Brendon Warren

Well-known Member
Lightning hit my uncles barn tonight and it's pretty much gone. 14000 bales of hay, no livestock. This is where me and a lot of my cousins grew up, lots of memories, I milked there for him for five years before I started out on my own. We put up hay together now, but I have a feeling this was our last year. End of an era.
Know what you mean. Uncles great big barn fell victim to arsonists. Had been a dairy barn but when that became unprofitable they converted it to tractor shop, wood shop, pool room with TV, all around fun palace.
Ugh, we have 5000 bales in a big old dairy barn right now, the lightning storm that ran for 5 hours last night had me a bit nervous.
Sad to hear of the loss. The big old barns are disappearing as time goes on. We had lighten hit our barn and my wife saw light from the start of the fire out there and we were lucky to get the fire out with little damage.
That is a tragedy. There are no words to describe the feelings this would give a guy. Work hard and be out the expense of putting up all this hay and then watch it go up in flames.
For many a barn is a land mark of our early ancestors.

For those of us who worked and played in the old barns made them our very own playground.

So sorry to hear of your loss.
Brendon, Sorry to hear about the fire. When I lost my barn I felt defeated but then I put up a new one and life went on.
Sorry to hear that. I understand how you feel - I grew up across the road from my grandparents and their farm, with a barn dating to 1917.
Very sorry to hear of your loss.

Only good thing is if no one was hurt and no loss of animals ?

Hopefully, insurance will help with monetary loss. If you haven't used your insurance before this is when you will find how good your coverage is.

Good luck, Bill
Sorry to hear. Hopefully this will spur people to check their lightning rod system as they can fall into poor condition. Also, I've seen where the cable connection to the ground rod is broken due to something rubbing against it. There are actually buildings out there that lack lightning protection systems. A couple days ago there was a ground strike within a half mile of the farmstead here.
I hope he extra insurance on the barn or he get 10% of what the house is. I have mine at 75000.00 and should raise that another 25 K these old barns cost a fortune to replace them as they are built of much better and costlier materials.
Thank you to everyone for the kind words. A least he didn't have a barn full of cows to worry about and no one was hurt. He didn't have insurance but I doubt he would rebuild if he did. It is a shame to see all that hard work go poof. He sold hay as a cash crop so the lost of the hay is a big sting. But as they say better in the barn than in the house.
So sorry for your lost. When I gutted the stalls back in 1994 on my barn, we had a burn pile well away from the barn. I could not believe how hot and intense those old boards burned. I figure my barn would be gone in 30 minutes.
lost large old barn to fire during the buffalo blizzard of 77 lost all but one of the cows and calfs to the fire! Heartbreaking! sorry for your lost!

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