I don't think I like it! Pic


Well-known Member
Well the time has finally come, I know they said about doing away with incandescent light bulbs, but I was skeptical it would happen, but in case, I told the wife about 6 years ago to get me a bunch of 4 packs 100 watt bulbs from Wally World, they were .88 a pack, well now it's dark at 4:50 the horses come and I see how many bulbs are out. I go to office and im outta bulbs! Lol, I go to hardware store and all they have is 40 and 60 watt incandescent bulbs!! So I get these $10 for 2 bulbs it says 100 watts light at 26 watt power use?? Well this is the color of it! Looks like the stall Is glowing!

I noticed Lowes has halogen replacements now. They have a little halogen capsule inside a normal glass bulb. They are offered in clear (I could see the halogen capsule inside) or frosted. They are $1 a bulb. I don"t know if these particular bulbs are good but I"ve used halogen bulbs like them for over 15 years in very high fixtures that were difficult to change. I used to pay between 3 and 4 dollars each. They are truly instant on like incandescent and the same color light as far as I can tell as incandescent. They seem to last forever. And, they still meet the new energy usage requirements although they use more energy than florescent bulbs. Give them a try.
Thanks ill look into them, I forgot how many bulbs are in the barn over 45 i thought. Lucky or sadly we only use 3 of the 20 stalls now.
Best thing you can do is throw those curly things away and get some LED bulbs. They are kinda pricy but they cut energy usage way down and they throw off a usable instant on light.
I go to Sam's about once a month and I buy a couple each time.
Thanks, the light is actually pretty bright from it, but it feels strange walking into the barn, like I'm coming into a science lab or something, not a barn! and it always catches my eye. I guess I'm not used to it yet, it's just a odd Erie glow. Lol
Lowes has a lot of types and styles of bulbs. The halogens I mentioned took only a few square feet of space--like finding a needle in your barn :) --but they were there. They looked just like incandescent bulbs but in the clear one you could see the little suspended halogen capsule. They were 2 bulbs to a pack--price per bulb was $1. I wish I could remember the brand name on them but I can't. I hope they continue to sell them.

I do have one concern using them in enclosed ceiling fixtures and that is heat--but they shouldn't be any hotter than incandescent bulbs as they use slightly less energy for the same lumes which should mean less waste heat.
Ok thanks, I should have mentioned all the bulbs are in a thick glass globe?? And have a aluminum wire cage? I guess screwed over the globe. I dident take a pic of them.
I though they were not going through with getting rid of the incandescent light bulb. Seems like it takes a while before the CFL's put out full light. A guy on the radio said that the incandescent light bulb wastes 95% of the power it uses. Must be Al Gores idea. So I am ready to remove all light switches in house and have one main and just throw it when it gets dark. (PS the bankers daughter has 15 trees light up in her front yard.)
I thought so to? All my wife found was 90 watt ones a few years ago, now I only saw 40-60 watt ones, I ask the guy at the store and he said that's all you can get now!
Face it just another way for the Gov. to try to keep us in the dark. Heard today the the guy in D.C, is doing something again to raise the electric rate also
I use the hybrid halogens, too. I prefer GE's "reveal" bulbs, have a few dozen 100 watts stashed around, but tried the halogens and haven't had to use them yet.
I use GE Reveal bulbs in my front porch light because the timer on it requires an incandescent bulb and the light from the Reveal bulb matches the compact fluorescent bulb I use in a post lamp. When I use a common incandescent in the porch light it looks very different from the post lamp. So the Reveal might not be what Jay is looking for if he doesn't like the fluorescent bulbs.
Lol, ahhh boy what else is new? But I was thinking about today old, I'm still makin apple sauce! Cooked this down today on the wood stove, ill heat it again tomarrow and can it, or just freeze it. I can't remember so many apples as we got this year! Lol, of course my side kick was overseeing the job, she is good at that! Is it the applesauce? Or the heat? Hummm! Lol, and the apple sauce I canned so far this fall!



Just think of all the money you are saving. Just don't rip over a rake in the dark barn, and break a leg. Then go to the hospital, and find out your insurance has been cancelled. It is ok though, our government knows what's best for us. Stan
I use those bulbs in my drop lights. Not quite as bright but they don't get hot and don't go bad by getting bumped or falling.
I am slowly switching over to all of them, only place I will not be able to use them is where it gets too cold and I understand they have cold start types but for the price I am not yet going to try them. Only have very few inandesent in house any more and most are in mostly unused basement or upstairs, 3 in one celing fan that takes wrong sise base. They do not bother me at all and have lots of the tube floresent lights and have had them since 1946 when the power lines came around. What I cannot stand is what everybody says to go to and that is the led units. very bad light to me, just slightly better than a kerosine lamp that I still have a half dozen of them. And Lowes still has those 100 watt bulbs here in Ohio.
(quoted from post at 20:18:36 12/19/13) Pic I took tonight for u showcrop, not very good so zoom in?
Know what that is? Lol

You betcha, Duaneburg Diner. Had to miss eating there due to the big storm coming.
I hate flurouscent [sp?] tubes, I removed them and re-wired the fixtures and installed various kinds of those bulbs, and I like th em. I mix them up, and have some of the blue, some soft white, some day-light, all mixed up, 6 to a fixture. Like it a lot. No flickering any more, just good light.
If you have a Menards store nearby, they have "Buyer's Choice" US-made 100 watt incandescent bulbs available.
They also have/had some Chinese 100 watt bulbs labeled simply "Clear" or "Frosted". The Chinese bulbs are junk. The bulbs have seperated from the base on every one of those I have used long before they are supposed to blow.

Buy them while you can find them if you want them. When someone figures out that people still want to use them, the Fed's will start enforcing the law and they'll disappear from the shelves.

Typical that the govt knows what is best to save the taxpayer $. $10 for two bulbs that will save you $3.13. Versus two bulbs that cost $.88 and cost you an extra $3.13 to run. When I do the math the $.88 bulbs would cost me $4.01 vs. the govts idea of saving hardly any electricity over the course of 2-3 years but costing me $6.87 for the bulbs in the long run?
I tried some of those years ago. The light was fine ? but they sure didn't last long. Plus the kids broke one and now I find out they are full of mercury !
I had one burned out and didn't replace it for awhile turns out it was still using electric as it was too hot to touch !!!!
They were alot cheaper back then too. Now they know you can't buy regular bulbs the price of these new ones has also gone way up !!! because they know they gotchya.
(quoted from post at 15:23:11 12/20/13) Typical that the govt knows what is best to save the taxpayer $. $10 for two bulbs that will save you $3.13. Versus two bulbs that cost $.88 and cost you an extra $3.13 to run. When I do the math the $.88 bulbs would cost me $4.01 vs. the govts idea of saving hardly any electricity over the course of 2-3 years but costing me $6.87 for the bulbs in the long run?

Before all of this BS, I used to get four 100 watt bulbs for under a buck, and a 4-pack of double-life bulbs were about 40 cents more. They usually lasted about as long as listed on the packaging. I've never had a CFL last as long as advertised. The good news is Unky Sam's meddling will push electric rates upward to make those mercury-filled CFL's and over-priced LED's sound like a better deal.

Many here say you can still buy a 100 watt incandescent bulbs everywhere: a rough-service bulb. They don't put out the same amount (or color) of light as a normal 100 watt bulb, don't last any longer, and usually sell for $2+ each. What a deal!

The best deal on 60 watt equivelent LED bulbs at this time appear to be Cree brand, avalible only at home depot. They are avalible for $13, are an honest 20 year bulb and avalible in 2700 degree light temp, so look and light like an incanderscent light. Also have them in the higher light temp cool white type light if you like that. Instant on, instant full bright and only take 9.5 watts.

Another way for cold places is the GE hybrid bulb from walmart . They have a 60 watt halogen bulb tucked up inside the coils of a 13 watt CFL.

When you flip on the light in a cold building, the halogen bulb comes on instant full bright to give you good light and quickly warm the CFL. At about 45 seconds, the halogen bulb switches off and the now warm 13 watt CFL takes over. I have them in my unheated shop for 2 years now. Work good. About $5 at walmart. Make sure the packaging has the gold oval logo that says GE hybrid technology.

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