OT 62 Christmas's ago


Well-known Member
WARNING!!! The following story is true, I might have to embellish a little where I don't remember it exactly like my Dad told it, but here goes. Dec. 24, 1951. My mother was due to have her 2nd child anytime. Late Christmas Eve, she started having labor pains. My Dad picked up the phone to call the Dr. Remember party lines? When he tried to ring the Dr., everyone on the party line picked up the phone to see what was going on. He said, I have to call the DR, everyone hang up and I'll have Nola ( my mother's mother)call you all and fill you in. He said the slamming of the receivers nearly deafened him. He called the hospital and told them Mom was in labor. They said they would call the Dr. and hoped he could get to the hospital.It was snowing pretty good but Dad was prepared, he had put the chains on the Plymouth just in case. They started off in the snowstorm, stopped at Mom's parents and left my 3 year old brother off and headed to town to the hospital. They arrived safely only to find out the DR. couldn't get to the hospital because of the storm. Dad said, call him up and tell him I have chains on the Plymouth, I'll come and get him. So, Dad left Mom at the hospital and drove thru the snow to the DR's. house and brought him to the hospital in time to deliver a healthy baby boy. Dad called Mom's parents and told them they had another grandson. Grandma woke up my brother to tell him he had a new baby brother and all he said was " Did I get my John Deere tractor?" So now you know the story of how I came into this world 62 years ago tonite.
So, to all of you born on Christmas or close to it, I wish you a Happy Birthday. To everyone else, I wish you a Merry Christmas. Chris
Happy birth,ah, Christ, well, you know. And I hope you have many more. On Christmas day 18 years ago my daughter was having labor pains while she were opening gifts with us. She wasn't going to let a little thing like having a baby ruin Christmas morning so she and her hubby didn't go to the hospital till after the gifts were opened. Our first granddaughter was born the next morning, the 26th. Jim
Well Super99 HAPPY birthday!!!!

My Father-in-law was born on Christmas Eve and my one sister-in-law was born on Christmas Day. She always complained about only getting gifts once each year. So when she was little we would wrap half her presents as Birthday gifts and the rest as Christmas gifts.
Happy birthday to all of you that are on or close to the 25th.
For me,I was born on Christmas morning ,1937.
One of my grandads was born on Christmas too. Do not know the yr. We celebrated two b days and Christmas in the same house for many years. clint
Great story; thank you for sharing. And Happy Birthday to you and anyone else born this day or another Christmas eve.

My father was also born on Christmas eve exactly 100 years ago yesterday. December 24, 1913. He passed away in 1993. Merry Christmas everyone.
My son was born on the day before Christmas 41 years ago. It was a Sunday morning a 6am. Called my Dad told him and Mom, difficult morning for my Dad as he was pastor of a church. I could only imagine him trying to speak that morning as this was his first grandchild. By 1pm he and my Mom were at the hospital to see their new grandson, they had to drive 50 miles on slick roads. Dad was carrying a toy tractor for his new grandson.
Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas Chris!
(And thanks for the story on your arrival)

Jim, Kim and Molly
I bet you were the best Christmas present your Mom and Dad could have hoped for that year !

Happy Birthday !

Your family probably like the idea of your Christmas Eve birth also. They only have to buy one gift a year saying Happy Christmas and Merry Birthday ! ☺ ☺

Seriously, Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday, Bill
In 1951 I asked a pretty girl to my senior prom
and in 1953 I was drafted and I married her. My brother graduated with me and joined the Air Force 3 days after graduated. I bought a new Plymouth in 1953, but it was a 1954. It made a lot of trips to Ft Bragg, NC. Still married to the same woman and we have a grown daughter born at Ft Bragg. Hal


Good story. What state was this in? Were there any other doctor in the hospital that night? I assume he was the only one in that area. Things were a lot different back then for sure, especially in very rural areas.
Happy Bithday to you as well. I"m a December 18 , 1955 baby. My dad was December 12,1930. And eldest son is December 16, 1985.
My mom woke my dad up and told him he better get out and milk early. When he ask why, he milked in record time. Then heI drove mom 30 miles in a Plymouth to the hospital
I was born in the Hershey Hospital in Muscatine, Ia. My folks lived on a farm in Illinois about 8 or 10 miles from town. Not sure how many DRs were in Muscatine then, my memory isn't that good, I'm sure there were more than one. The old hospital has been remodeled (rebuilt) into a old folks home.
(quoted from post at 04:13:28 12/26/13) I was born in the Hershey Hospital in Muscatine, Ia. My folks lived on a farm in Illinois about 8 or 10 miles from town. Not sure how many DRs were in Muscatine then, my memory isn't that good, I'm sure there were more than one. The old hospital has been remodeled (rebuilt) into a old folks home.

Well Heck Super99 since they made it into an old folks home you can finish where you started!!!! LOL

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