
Well-known Member
Would you guys who are on FB please go to my 'page',or send Email telling me who you are(your handle)I know who some of you are.The others.I'm somewhat confused......Thanks,Steve
Ain't saying that site was created by the devil,but it' ruined more lives than drugs and alcohol combined.
Yup, you got that right.
Guy at work has a son married 18 years. His wife has a "boyfriend" in Texas. She is in PA. The boyfriend is married. They met on facebook, have never met in person, but she kicked her husband out(my co-workers son) because she isn't interested in the marriage anymore...
I don't understand the whole Facebook thing ? Are people so desperate for attention & "friends" that they need to ask the whole world to look at them. Why post what you did today & yesterday, does the world need to know? In the process you let every weirdo know where you are & what you are doing.
Count me out of the whole deal, I'll talk to my friends in person, by phone, text or email.
It's not much different than this forum or any other one. Folks making jokes and observations on work, life, sports, religion, and politics.
Yep,my worthless tramp sister is in the process of ruining my sons business because of it. The European distributor for their products lives in Sweden. He comes over here every fall to bow hunt deer. My wife,kids,brother and sister in law and nephews were talking to him on there. She stuck her nose in,buddied up to him and even though she'd never met him,she flew over there in July to hop in to bed with him for a week. When he was here to hunt last week,there wasn't much hunting and surely wasn't any socializing because he spent the whole time with her. Now she's flying over there for Christmas. I hope he's OK with what she's going to do to him. The last three have turned in to alcoholics and she's accused all of them of being abusive. I hope it doesn't effect his license to import firearms when it's all over the web that he abuses women,but I'll guarantee he'll be accused of it when it's all over. I hope he doesn't hold it against the rest of us when it's over,but I'm sure we'll get dragged in to it somehow.

She never would have gotten together with him if it wasn't for that site from h#ll.
I'll tell you the BIG difference. There are WOMEN on there saying chit that gets taken out of context or is said on purpose and causes trouble to no end!
If I turn into a teenage girl I will friend you. Just kidding I know it has it followers for work related things or contacting old schoolmates etc..
Local lady got in trouble because of some photos that were on her account, and she didnt put them there! Her account got hacked. My wifes did, so she deleted. I had one, but grew tired of the useless drivel of in laws and other "friends" who seemed to do nothing but play on Facebook all day. Im sure theres others who are interested in it, but Im not.
I don't think have changed much, people are people and the other guy has a better deal. I remember the jokes about traveling salesmen or the "contacts" made on the CB Radio. If you think you are going to change human nature you are wrong. My neighbors wife ran off with the preacher. My Pappy said people have more fun than anybody!
I have a high school buddy that I hadn't seen or heard from for 30 yrs, so I searched and found him on fb. we talked a little and he wanted me to do some farming on his farm with him(i guess it's a game that they play) I told him no, so he befriended me.. I'd rather play in the, Kent

What a crock of crap!

Facebook has never caused one problem in anyone's lives.

Stupid people that post their most personal information and allow others to read it cause problems.

There are Facebook farm groups, tractor groups, fraternal organizations, churches, schools, and gun groups that are very active and don't have these problems.

The problems come when Mom flirts with uncle Harry, while Dad and the kids are reading it and then blame Facebook.

Want another site to gripe about? Check out Twitter. You'll get some of the most real and graphic real time news coverage from on site participants around the world you'll ever see. Or you can ruin your life by publicizing your indiscretions.
I dont play games.I simply use fb to keep up with family,cousins who live in different states,old class mates/friends that would otherwise be lost....(read relationships)I enjoy the new 'friends' just as much.But I sure didnt mean to stir up trouble....
"Facebook has never caused one problem in anyone's lives."

Part of my business is removing viruses from people's computers.
The #1 virus source in my customer base is Facebook and/or associated links.

Of course, that has nothing to do with your point.
(quoted from post at 17:08:00 11/15/13)
What a crock of crap!

Facebook has never caused one problem in anyone's lives.

Stupid people that post their most personal information and allow others to read it cause problems.

There are Facebook farm groups, tractor groups, fraternal organizations, churches, schools, and gun groups that are very active and don't have these problems.

The problems come when Mom flirts with uncle Harry, while Dad and the kids are reading it and then blame Facebook.

Want another site to gripe about? Check out Twitter. You'll get some of the most real and graphic real time news coverage from on site participants around the world you'll ever see. Or you can ruin your life by publicizing your indiscretions.

This is about the most intelligent reply I have seen yet re: facebook. People like to demonize it but really it is not much different from most of the discussion forums. You meet all kinds of people on both. Some good, some not. It is your own choice who you decide to "social network " with.
Ooops, deslexia kicked in, I thought FB was BF...Brown Forman...whiskey maker...lead my mind off in a different...taste of corn ....ooops wrong direction..pleasant.but .....sorry.
WOW!! Been on FB for years and never had any of this stuff happen. I'm feeling more than a little left out here.

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