New building QUICK AND EASY! Not!

JJ in NE

I had a new building put up this year in the town I live in for my old tractor and machinery disease. I had a 50"x88" by 14" tall put up . The front 44 x 50 is concreted 5" thick with a sidewalk of 18" wide around the entire building to control and stop water from running in. Now getting to my question. Has anyone out there had to contend with a contractor putting you off because of being to busy to get there? Everything is done but the landscaping which is on me . I had to wait for the electrical inspector to make up his mind which way he would approve the electrical service into the building. It finally was approved on Friday of last week . I have had a retired contractor with a backhoe and a trencher on call as soon as I got the okay from the electrician and the inspector. Well now it is finally started 6 months to the day later after the building was complete. Back in May I thought man this is going to be alright . They started on the building on May 12 and had it up and done on May 17. The electrician started on Monday of this week . It has not been an easy task . He ran into several issues . The main one was the electrical service coming into the house was not up to code, So he was out in the cold and wind yesterday ,with a windchill of -2 degrees . Am I a bad person for not having much sympathy for him out freezing his a%% off in the cold? I I am sorry for the long rant but I needed to get this off of my chest. Thanks in advance for any comments left. JJ.
I called a company the other day to order some parts for my sons' scooter and they told me that they were to busy to take my order. Go figure!!
The thing I need to clarify is it was his choice , not mine . He insisted that part of it had to be fixed yesterday . I told him if he could put back the way it was until it was warmer outside. I did not force him to do anything. I was rather surprised when he showed up. JJ
Sounds like the problem was with the inspector,not the electrian.Been there.The electrician should be applauded for showing up on such a disagreeable day.
Be easy on him. This is an incredibly busy time of year for him. Between people that want things done before the family comes for the holidays, projects that were supposed to be done before the snow flies, farmers problems with grain bin fans and unloading augers, and little emergencies that pop up, not to mention he also has Christmas shopping and family functions this time of year. Sounds like the inspector is more to blame if the electrician wasn't using him for an excuse. My inspector in this. Corner of NE will not hurry for anyone but he will not make you wait for more than a week.
This is from an electrician in the same boat. I got the bid to wire a 2000 square foot house with an unfinished basement to be started in July, and the local fire hall to be started this fall, also another smaller house to be started in September. Long story short, the first house wasn't ready until the end of November and now it is a finished basement, the fire hall not ready until the end of November and they want it done by christmas, and the last house ready in mid November. I work for myself, and by myself mostly so how do you plan for this situation let alone handle it. Last Sunday was the first one I have had off since thanksgiving but I worked the 4 before then trying to make every one happy but me. He could be in a similar position.
This will only get worse. Soon you will be lucky to even talk to a self employed contractor as they will no longer exist. The " being to busy to take your order" is a common problem in other countries that have the type of market system we are developing here. Had a business teacher go to Europe in 1999 and was in a check out line in a grocery store at 5 pm. The checker closed the chain and locked the register and left. All the food in the carts was left to thrown away the next day.
I agree with you. It is a so-sad situation. Seems we are helpless to do anything about it. The ballot box doesn't help anymore as too many with the wrong philosophy on life are voting in "more of the same".
Inspector gave approval on Friday of last week and the electrician was there on Monday of this week? I can't see why you'd have a beef with the electrician. Unless I missed something it's the inspector you should be mad at.
This is the norm with most contractors.. We've had a few pole buildings built threw the years and with everyone it is a waiting game.. I think for the most part too many of them bite off more they can chew. Now I understand that a person wants as much work as they can. That is the way they put food on the table,but I just wish they would tell me the truth and say "It's going to be a while" and not lie and make up stories.

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