Lost My Best Fried Today


We all have see posts on here of people loosing their dogs. Well,..I lost my dog today who truely was my best friend. He would have been fifteen years old tomorrow. I had the vet come to the house and put him down. He was in obvious pain and shaking badly. This all after what seemed a normal and great week -end at our cottage. He got sick (Inner ear Infection that spread) and went down hill quickly.
I will miss him greatly,but know that i will see him again someday at the Rainbow Bridge. His unconditional love and loyality will give me many fond memories of his younger days.He taught me alot about being a true friend in tough times.
I think it will be a long while,..if ever that i get another dog.
I had to put my 6 year old Black Lab down today. Vet first thought it was Blasto which is treatable, but it turned out he had tumors on his lungs.
I know how you feel, I'm very sad my self.
I’ve never had a bad dog from the time that I was a little kid through now, in my fifties. When we lost our golden, Macy a year ago this month, I said that was it. No more, I wasn’t going through that again. After our current lab, Max is gone, that’s it. No more. Three, maybe four months ago, we got another scrapper, beaten throw away, a mastiff, Molly. Not one of them is replaceable by any other. Not one. When faced most recently with Molly, I couldn’t turn my back on her. Will there be more? Putting them down is hard and painful, but watching a scrapper go hungry, survive another beating only to be tossed aside, thrown away is harder. I will take a scrapper over a thoroughbred any day of the week even though I always say “No more, can’t do it again”.

My condolences.

I share your sorrow. A couple of weeks ago we lost our beloved cat that we had had for 8 years.
I know that I will see him again. Any preacher that says otherwise is full of horse manure.
When we had to put down our 14 1/2 year old Lab a few years ago we said we would wait a while before looking for another. Our other dog went onto such a depression over the loss of her friend that she wouldn't eat or do anything. Hand fed one piece of food at a time we could get a little in her but decided we had to get another dog or we would lose her too. Sometimes there is not much choice on when to get another. Glad to see others getting rescue dogs. I think they appreciate you more for giving them a home than a dog that has been spoiled all it's life. Just my observation.
Sorry for the loss of your friend. You should be content in knowing you supplied him with food, and shelter while he was in your care. It is really hard to do what you did. I have gone through it so many times with our dog's, and cat's. This sad day will slowly pass in time. Stan
Truly sorry to hear of these losses, my pups are family, not pets, I too had to put ours down a couple of years ago, but I beg you to mourn, miss, then rescue so another dog can know your love
Sorry to hear about your dog. I had to say goodbye to my dog 3 weeks ago. I'm going to wait until New Years to get another when I have the time to spend training him or her. I always say no more dogs after I lose one but yesterday afternoon I was at my sisters for a family get together and about 30 seconds playing with her dog and I realized how much I miss having one around.
We had to put our Chow Tazzy down in 2010 from stomach cancer she was only 10. We bought another Chow pup 2 months before we lost Taz. We call her Sugarbear and Sug for short. Hal

It is hard, but this is one gift that we can give them. Think of how bad they would feel if they lost you. They can't be told and do not understand. I have always had a dog or two, and always will. Now I need to wipe my eyes and sign out.
Relive 7 great moments with him and cherish them. Build new moments with a pup. It is a great opportunity to visit the humane society and save a good pup. I have had 5 of various breeds and temperament (plus coon hounds). None replace the ones that pass, all give and take a special feeling that makes life rosier. Jim
Bless your heart. I know your feeling well. Never get over such a loss and if ,memory serves me, There will be prayers sent to you and mine will be included. Loss of such truthful, loving pals can not be forgotten ever, So sorry for your loss, Warmest regards LOU & VICTOR.
Labs grow very fond of other dogs. I will always have two of them at all times. It just seems cruel to have just one lab after you have seen two together.
Lost my old buddie Bear a month ago so I can relate. you will never replace your friend but give another dog a good loving home a house without a dog seems so empty.
Thank you all for all your thoughts and prayers. It is REALLY tough today waking up to no dog that craves your attention. He was literally at my feet everywhere I went. Always by my side in good times and bad. Thanks again for all your well wishes and prayers.
Here's a picture of my Best friend that will be missed but not forgotten.

My Border Collie died at 9 years.3 vets could not find out what was wrong.I brought home a pup the next day.Looking after a pup will take your mind off losing the dog.There are plenty of dogs without a good home, you can help.
(quoted from post at 08:03:04 08/27/13) My Border Collie died at 9 years.3 vets could not find out what was wrong.I brought home a pup the next day.Looking after a pup will take your mind off losing the dog.There are plenty of dogs without a good home, you can help.

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