end, yes you do have to live with the repercussions sometimes, but it finally brought closure, which was best for all, the dust does settle, time changes things and so on. Had we backed down, the hardship would have been worse, instead they paid as did the taxpayers who elected them.

I hate when people have to fear authorities, that is wrong and should never be tolerated. I watched my @ss for years just the same, mostly worked out of town, that helped, I did it as to not draw attention, embroil or inflame the situation or have it continue, not out of fear. The climate of the elected officials changed, there were some real bad apples here at one time. They respect us now and as we do them, the way it should be. I have a much better appreciation now than I did. I'd do it again, win lose or draw. You hit a nerve LOL, I vehemently cannot stand intimidation, bullying, or what have you, as much as I hate a thief !
In Ireland we still put our cows out to pasture every day during
the summer months, this means they have to walk or cross the
public road. Even with official county signs we still had trouble
slowing down idiot drivers trying to get home from work fast to
watch soaps! We had a few near misses and a few smiles of
satisfaction. The road opposite ours is called the Horseshoe Lane
and ...yes it does do a horseshoe of about a 1/2 mile coming
back onto the same main road. Some of the 'smarter' cookies
when confronted with our 130 cow herd crossing the road would
have spun their wheels and headed around the 'Horseshoe' It was
very satisfying to see them stuck behind our neighbours cows
walking the 'Horseshoe' as we closed the gate in our yard with
our cows already home! LOL
But best of all was the time we were crossing the road one
morning, signs out and my mother on the crest of the hill trying
to flag down the drivers...The first couple were locals and
stopped for her but then along came the smartazz salesman
from the local Toyota dealership, test driving the brand new
sportscar that was to be unveiled that very evening at a big press
launch. He ignored my mother and then saw the waiting cars,
braked and swerved violently, heading through the ditch and
hedge into a field on his passengers side...catching an electric
pole stay as he went through....the stay threw the smashed up
car back on to it's wheels....He simply shook his head and
headed for the gate. We made a point of visiting the unveiling
that night to see a badly bruised salesman unveil a different
coloured car! LOL
(quoted from post at 13:01:16 07/21/13)
"Of course 4 hours later the horses decide to take a stroll in the road, not that we get a lot of traffic, but still, they don't belong in the road."

I think I would fix the fence before doing anything else, especially before calling the police. The kid in the speeding car contributed to make an already bad stiuation worse, but he didn't cause the horse to get out or and he didn't send all those people out into the roadway, did he?

I wouldn't blame the kid for causing all those problems to happening, only for contributing to them.

I should have known someone would be able to somehow twist things to the point that an idiot speeding past a couple of kids on the shoulder of the road, missing them by 4 feet or so, and then accelerating into a clearly congested area, even without people along the road, would somehow be my fault.

FWIW- I appreciate the sympathies offered by others and am completely cognizant of the mechanisms available to me. I'm hoping I can take care of this without involving LE. The parents of at least one side are already aware.
I live in a very wooded secluded suburb. Our street has a 4 way stop at the end.
I watch kids and adults not even slow down through the 4 way stop daily!

I just hauled a tractor and was absolutely amazed at how dump people would tailgate a fully loaded crappy trailer with a bouncing tractor doing 50 mph. They would hang back there for miles with no one else around to stop them from changing lanes and going around!
That stinks. Who needs that kind of aggravation?. My advice is speak up before something happens.
Boy is probably just excited to see his girl and oblivious to the rest of the world. Ahh, to be young.

Been thru living on 2 different streets that were cut thru"s. Got lucky last move. Our current house is on a block no one needs to use.

Reminds me of what
F.A.R.T. stands for.

in the late 70's, I lived on a road that was jokingly called the only smooth strech of road in the county. It was a 25 mph zone, urban residential collector street. We had a kid that was always pushing 70 or so it seemed. one day the neighbor and i were out near the street when this kid went by at his usual pace. We both hollered at him and he gave us the one finger wave. the neighbor called the county and a deputy showed up after a while. He interviewed both of us. our stories matched so he told us we could do a citizens arrest and give him a ticket (that would mean going to court), or he could go talk to him and ask him to slow down. We told the officer, all we wanted was the kid to slow down, but we would do what we had too. The officer went and talked to the kid, and the kid saw the light, or he found a new street to terrorize.
Tim in OR
I live on an old dirt road with two 90 degree curves leading up to
my place within a mile. The neighbor had a 20 something kid that
bought a Trans Am and thought he was hot sliding around the curves
slinging gravel all over the place, then he would top the hill and fly by
at a speed not fit for a paved road, let alone this gravel one.
You could hear him gunning the engine for a mile away.
There were young kids, pets and livestock all over, so I talked to him.
He basically told me to keep my kids/pets/etc out of the road.
So I talked to his dad, who said he would talk to him.
Apparently he did, because the kid took to flying by even faster.
So one day when I heard him gunning it around the curves I hauled
a full hay rack out of my field across the road headed for my place.
But I stopped. With the hay rack in the middle of the road.
As soon as he topped that hill and started his "panic brake skid"
I pulled it on across the road so he wouldn't hit it.
He stopped and asked me what I thought I was doing.
I said I was hauling hay, like everyone else on this road does,
and you're lucky my tractor didn't die before I could move it.
Next time it may need a tune up. That ended it.

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