I cut the land line


Well-known Member
I opened up the phone bill today and that was the last straw! $78 for the land line phone. The wife had been paying it lately so I hadn't seen it. It had been about that for the past few months apparently. There was only $12.50 in long distance. Neither one of us could find anything on the bill where they had tried to pad it with things we didn't ask for.

My brother had gone to Verizon wireless home phone a year and a half ago and kept telling me I needed to switch. I told him I'd wait until he'd had it for a while and see how it worked out. He said the $19.95 bill,plus tax comes out to less than $25 a month and has stayed the same all the time he's had it. Free long distance,keep your old number and they do all the switching so all you do is plug it in. You use your old hand set and answering machine. You can even take it with you if you go somewhere on vacation or whatever if you want to. It's not a cell phone,it has to be plugged in to a wall socket and to your phone,but it works wherever there is Verizon service. Only thing is,we can't get incoming calls for now until the switch is complete but it works fine for outgoing. They said it would be 2-7 days before it works for incoming calls.

We'll see. I hope I have as much luck as my brother has had.
What the heck?
First you give up the milkers, talkin about giving farming up north and now the land line?
You Movin?

PS: Will take that good looking Super 55 as you pass through!
We have to change cell carriers, and as soon as my son takes his heart pacemaker/ defibrillator monitor out we"re not far behind you, dropping land line.The monitor quizzes his implant and calls the hospital from time to time for data transfer. Son moved to area where he had no service from our mutual cell carrier, so had to change. Now we don"t have free mobile to mobile with different carriers. What"s worse current carrier hasn"t really done well for us lately. Problems with system as well as poorer coverage. Believe our cell carrier is resting on it"s laurels and isn"t going to invest in upgrades out here in the boonies. Once those two things happen, Frontier is gonna bite the dust.
We went to Verizon last year for our phone. Like you we were tire of the high bills. Haven't had a bit of trouble with it and we also were able to keep our old phone no.
We did that over a year ago and it has been good. It does take some getting use to because when you dial out it takes several seconds before the call begins. It seems to work in all kind of weather conditions. Hope they don't start playing pricing games. LOL
We ditched ours about 2 years ago. My wife changed her business line to a cell line, it worked out great - no more sitting around, waiting for someone to call. It worked out so well, that we changed the home phone to a cell. One thing that made it painless is that the government changed the rules, allowing you to keep your old number.
If it wernt for my business I'd cut the land line, I use my iPhone 97% of the time, for phone and to post on here, internet , ect, but I never answer the house line, only select coustomers have my cell number, the idiots have to leave a message.
My neighbor switched to the Verizon home phone system three years ago. He had some problems the first few months, but it has worked fine since. You do lose your listing in the phone book, but you can have your number listed for a nominal fee if you want it. We're thinking about it too, our land line is $52 a month with unlimited long distance, so we'd save about $375 per year.
We got rid of our land line years ago.
Got magic jack for about a year and did away with it also.
We only have a cell phone now.

I signed a package with ATT that has text and phone and got free calls to and from any cell phone. So our minuets only get used when calling a land line.
We gave up the landline when I went to work in Las Vegas in 2006 and have not missed it at all. Had some problems about a year ago with Sprint, but we switched to Page Plus prepaid (which uses Verizons system) and it works great. Verizon around here is waaaaay toooo expensive.
We have high speed internet and landline through a regional phone company.....$78 per month. Can call a 50,000 pop town 30 miles away, toll-free, plus some small closer towns.
I have the Verizon home phone service at $20 a month unlimited long distance you need a good cell tower connection.
I'll keep mine for a while yet, for a couple of reasons.

1. I can ALWAYS tell when the incoming call is from a cell. How? Simple, I can't understand a word they're saying. Sounds like they're calling from the inside of a empty oil tanker.

2. I am well satisfied with my DSL internet connection. Plenty fast, hasn't dropped out in the 5-odd years I've had it.

Perhaps it's the scarcity of cell towers up here that causes the quality problems, but I struggle to understand folks on a good copper connection, cell phones are just hopeless for me.

Satellite TV, on the other hand, I'd ditch in a heartbeat if it wasn't for SWMBO.
If, you have high speed internet, Magic Jack, is your friend. I have had it for 2 years now with great luck, and at $29.95 a YEAR, it does a fine job.
We got rid of our land-line two years ago and switched to Verizon Home-Phone-Connect. Love it. Much cheaper, no hidden fees, unlimited calling long-distance, etc. It comes with us to four different locations throughout the year. Where we are now - the closest cell tower is 30 miles away (northern Michigan). Was "iffy" at first and I then put up a roof-top antenna for the phone. Now has full-bar coverage.
We got rid of our land line 5 yrs ago. Got sick of 10 junk calls coming in each day, and like you the $70/mo bill, to receive solisitations.
Very happy with our Verison "family plan", and no more solisitations and ROBo calls.
Loren, the Acg.
We have land line and DSL internet through Fairpoint for about that same cost, but ours includes toll free calling in the continental USA & Canada
gonna show this post to my Sara ,,.not sure what it costs us ,,..but I do know I spend up to 3600 for communications each yr..
Pretty much how I view a land line. I have just the basic for $30/month. All long distance calls are 30 cents/minute, so we use the cell phone for those. In an emergency still could use the land line but haven't for the last three years. Land line provides DSL that is sourced from another carrier. Previously had received a substantial discount on the Verizon cell phone, which had been negotiated by our former employer, but they recently dropped retirees from the package. So changed to another carrier which gave double the minutes for 20% less. Don't desire a smart phone and don't text so works great for us.
But, probably over half the bill was for federal and state taxes and fees.

I had always had a phone in my farm shop, till I got to looking at the bill. The taxes and fees were more than the basic charge for the phone.

I sent copies of the bill to my US representative (for all the good that did), then dropped the line.

We live on the farm and our phone service is with the Co-op. They won't sell internet service without landline service. We are out of range for the WISP signal, satellite is too expensive and subject to rain outage, there is no 'cable' service available, and cell LTE signal is marginal/slower than our fiber through the Co-op/and more expensive for the amount of data we use. So, I'm sticking with landline.

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