Ot. Good link on spending.

So you think none of it is true? I don't know if it's true or false but if any of its true it wouldent surprise me at all!
If "good" means "outdated", then I guess it's good. Lots of broken links and nothing newer than 2009. Most of the posts date back to 2008 and earlier; if this was your only source of information you would have to come to the conclusion that the federal government hasn't wasted a buck in the past four years.

Oh, and the site's authors apparently don't know the difference between an astronomer and an astronaut.
Someone sent it to me in an email I thought it was funny! Don't know if any of its true.
Geeeeeeeeee havent you guys seen that TV commercial where the chick says "They cant put anything on the Internet that isnt true" Bonjour

I didnt check out the link, but do know the national debt was like 10 TRILLION 4 years ago, now 16 TRILLION and predicted to climb to 20 TRILLION over the next few years. Its NOT rocket science to see thats not sustainable, Europe and Greece and Socialiasm here we come grrrrrrrrrr We dont have an income problem, we have a SPENDING PROBLEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

John T Christian Conservative Patriot
Jay, this was not only good for a laugh, but true.
If anybody doesn't think so just take a look at the Federal Registrar.
No doubt there's a lot of truth to all this, but their credibility would be a little higher if they knew the difference between an astronaut and astronomy. Just saying...
John, the good news is that the deficit is dropping and has dropped every year since 2009. Of course a drop in the deficit means the national debt continues to climb and will do so until we have a budget surplus. But going back to Calculus 101, in order for the first derivative (the rate of change of the debt) to go negative, the second derivative (the rate of change of the deficit) must go negative first.
True enough Mark, the deficit is slowly dropping. But thinking it's going to continue to drop means believing that revenue will stay the same or go up and that spending will not increase. That's quite a lot of faith in politicians you have!

Actually, I think the bigger point to make here is that they have no intention of ever paying down the national debt, or worrying over deficit spending either. What's important to them is staying in office, amassing power and wealth. That's the game plan and has been for a long time. I think the last guy not really into the game was Calvin Coolidge, one of my favorite presidents.

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