In for the night


Well-known Member
I got everyone extra feed and moved the drift in front of the sheds. I went out for range cubes at noon and the road was barely passable. I tried about 5:00 to open it up but it drifted back shut just as soon as I got anywhere. I guess we are homebound. They say the wind will keep at 30 mph all night so I won't even bother doing any feeding with the pickup in the morning. Even with 4 wheel drive it's just easier to get the tractor going.

I like being snowed in as long as I have fed all of the animals and can stay in the house. Tomorrow morning is supposed to be brutal, so I have a feeling I will change my mind about the quaintness of it all.

The loader tractor is plugged in, the diesel generator is plugged in, and the heat pump is whirling. The only one happy about this weather is the power company.
Well, here in central NY., it warmed up to 24F as I am posting, BUT it is raining out! not a good situation. I also put the battery charger on my Yanmar diesel generator, to make sure it will start if needed, tomarrow.
Loren the Acg.
done too.. here in southern ind, my brothers and neighbors are thinkin we mite get to 5 above ,, but not 5 below like the gloom and doom experts are sayin,still above frezin , nasty rain all afternoon ,, just finished supper ,fed everythin double, hopefully no calves tonite , and bedded my pigs with an other bale of straw ,,. put the 430diesel in the house basement ,,been using it as daily feed runner since starter went out on 511 gasser,,autolite ,, they claim they are no longer made,
Wind is howling right now out side. The temperature is -8 and falling fast.

Yesterday it warmed up to 38 that thawed the top of the snow around here and we did not get any since then. So the snow is not blowing around at all.

I would hate for the power to go down tonight. I am ready but getting everything going as cold as it is would not be fun.
I measured about 12 inches of snow today when I checked the cattle a while ago. Its still 22 degress here in Mid Michigan. I guess the cold is heading this way overnight. I will be digging out in the Am when the snow is suppose to stop.
The power cut out a couple of times though. I sure don"t want to have to nurse my old generator through another outage. My new generator I ordered is due to come this week. I just spent Christmas week with no power.
Its cold outside. minus 4 right now, wind chill is -12 and DTN says going to get down to -12 tonight. Sitting on top of the cook stove trying to keep warm.
Minus 2 now but it was 6 above three hours ago. Temp will fall faster than Paris Hiltons nnalert tonight down to minus 18.
Sat AM we were about +20 degrees, water dripping off the roof after getting freezing rain, roads are slick ice. Now Sun nite, 10 PM, -20 degrees with wind chill of -44, wind at 14-20, expected windchill tomorrow is 50 below or worse. Gov called off school statewide. Current conditions through Tues, maybe in the 20s by next weekend. Coldest long spell in about 20 years. Worst ever was 186 consecutive hrs subzero...(over a week)..don"t remember the year. We joke about "cold" in the southern states, I"ll bet Canadians joke about us being "cold".

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